Request for Application
Regional STEM Hub – Program Expansion Grant
Grant Application Due Date: 2:00pm (PST) on March 3, 2016
REVISED 2/10/2016
Oregon Department of Education
Office of Learning
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97310-0203
It is the policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Oregon Department of Education, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, OR 97310; Telephone (503) 947-5600; Fax (503) 378-5156.
Table of Contents…
I. / Background and Legislative Intent...... / 1-3II. / General Information...... / 4-8
A.Purpose...... / 4
B. Type of Grant………………………………………………………………………. / 4
C.Eligibility...... / 4-5
D.Grant Requirements...... / 5
E.Use of Funds...... / 5-6
F.Reporting and Assurances...... / 6-7
G. Scoring and Appeals Process...... / 7-8
III. / Application Process………………………………………………………………….……… / 9-11
A.Timeline and Important Dates...... / 9
B.Required Application Section...... - / 10
C. Format and Application Instructions for Submission...... / 10-11
IV. / Application Narrative and Project Plan ...... / 12-14
V. / Appendix …………………………..……………………………………………….……… / 15-21
Appendix A: Definitions...... …………………….
Appendix B: Required Documentation – List and Forms...... ………. / 15-17
Appendix C: Sample Budget Worksheet …………………………….……………………………
Appendix D: Partnership Plan Template...... …
Appendix E: Scoring Rubric……………………………………………………………………
Appendix F: Scoring Guide……………………………………………………………………. / 19
Regional STEM Hubs – Program Expansion Grant
Request for Applications
I. Background and Legislative Intent
In 2013, as part of HB3232—a Strategic Initiative to strengthen the connection between education and the world of work, the Oregon Department of Education and the Chief Education Office, implemented funds to increase student interest, preparation, and attainment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), in addition to Career and Technology Education (CTE) for success in related degrees and careers. Thiskey strategic investmentsupported Oregon’s attainment of the 40/40/20 goal. One of the focused strategies was to strengthen and expand Oregon’s emphasis of STEM education through programmatic activities identified as a high-level need by Regional STEM Hub.Vital to this STEM Initiative is strong collaboration and shared vision between P-20 education, STEM related business and industry, student-focused nonprofits, government, informal education providers, parents and student.
Through HB 3072, the 2015 Oregon Legislature, in collaboration with the Governor’s office and the STEM Investment Council, provided continued monetary support to increase organizational capacity for this work.
The Department of Education, in collaboration with the Chief Education Office,was directed to distribute monies to expand and sustain Regional STEM Hubs and networks that further support CTE and STEM education. These funds are intended to continue to build capacity and address the urgency to address student academic success in CTE and STEM education through programs and activities that have been identified through a needs assessment and gap analysis.These CTE and STEM programs in formal and informal settings will increase awareness, interest and provide pathways to foster 21st century career skills. They will expand access for student populations that have historically been underserved and underrepresented throughout the state.
Some of the programmatic strategies that are common amongst partners across the Regional STEM Hubs include:
- Educator professional development around best practices in STEM instruction —including classroom teachers, TOSAs, post-secondary faculty, administrators, and out-of-school community-based educators.
- Implementation of Oregon’s Content Standards(Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core).
- Increasing hands-on STEM learning experiences for students both in- and out-of school.
- Deepening student and educator connections to the fast-growing STEM employment opportunities in the state of Oregon.
- Leveraging volunteers from local STEM employers to provide internship and other career-related learning experiences for students, and to support educator professional learning to bring real-world application of content.
All current and future STEM Initiatives are expected to incorporate and adopt the principles of Oregon’s Equity Lens. Through this Equity Lens, the Oregon Department of Education considers the creation of strategic opportunities for educational equity and excellence for every child and learner in Oregon. The Equity Lens provides twelve core beliefs that fuel opportunities to bolster success for diverse student populations across the state. The beliefs most pertinent to the work of this grant are highlighted below:
We believe that everyone has the ability to learn and that we have an ethical responsibility and a moral responsibility to ensure an education system that provides optimal learning environments that lead students to be prepared for their individual futures.
We believe that speaking a language other than English is an asset and that our education system must celebrate and enhance this ability alongside appropriate and culturally responsive support for English as a second language.
We believe students receiving special education services are an integral part of our educational responsibility and we must welcome the opportunity to be inclusive, make appropriate accommodations, and celebrate their assets. We must directly address the over-representation of children of color in special education and the under-representation in “talented and gifted.”
We believethat the students who have previously been described as “at risk,”
“underperforming,” “under-represented,” or minority actually represent Oregon’s best opportunity to improve overall educational outcomes. We have many counties in rural and urban communities that already have populations of color that make up the majority. Our ability to meet the needs of this increasingly diverse population is a critical strategy for us to successfully reach our 40/40/20 goals.
