E3P Thematic tables

5 April – 14.30-17.00

Thematic Teams

Buildings / Products
JRC-F7 / ·  Daniele Paci / ·  Paolo Bertoldi
JRC-F7 E3P support / ·  Isabella Maschio / ·  Tiago Serrenho
other JRC institutes / ·  Constantin Ciupagea, Carlo Lavalle, JRC H8
·  JRC I1
·  Artur Pinto, Silvia Dimova (JRC G4)
·  IPTS (JRC J1 and J5 Unit) / ·  Constantine Ciupagea, Fabrice Mathieux, Serenella Sala, JRC H8
·  IPTS (J5)
DGs / ·  Paul Hodson, Paula REY, Vasco Ferreira (ENER C3);
·  Antonio Paparella (GROW) / ·  (GROW )
Member states representative (from Concerted action) / ·  CA EPBD
·  Build-UP / ??
Industry, SMEs, associations / ·  Eu.ESCOs, Voler Dragon
·  EuroACE / ·  Data centres?
·  ECDEM, European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers, Paolo Falcioni,
·  Lighting Europe, Chiara Briatore
Research / ·  Politecnico di Torino (MoU, prof. Corniati)
·  Politecnico di Milano (prof. Pagliano)
·  Fraunhofer ISI (??)
·  Ecofys (??)
·  Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN)
·  IREES, Institute for Resource Efficiency and
·  Energy Strategies
·  University of Athens, Professor Mat Santamouris
·  Danish Building Research Institute
Citizens' associations / ·  Housing Europe, European Federation of Public, Cooperative & Social Housing (CECODHAS),
·  European environmental Citizens' Organisation for Standardization ECOS, Christofors Spiliotopoulos / ·  European environmental Citizens' Organisation for Standardization ECOS, Christofors Spiliotopoulos
Data Providers / ·  BPIE, Building Performance Institute Europe (Marteen De Groote, Aleksandra Arcipowska, Comina Marian);
·  EUROSTAT ?? in case: Roeland Mertens, Team leader - energy statistics
Standardisation bodies / ·  CEN/CENELEC / ·  CEN/CENELEC
Economics and finance / ·  ECEEE, Randall Bowie
·  EIB,
·  EEFIG Group Peter Sweatman (?), / ·  ECEEE ()
·  Banks?

Proposed agenda for the afternoon parallel sessions - E3P Thematic Tables

Buildings Thematic Table

14.30 – 15.00

Buildings related content in the E3P, with focus on nZEB

Daniele Paci, DG JRC-F7

15.00 – 15.30

Roundtable: What could be contributed by participants?

Daniele Paci, DG JRC-F7, all participants

15.30 – 16.00 Networking break

16.00 - 16.30

Future development of the E3P: what else could be needed from the E3P (content and/or tools) ?

Daniele Paci, all participants to the Buildings Thematic Table


Roundtable to prepare a common workplan for the next 6 months and 1 year

Daniele Paci, all participants

Products Thematic Table

14.30 – 15.00

Products related content in the E3P, with focus on standards

Paolo Bertoldi, DG JRC F7

15.00 – 15.30

Roundtable: What could be contributed by participants?

Paolo Bertoldi, all participants to the Products Thematic Table

15.30 – 16.00 Networking break

16.00 - 16.30

Future development of the E3P: What else could be needed from the E3P (content and/or tools) ?

Paolo Bertoldi, all participants to the Products Thematic Table


Roundtable to prepare a common workplan for the next 6 months and 1 year

Paolo Bertoldi, all participants to the Products Thematic Table