Massachusetts Conference on Service and Volunteering
Monday, June 12, 2017
Sheraton Framingham Hotel, 1657 Worcester Road, Framingham, MA
Thank you for your interest in presenting at the Massachusetts Conference on Service and Volunteering. Please refer to the Call for Presenters document for complete instructions and additional information to assist you in completing this form.
If you have any questions about the Guidelines or RFP, please contact Lisl Hacker at .
Instructions for Submission:
Use this document to plan your session. Then submit your proposal online via Survey Monkey at:
(Note: You can cut and paste your content directly from this Word document into the SurveyMonkey RFP.)
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, February 28, 2017
The Conference Planning Committee will review all proposals that are received by the due date. If your workshop is selected for presentation, the lead presenter will be notified by Friday, March 31, 2017.
A. Lead presenter contact information:
Name: ______Title/Role: ______
Organization: ______
Mailing Address ______
(Street / Number or PO Box)
City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______
Telephone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______
Alternate phone #: ______(optional)
Alternate Email: ______(optional)
Note: All communication about the workshop will be sent to the lead presenter. Lead presenters are expected to share the information with their co-presenters.
B. Co-presenter contact information:
Name: ______Title/Role: ______
Organization: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Telephone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______
(Limit of 3 co-presenters – 4 presenters total. No more than 2 presenters can have registration fee waived. Please provide contact information for each co-presenter. You will have the option to enter information for up to 3 co-presenters in SurveyMonkey )
C. Lead Presenter Biographical Information:
1. Please describe your experience and background with the topic on which you will present your workshop, and/or with the field of service and volunteering in general. (This information may be included in the program notes.)
2. Previous experience as a presenter or trainer on this or other topics: (This section is required for the lead presenter. If desired, you may also include information about co-presenters.)
3. Please provide information about your current and/or previous affiliations and roles (professional or volunteer) as they relate to your topic. (This information may also be included in the program notes.)
4. Please provide any additional information that you feel is of interest for this conference. (This information may also be included in the program notes.)
5. Reference (for Lead Presenter):
Please provide the name and contact information of someone who can provide information to the conference committee about your ability to deliver a high quality workshop on the topic you have proposed:
Name ______
Title or role: ______
Organization: ______
Phone number: ______
Email address: ______
D. Workshop Abstract:
1. Title of workshop session (15 words or less – for inclusion in conference brochure)
2. Description of session (100 words or less - for inclusion in conference brochure)
3. Workshop Focus Area(s) to which this workshop is most relevant:
(See “Call for Presenters” document for list of sample topics by focus area. If your workshop does not address any of the priority focus areas please select “other” and explain.)
□ Best Practices in Volunteer Management
□ Innovatively Utilizing Volunteers and Service to Impact Specific Issue Areas:
o Education
o Environmental Conservation
o Food Security
o Housing/Homelessness
o Opioid Crisis
o Refugee Resettlement
o Veteran Support
o Workforce Development / Underemployment
o Youth Development
o Other(please specify: ______)
□ Other(please specify: ______)
4. Learning Objectives - Please complete the following statement with up to three (3) desired outcomes for your session:
“At the end of the session, participants will be able to…”
(Use behavioral / action words, e.g. “state”, “identify”, “explain”, “demonstrate”, “apply”)
5. Key Content Points - Please list up to three (3) primary ideas, concepts, strategies or techniques you will cover:
6. Session Format (please select all that apply):
□ Lecture
□ PowerPoint Presentation
□ Interactive discussion - small groups
□ Interactive discussion - dyads/triads
□ Interaction discussion - large group
□ Practical skill application - writing
□ Practical skill application - roleplaying
□ Practical skill application - scenarios
□ Individual reflection
□ Experiential games/activities/simulations
□ Other (please specify): ______
7. Session Plan / Workshop Outline
Provide an outline of your workshop design (session plan). Show the mix of instructor-led and experiential (learner-centered) methods* you will use to present your content.
Show approximate time frame, content, and delivery method for each segment of your 90 minute session.
*Examples of experiential delivery methods include (but are not limited to): small group activity, total group activity, demonstration, groupdiscussion, brainstorming or problem-solving, panel presentation with Q&A, case study example, creating a plan or product.