We believe that intentional and proven practices must be implemented to return out of school youth to the appropriate educational setting. We recognize that this will require us to challenge and change our current educational setting to be more culturally responsive, safe, and responsive to the significant number of elementary, middle, and high school students who are currently out of school. We must make our schools safe for every learner.
We believe that ending disparities and gaps in achievement begin in the delivery of quality Early Learner programs and appropriate parent engagement and support. This is not simply an expansion of services -- it is a recognition that we need to provide services in a way that best meets the needs of our most diverse segment of the population, 0-5 year olds and their families.
We believe that resource allocation demonstrates our priorities and our values and that we demonstrate our priorities and our commitment to rural communities, communities of color, English language learners, and out of school youth in the ways we allocate resources and make educational investments.
We believe that communities, parents, teachers, and community-based organizations have unique and important solutions to improving outcomes for our students and educational systems. Our work will only be successful if we are able to truly partner with the community, engage with respect, authentically listen -- and have the courage to share decision making, control, and resources.
We believe every learner should have access to information about a broad array of career/job opportunities and apprenticeships that will show them multiple paths to employment yielding family-wage incomes, without diminishing the responsibility to ensure that each learner is prepared with the requisite skills to make choices for their future.
We believe that our community colleges and university systems have a critical role in serving our diverse populations, rural communities, English language learners and students with disabilities. Our institutions of higher education, and the P-20 system, will truly offer the best educational experience when their campus faculty, staff and students reflect this state, its growing diversity and the ability for all of these populations to be educationally successful and ultimately employed.
We believe the rich history and culture of learners is a source of pride and an asset to embrace and celebrate.
And, we believe in the importance of supporting great teaching. Research is clear that “teachers are among the most powerful influences in (student) learning. An equitable education system requires providing teachers with the tools and support to meet the needs of each student.
II. General Information
A. Purpose of the Regional STEM Hub – Program ExpansionGrant
The Regional STEM Hub – Program Expansion Grant of 2015-2017 is intended to develop and expand programmatic strategies that exemplify the Regional STEM Hubs’ overarching goals and objectives. Through a robust, culturally responsive community engagement process, requested funding for Regional STEM Hub programs and activitieswill be based ondata collected through asset mapping or gap analysis tools. The proposedprogrammatic strategies will leverage community assets in order to increase students’ proficiency, interest, and attainment of post-secondary credentials and degrees in STEM and CTE.
To support the success of this initiative, the Oregon Regional STEM Hubs will be connected through a larger statewide STEM network that will provide mutual support across regions to:
- Improve student performance in STEM related content.
- Increase interest and improve preparation for STEM careers.
- Increase proficiency in STEM concepts necessary to make personal and societal decisions.
Across these focus areas stated above, weprioritizeefforts that:
- Close the opportunity gaps for culturally and linguistically diverse learners,learners navigating poverty and those historically underrepresented in STEM; and
- Connect with local economic and workforce needs; and
- Increase high school and post-secondary graduation and attainment.
B. Type of Grant
Based on the availability of state resources this grant is expected to begin March 24, 2016 and ends on June 30, 2017.
There are four distinct programmatic grants for which each STEM Hub could apply for under this RFP. They include:
1. Educator Professional Learning - This could include development and implementation of professional development for educators. “Educators” includes but is not limited to: classroom teachers, TOSAs, post-secondary faculty, administrators/principals/Boards, out-of-school community-based educators, etc.
2. STEM Instructional Resources & Programs – This could include development and implementation of instructional resources and programs. Instructional resources and programs includes but is not limited to: lessons, project units, CTE programs of study, and materials that engage students and educators in real-world application of content, foster 21st century skills, and deepen connections to fast-growing STEM-CTE employment opportunities. Instructional resources and programs must align with the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Please submit a review of how potential resources align to Common Core and NGSS.
3. Out-of-school Programs – This could include development and implementation of out-of-school/community programs that increase access to high-quality hands-on STEM learning experiences for students. Out-of-school/community programs include but not limited to: programs delivered by student focused nonprofits, informal, non-formal, free-choice learning institutions, etc. This could also include work-based learning opportunities for students such as internships, externships, apprenticeships, etc.
4. Systemic Alignment – This could include development and implementation of cross-institutional, cross-agency, and/or cross-organizational programs and initiatives that increase student success along an educational pathway toward high-wage, high-demand STEM-CTE careers. This could include but is not limited to: systemic alignment with CTE Programs of Study/workforce need, bridging programs for underserved students to connect with post-secondary studies, development of dual credit/accelerated learning programs, development of programs to better align Early Learning Hubs, etc.
A Regional STEM Hub may apply for and receive up to three of these four programmatic grants.Eachprogrammatic grantawardwill be amaximumof $195,000. Grant awards will be determined based on detailed information submitted in the application, alignment of programmatic strategies to individual Regional STEM Hubs goals and objectives, clearly defined programmatic need based on asset mapping or gap analysis, appropriate budget worksheet and narrative, and availability of state funding.
