Proposal for the HR and Reservations support.
Fish-I Company Credentials
For nearly 15years the members of Fish-I have gathered crucial information of this ever changing market by means of their own personal studies and in the working environments that we have found ourselves in.
We strive to pave the way by creating, not just a secure environment for people to work in, but also creating a benchmark standard of service within the hotel industry - one that the international traveller would expect and also speak of in years to come.
Throughout the years we have gained unequalled experience and expertise through a combination of specialised local knowledge and international understanding.
Fish-I comprises of a large network of suppliers and specialised training consultants working either for the company directly or supply their services independently.
This allows us to handpick the best in the market whenever specialised training needs to be performed in any location nationally or internationally.
We can thus offer the client wide representation, providing us with a unique market positioning.
We can also offer our client a depth of knowledge of local market characteristics, combined with an understanding of international trends.
Fish-I is driven by a single purpose: helping you, the client, to succeed in any market, whether local or global. Putting your needs first, also dedicates the network’s energetic and supportive approach, thus achieving tangible success for our clients.
With the promulgation of the Skills Development Act, as well as the Skills Development Levies and the birth of the twenty-five Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETA's) in South Africa, Fish-I Hospitality Management Solutions identified a new area to provide meaningful support to its clients; a strategic, management approach to its human resources and, more specific, training and couching when it comes to maintaining implemented systems.
Nothing can replace judgement and advice from professionals with the experience and qualifications for sound decision-making. Fish-I have the skills and the experience needed to focus on the important issues, decipher the complex ones and assist our client to achieve results.
Working together, each employee or representative of Fish-I adheres to the stringent criteria to maintain the highest standards of client service and professional commitment found in the world today.
We will monitor our systems continuously through our rigorous system of quality control.
We trust that we can be of service to you and look forward to a lasting relationship as the industry continuously reinvents itself.
Key Areas of Activity:
Fish-I offers the following services to their clients:
Setting up and interviewing of any new operational staff. Assist in structuring the contracts for the respective individuals.
The training of the key role players as well as staff who make up the respective within the organisation.
The implementation of an effective front of house system to assist with the smooth running of the Food and Beverage outlet.
Assist with the implementation and managing of an up to date database.
Assist with a well oiled reservation system.
Arrange and implement a monthly mystery shopper program to attain if a specific and agreed upon standard is being achieved on a consistent basis.
Implement a DVD based training module which will assist management as well as staff to achieve the agreed upon standards.
Other services
External Skills Development Facilitation (SDF)
Preparation of a Workplace skills plan and the implementation of the relevant training needs required.
Prepare and Submit the Employment Equity Reports if required and submit to the department of labour.
Design and develop a Departmental Quality Management Systems to ensure a consistent standard of service within a property and or throughout a group of properties.
Training needs analysis.
Design, develop, implement and review of standard operating policies and procedures, as well as service standards.
Also all HR Documentation required for the operation and the assistance in the implementation as well as act in the capacity of a chairperson when it comes to disciplinary hearing.
Review of organisational structures within a property and ensure the display of an up to date organnogram.
24 Hour call line for assistance in HR and staff discipline matters that might arise.
Investigate the potential, develop as well as implement a hospitality training team, ‘DREAM TEAM ‘approach within the organisation. This will require the commitment of all parties prior to implementation. The training team would be directly employed by the client, but will receive the guidance and tools by Fish-I to perform specific training required. Together we would investigate individual learnerships, NVQ’S and other initiatives, such as Local Sustainable Projects. (To be costed separately)
Fish-I Hospitality Management Services acts for owners and operators in such industry sectors as;
- Hotels and Resorts- from luxury five star hotels and resorts to small boutique properties and Golfing and Wine estates.
- Other accommodations - serviced apartments, Restaurants and Guesthouses.
- Gaming- casinos and related industries.
- Transport- car rental companies.
Thus we specialise in the assistance to Management and Operations in the day to day execution of their tasks.
2.1Profile of client
NAME OF ESTABLISHMENTserves as an investment vehicle that provides exposure to the property and its owners, as well as the hospitality sector and clearly shows that investing in staff is of paramount importance.
The location of the property also will determine of what labour force the local area has to offer, and therefore, a variety of challenges face the operation on a daily basis.
After a brief chat I am happyto provide a proposal for professional services that would assist in implementing a quality management approach to its Human Resource structures,Policies and Procedures. Working closely with the management teams in various departments as well as in the capacity of Human Resource facilitator. We will also provide a 24/7 reservations support service which with all our current and previous clients have shown a 10 to 15% increase in occupancy numbers. This will require access to the reservations system and must be seen not as a replacement to the exsisting system but rather a supplementary service to support and gain more coverage in the market place.
