VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd Technology for Life Group Terms of Reference
Membership and meeting regularity
- Membership to consist of communications professionals from the member organisations of VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd and co-opted experts where appropriate.
- The Group to be chaired by a member of the committee as voted for by the committee or appropriate person as nominated by VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd
- Meetings to be scheduled on a Three-monthly basis. However between meetings it is expected that there will be a regular dialogue between members and also the requirement for ad hoc meetings on specific partnership 'working group' initiatives as required.
- Working group initiatives to be decided on by the group with approximately five members per group. There will be a maximum of three 'working groups' who will feedback on project progress at the three-monthly meetings.
Group remit:
- Actively support the UK Vision Strategy
- Promote and lead cross sector collaboration on issues of technology relating to blind and partially sighted people
- Actively advocate for the technological inclusion of persons who are blind or partially sighted in UK Society
- Promote the collaboration of campaigns across the VI sector and act as a spearhead for these.
- Act as a single voice to comment on and advocate for accessible technology in interactions with technology providers
- Work in partnership with the organisations like the Pan-Disability Forum, One Voice and the World Blind Union in approaching and lobbying government and technology providers.
- Detailed group plans and activities will be agreed by the group committee in due course and overseen by the chair as appropriate.
- To act as an information exchange/focal point for all forthcoming events and activities across all member organisations.
- The group will report to the Executive Committee of Vision 2020 (UK) Ltd
- The chair will serve for a period of 3 years renewable at the discretion of the committee.
- Organisations participating pay their own expenses.
Accountability and Reporting Lines
•The Technology for Life Group is a sub-group of VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd.
•The agenda and work of the Group must therefore always remain consistent with the objects of VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd and contribute to the UK-wide work to deliver the outcomes of the UK Vision Strategy.
•The minutes of meetings will be circulated to the committee and will be available on the VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd website.
•Group members are responsible for representing their organisations and ensuring that they are kept informed, are communicated with and consulted so that their views are fully represented.
•Links will be made via the membership to other VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd and other groups as appropriate.
•The group is accountable to the Board of VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd, to which it will report as required.
•Secretarial support will be provided by Group members;
•Meetings will be formally minuted and will take place quarterly, or as required, at a venue to be agreed by the Group.