Rulemaking Workshop for the Adoption of the 2004 Florida Building Code

The draft 2004 Florida Building Code will be available for review February 15, 2004. Comments may be received in writing by mail or email to or or presented to the Rule development workshop during the March 2, 2004 meeting of the Florida Building Commission. You may review the 2003 IBC documents as E-Codes at Changes to the 2003 IBC that incorporate the Florida specific requirements used to create the draft 2004 Florida Building Code may be reviewed in the documents below. Some of the documents are very large and will take a few minutes to open.

Proposed 2004 FBC, Building

Proposed changes to the 2003 IBC (file name: 2004 FBC (IBC).rtf)

Chapters 1 through Appendices

Tables: 424.1.6.1/2304.7/2304.9.1/2306.1 (file name: Table 424.rft)

High Velocity Hurricane Zone(file name: HVHZ-IBC)

Fire Supplement (file name: fire supplement.rft)

Table 503/500 (file name: Table 503 (500).rft)

Tables 601, 602 (file name: Table 601.rft)

Chapter 4 (file name: ch4.rft)

Chapter 7 (file name: ch7.rtf)

Chapter 9 (file name: ch9.rft)

Chapter 10 (file name: ch10 open in word.rft),

Table 1004 (file name: Table 1004.rtf)

Table 1005 (file name: TABLE 1005.rtf)

Table 1015(file name: table 1015.1.rtf)

Chapter 15 (file name: ch15.rtf)

Chapter 13, Florida Energy Code

Sub-chapter 13-1 (file name: 13-Ch1.rtf)

Sub-chapter 13-2 (file name: 13-Ch2.rft)

Sub-chapter 13-3 (file name: 13-Ch3.rft)

Sub-chapter 13-4 (file name: 13-Ch4.rft)

Sub-chapter 13-6 (file name: 13-Ch6.rtf)

Sub-chapter 13-Appendix A (file name: 13AppA.rtf)

Sub-chapter 13-Appendix B (file name: 13AppB.rft)

Sub-chapter 13-Appendix C (file name: 13AppC.rtf)

Sub-chapter 13-Appendix D (file name: 13AppD.rft)

2004 Florida Existing Buildings Code (file name: rehab012804.rtf)

Proposed 2004 FBC, Test Protocols for High Velocity Hurricane Zones

Proposed 2004 Test Protocols for High Velocity Hurricane Zones

Changes Made to the 2001 Test Protocols (file name: HVHZprot.rtf)

for High Velocity Hurricane Zones

for Inclusion in the 2004 FBC

Proposed 2004 FBC, Fuel Gas

Proposed changes to the 2003 IFGC (file name: Fuel Gas Volume.rtf)

Chapters 1 through References

Proposed 2004 FBC, Mechanical

Proposed changes to the 2003 IMC. (file name: Mechanical Volume.rtf)

Chapters 1 through Chapter 14

References (Chapter 15) (file name: References (Mechanical).rtf)

Proposed 2004 FBC, Plumbing

Proposed changes to the 2003 IPC (file name: Plumbing Volume.rtf)

Chapters 1 through References.

2004 Florida Residential Code

Proposed changes to the 2003 IRC

2004 FRC (file name: 2004 FRC.rtf),

Chapter 9 (FRC) (file name: Chapter 9 FRC.rtf)

Chapter 44 (FRC) (file name: CHAPTER 44 FRC.rtf)