The execution of this program will be divided into three phases.
Phase One
Evaluation of all departmental systems and verification of all policies and procedures. A complete report on all findings, including recommendations, is then generated. A two day process will be conducted, where we spend time with the Managers and owners to complete a comprehensive assessment.
Phase Two
The commencement and implementation of recommended systems and solutions to rectify the findings encountered in phase one.
Phase Three
Themonitoring and training within the various departments and a one-on-one discussion with the respective managers and key personnel to ensure that therecommended systems and solutions are maintained and monitored, thus guaranteeing its effectiveness.
(This is not a one sided approach and the success of the program relies heavily on the bye in of all the role players.)
In addition Fish-I would assist MF to comply with the legislative requirements of the Skills Development Act by preparing the required Workplace Skills Plans and compiling the annual Implementation Report for submission to THETA.
2.2Proposed Methodology
This proposal pertains to three distinct areas where the professional services would be offered.
The methodology for each is outlined below:
2.2.1Organisational Effectiveness.
The business dynamic constantly changes as the organisation strives to capture this and other new markets. This growth willhighlight the need to create a consistent level of service, not only to the visiting client, but also to the internal customer, being the management and their staff.How does the company thus retain the good staff you might ask?
This resultant shift in business requires a dynamic organisational structure, which not only reflects the growth in the business, but also enables the business to sustain and support such growth.
During our engagement in this regard we expect to:
- Analyse the existing organisational structure, as well as the structure of each of the functional departments.
- Define the roles and responsibilities of senior, middle and junior management.
- Look at a dynamic organisational structure, which defines the relationship and communication lines between the various staffing levels.
- Document the respective job specifications as depicted in the new organisational structure.
- Develop a staff induction program; and facilitate on a monthly basis execution of this programme for newly appointed staff, according to their specific training needs.
- And ultimately come on board the management team acting in the capacity of a sounding board for the line managers.
- We have found that the property management aspect of our business in a consulting format or approach as it were have assisted properties not just in the day to day running of the operation but also becomes an attractive option for a potential buyer if ever the property would be sold.
2.2.2Service Standards
The success of the property, today and for the future, rests on the ability to consistently provide their guests with a high standard of service. It is also the policy of the above mentioned company to employ staff from the surrounding communities, which presents the challenge of achieving and sustaining superior service standards, employing resources with limited customer services and guest relation experience.
Fish-I would expect to assist by providing TRAINING for the following and more:
- Establish and document Standard Operating Procedures for the following areas:
- Taking an order either by email or phone.
- Executing the needs of the client.
- Meeting and greeting the customer
- The saying goodbye process
- The complete manual for Housekeeping.
- Taking care of the client during their dining experience. (Breakfast, Lunch Dinner).
- Customer service and communication(incl. all related manuals).
- Monitoring of all HR systems, assistance with staff related issues and negotiations.
- Ensuring that all policies and procedures are in place and monitored.
- Assisting all HOD’s in managing their respective teams.
- Fish-I HMS also endeavours to facilitate on-the-job training and visits on a bi- monthly basis Together with the respective management teams we discuss immediate and long term goals and needs pertaining to the business.
- Group sessions
- 24 hr Human Resource support incl the chairing of all Diciplinary enquiry
2.2.3Legislative Requirements
By assisting with the requirements of the Skills DevelopmentAct, Fish-I would expect to provide the following services to add to the above (optional)
- Fulfil the role of an external Skills Development Facilitator(SDF), on behalf of the company.
- Prepare for submission to Theta, the Workplace Skills Plan and Implementation Report for the 20112012training year.
- Chair the internal training committee meetings during the agreed twelve month period.
- An initial evaluation feewill be included in the monthly retainer rate for the information gathering process, after which a document containing the relevant adjustments/ solutions to be implemented, will be drafted.
- The monthlyfee of xxxxwillbe payable for the services provided by Fish-I,which are documented herein. The retainer payments will be due each monthcommencing on acceptance of this proposal.
- Starting date:
- Initial period recommended would be 12 months to ascertain the full effectiveness of the program.
Should our engagement be discontinued for any reason, our charges to that point will be based on time spent and will be billed at our normal charge-out rates, plus disbursements actually incurred.
- In that event, our account will be payable upon presentation.
- Interest will be charged on overdue accounts at the prevailing interest rate.
- The cost of any additional artwork, report copies, reproductions or printing costs and the like will, if they are required, be for the account of the clientand are payable upon presentation.
- The above fees include the costs of any disbursements incurred during the course of our fieldwork.