8. What is the maximum number of people you can accommodate in your session?
(All workshops must be designed to accommodate at least 40 people)
□ 40
□ 50
□ 60
□ 70
□ 80
□ 90
□ 100 or more
9. For which level of experience is your workshop geared?
□ New to the field professional (less than 2 years of experience in the field)
□ Seasoned professional (2+ years of experience in the field)
□ All audiences
(Note: If you select “all audiences” you are expected to factor this diversity into your session design)
10. For which, if any, of the following specific audiences is your workshop geared? (Check all that apply.)
□ Managers or administrators of volunteer programs at community-based organizations
□ Managers or administrators of volunteer programs at corporations
□ Agency executive director or senior staff or board members
□ Direct service, administrative, or middle-management level staff
□ National & Community Service (AmeriCorps/Senior Corps) or Commonwealth Corps program staff
□ Service Corps members or Alums (AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, Commonwealth Corps)
□ K-12 school service faculty, administrators or service / service-learning coordinators
□ Higher education faculty, administrators or community service coordinators
□ Volunteer leaders (i.e. volunteers that recruit or manage other volunteers)
□ No specific target audience – applicable to all
□ Other (please explain: ______)
11. If you indicated in the question above that your workshop is geared primarily to National and Community Service Program staff or Service Corps members or Alums, for which of the following program types is it relevant?
(Check all that apply. Leave blank if your workshop is not targeted primarily to National & Community Service programs.)
□ AmeriCorps State/National
□ AmeriCorps VISTA
□ Senior Corps (RSVP, Foster Grandparent or Senior Companion)
□ AmeriCorps Alums
□ Commonwealth Corps
□ Other (please specify): ______
12. For which, if any, of the following specific audiences is your workshop primarily geared? (Check all that apply.)
□ Start-up volunteer programs
□ Small volunteer programs
□ Mid-sized volunteer programs
□ Large volunteer programs
□ Any sized volunteer program
□ All of the above
□ Does not apply
□ Other (please specify): ______
13. For which, if any, of the following specific audiences is your workshop primarily geared? (Check all that apply.)
□ Single site (engaging volunteers for one or more activities at the same site)
□ Multi-site program (engaging volunteers for the same or similar activities at multiple sites)
□ Volunteer connector / volunteer intermediary (recruiting volunteers for varied roles in different organizations)
□ All of the above
□ Does not apply
□ Other (please specify): ______
14. For which, if any, of the following specific audiences is your workshop primarily geared? (Check all that apply.)
□ One-time event volunteer coordination
□ Project-based volunteer coordination
□ Ongoing volunteer opportunity coordination
□ All of the above
□ Does not apply
1. Equipment / Materials Request:
The following equipment will be available in all rooms:
ü LCD projector and screen (for PowerPoint slides).
ü Table or cart with power cords for laptop/LCD.
ü One flip chart with easel stand and markers.
ü One table at the front for presenter materials.
ü Internet access (for the presenter’s computer only).
ü Standard room set-up will be theater style (chairs, no tables).
Presenters are expected to bring their own laptop computers unless this is an extreme hardship.
1. Please indicate which of the following you plan to use:
□ LCD projector and screen (for PowerPoint slide presentations)
□ Laptop computer
□ Internet access (presenter computer only)
Please do not plan a session that requires all participants to have computers or wifi.
□ Flip chart (with easel stand and markers)
□ I do not plan to use any of the above equipment
□ Other equipment or material needed, but not listed above(please specify) ______
2. If you indicated above that you will use a laptop with LCD, do you need audio such as speakers for computer/LCD presentation – this means that you are not able to bring your own? (i.e. to show video clips)
(NOTE: we cannot guarantee that we can provide speakers, we have a set number and if there are more requested than we have then your request will be denied. It would be best for you to bring your own speakers if they are needed.)
□ Yes
□ No
3. Do you need the conference to provide a laptop for your session?
(NOTE: We have a very limited supply of laptops. Please request one ONLY if it is absolutely not possible for you to bring your own. Laptops may be either a PC or a Mac.)
Also please remember to bring a Macadapter to connect to a projector if bringing a Mac computer or a HDMI adapter if necessary to connect a PC to a projector. Newer PC's no longer have a VGA port so please check this out ahead of time.
□ No, I will bring a laptop
□ Yes, I need the conference to provide a laptop
F. Roundtable Facilitation:
1. Would you be willing to be a facilitator for the afternoon Roundtable session that will take place from 2:30 – 4:00 PM?
(NOTE: You will be given all of the information ahead of time for the role and responsibilities of a facilitator)
□ Yes
□ No
□ Maybe
G. Post-Conference Activities:
1. Would you be willing to be listed on an MSA database of potential trainers that we may provide as a resource to others in the future?
□ Yes
□ No
2. By checking below you indicate that you understand that each presenter team is required to provide a written handout (PowerPoint or Word format) for inclusion in our Conference Proceedings. This handout may be one used during the session, or one created specifically for the Proceedings.
Post-conference handouts are due to MSA no later than Friday, June 16, 2017.
□ Accept
For More Information:
After completing your workshop session design using this Word document, please submit your proposal online via Survey Monkey at:
If you have questions or cannot open the SurveyMonkey form please contact
Lisl Hacker
Director of Training and Technical Assistance
Massachusetts Service Alliance
617-542-2544 x205
Workshop proposals are due in SurveyMonkey by Tuesday, February 28, 2017