This grant is expected to begin March 24, 2016, and ends on June 30, 2017. Currently, policy is in place that will allow spending through September 30, 2017. Under certain circumstances and with prior notification, ODE may approve the advanced payment of grant funds prior to June 30 to be used between June 30, 2017, and September 30, 2017. If approved, the sub-recipient will be required to report to ODE by December 15, 2017, the actual expenditure of the advanced payment. Any funding not used by September 30 must be returned to ODE. While this policy is currently in place, it may be revised at any time during this grant period.
The Regional STEM Hub – Program Expansion Grant is a competitive grant.
Existing STEM Partnerships that have submitted an updated and approved Regional STEM Hub partnership plan during the 2015-2017 biennium are eligible to apply for programmatic funds.
Program expansion provides financial support to those partnerships that have:
- Astrong and committed leadership/governance.
- A clear understanding of the needs of the broader community and what it is trying to achieve.
- The assets and expertise that it has that can be leveraged for change.
- The ability to engage with the broader community to achieve results.
- A commitment to address issues of equity, access, opportunity, and attainment for culturally and linguistically diverse learners and those navigating poverty.
- Awillingness to hold itself accountable with quantitative and qualitative data.
D.Grant Requirements
Grantees will:
- Create or expand capacity-building programs that result in high quality, evidence-based STEM or CTElearning opportunities in formal and/or informal P-20 educational settings to improve, enhance and enrich students’ problem-solving capabilities that foster 21st century skills and connect them to high wage and high-demand career possibilities.
- Communicate with other Regional STEM Hubs regarding achievements and areas of improvement of program models through the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the grant. For example, this information can be shared, but not limited to website posting and/or presenting at statewide and regional professional development opportunities.
- Work with local partners to align programs and activities that support the vision and mission of the Regional STEM Hubs Partnership Plan.
- Commit to addressing the ongoing access, opportunity, and attainment gaps of the historically underserved and underrepresented populations; specifically, culturally and linguistically diverse students, students navigating poverty and female students.
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) in collaboration with the Chief Education Office (CEdO) will:
- Provide the STEM statewidenetwork access to facilitated exchanges of best practices and shared expertise.
- Facilitate communications between Regional STEM Hubs to create a sustainable Statewide STEM Network.
- Share evidence-based practices that foster positive learning outcomes.
- Provide localized technical assistance to support the development of the Hubs
E. Use of Programmatic Funds
These funds are to be exclusively used to deliver programmatic strategies that extend the effectiveness and build capacity of the Regional STEM Hubs. Grantees must be able to spend funds according to acceptable accounting procedures and be able to provide evidence of such procedures. All funds will be provided on a reimbursement basis through the Electronic Grants Management System (EGMS). Costs must be necessary and reasonable to carry out programs and not prohibited under State or local laws.
Reasonable costs will not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person, are ordinary and necessary for the operation of the program, and represent sound business practices. Lack of documentation is a primary reason for audit findings. Documentation must be available to support all expenditures and may be requested by the Oregon Department of Education at any time.
Use of funds may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Stipend and travel reimbursements for individuals attending meetings, conferences, or other professional development activities required by this project.
- Release time for educators during the school year for activities related to the project.
- Materials for classroom implementation related to the content of project activities.
- Direct staff expenses related to program, activities, coordination and evaluation to project activities.
- Support of professional development and leadership programs aligned to the project outcomes and activities.
- Reasonable expenditures for food at professional development sessions, and
- Administrative costs not to exceed 5% of the total proposed budget.
Funds may not be used for:
- Costs associated with writing the proposal.
- Contractual obligations that extend beyond June 30, 2017, or began prior to the award date.
- Purchase of equipment that becomes the property of any individual or organization other than eligible project partners or recipients.
- Purchase of equipment or services for backbone functionality.
- Purchase of services for personal benefit beyond the Hub’s program implementation.
- Support for travel to out-of-state professional meetings/conferences unless the meeting is identified in the proposal and attendance will directly and significantly advance the project.
- Purchase of office equipment unless directly linked to program outcomes.
F. Reporting and Assurances
Successful proposals will include specific outcomes that align to the STEM Pathways document and the STEM Hub Outcomes Framework with a data collection and evaluation plan that will provide evidence there has been progress toward meeting those outcomes within the timeline of the grant. Progress must be documented and measureable, observable through anecdotal records, or documented through other records. The results of the evaluation will be reported to the Oregon Department of Education as part of the Final Grant Report. The evaluations will be included in the report to the Oregon Legislature and may be published on the ODE website or in other state publications. The evaluations will be included in the report to the Oregon Legislature. Any submission of evaluation materials (e.g., video or photographs) that include images of minors must be accompanied by a signed release form by a parent or guardian.