All such disbursements will be billed on an actual cost basis and our account will be payable upon presentation.
The section below will be discussed in more depth at next meeting so please the below as pure a proposal of ideas and or guidelines.
4. Time-frame to use as a guide once the initial assessment has been completed.
Month 1/2
Meet the respective Key Personnel at each property, in order to gain insight into the desired service standards for each of the service areas. To get the link ups between the two reservations offices up and smoothly runningthat’s and (cental reservations).
- Inspection of all personnel files to assess whetherthe relevant policies and proceduresare being applied has the ethos and ethic of the company been shared with all and do they understand the importance of a contract and adhering to specific houserules. “ There is simply no fast forward option “
- Document all standard operating policies and procedures of what is already in place and what needs to be implemented. e.g.Whether a Performance Appraisal systemis in place and being applied correctly and effectively
- Analyse the structure of all functional departments within the organisationin order to establish whether effective Key Personnel are in place, that they possess the relevant qualifications and experience, and that they have aneffective support base in their respective departments.
- Propose a new organisational structure, which defines the relationship and communication lines between the various departments as well as staffing levels.
Month 3
- Define the roles of senior, middle and junior management staff and display an up to date organogram where all staff to have access to it.
- Develop and document a staff induction programme, relevant to each property.
- Establish training committees and schedule regular meetings.
- Document the respective job specifications and descriptions as depicted in the new organisational structure.
- Implementation of Induction programme.
- Commencement of on-the-job, service training.
- Training committee meetings.
- Commence with the drafting of the 2009/2010 Workplace Skills Plan.
Month 5
- Check documentation on personnel files to verify systems are being kept in place.
- Induction programme continued.
- On-the-job service training.
- Assist senior staff in the executionof daily administrative tasks.
- Completion of the training year Workplace Skills Plan.
Month 6
- Induction programme continued
- Service training for senior/middle management
- Training committee meetings.
Month 7
- Induction programme continued
- Service standard on-the-job training continued.
Month 8
- Induction programme continued
- Service training with middle/ junior management.
- Training committee meetingsto asses past training and check for sustainability.
- Asses documentation on personnel files (Spot check)
Month 9
- Induction programme
- Service standards on-the-job training.
- Continued evaluation of systems implemented
Month 10
- Induction programme
- Service standard training with senior management team.
- Training committee meetings.
- Continued evaluation of systems implemented
Month 11
- Induction programme
- Service standards on-the-job training.
- Draft Workplace Skills Plan for 2011/2012.
- A full evaluation of the program with the in-house GM.
- Assessment of systems to see if all are still applicable.
- Training Committee meetings.
- Assess documentation on personnel files. (Spot check)
- Submit 2011/2012 training year Workplace Skills Plan as well as Implementation Report.
Where Service Standard Training is indicated we will identify specific areas that require training and together with the respective managers/ Ops manager endeavour to cover these areas with targeted and relevant training courses which Fish-I would source and train with a holistic approach, thus ensuring consistency at all levels, in all departments.
24 hour hr/operational call service.
Labour related issues and the documentation and training related to this field will be supplied. Ensuring a considerable cost saving when having to deal with disciplinary hearings EST.
Fish I will also act as facilitator/ chairperson when required during disciplinary sessions.
5. Conditions of the Proposal.
The conclusions contained in any reports compiled will not be guaranteed in any way, including in respect of indicative financial projections. Our conclusions and recommendations will evolve from our studies. We do not guarantee in advance that such studies will necessarily yield a positive outcome.
Our reports will be based on certain assumptions, estimates and other information developed from research of the market and our knowledge of the industry. Some assumptions may not materialise and unanticipated events and circumstances may occur. Therefore, actual results may vary from those projected in our reports and the variations may be material.
To the extent that our advice is based on information provided to us and not verified by us, we cannot accept responsibility if such information and therefore the advice based on it, is incorrect.
We accept no responsibility for inaccuracies resulting from date or information provided by your employees or representatives or inaccuracies arising from any software used to perform the procedures discussed above.In the highly unlikely event of the client incurring a loss due to negligence of our personnel, the aggregate amount of damages recoverable against our firm shall not exceed one half times the fee for providing that service.
Should the client wish to utilise any information, in part or in full, from reports generated by us for publicity purposes, kindly acknowledge Fish-I Hospitality Management services as the source.
Fish-I reserves the right to publicise its involvement in this project.As in the case with all our assignments, information obtained during the course of our work will be treated at all times with the utmost confidentiality.
Examples of specific modules that are worked through.
1)Sales presentations that sells.
2)Getting things Done.