Proposal for the Creation of a New Academic Senate Subcommittee for Educational Technology

Presented by the Educational Technology Committee Task Force, February 14, 2018

The Educational Technology Committee Task Force met on December 1, 2017, and January 19, 2018, as authorized by the Academic Senate. The Task Force proposes the creation of a new Academic Senate subcommittee, the Educational Technology Committee (ETC) to operate in support of the following Academic Senate 10+1 items: 1 (curriculum); 4 (program development); 5 (student preparation and success); 8 (faculty development); and 11(other academic and professional matters). All members of the Task Force have agreed to serve on the new committee (names listed below). DECOS would function as a subcommittee of the ETC.

ETC Membership

Each division with one to 10 full-time faculty may select one representative; each division with 11-20 full-time faculty members may select two representatives; and each division with 21 or more full-time-faculty members may select three representatives. The division chair and department heads shall be counted as members of the division.

  1. Co-Chairs: Dean of Technology and Distance Education Coordinator
  2. Classified Staff
  3. Librarian: Emily Campbell
  4. AG
  5. Business: Tara Bosma
  6. CFS
  7. Counseling: Kristi Hodges
  8. Fine Arts: Chris Mangels
  9. I&T: Donal Howell
  10. LARTS: Katie Beberian, Sofia Cook, David Hurst
  11. Math
  12. PE
  13. Nursing
  14. Science
  15. Social Science: Timothy Linehan
  16. AAC:
  17. Student:

ETC Charge

  1. Develop and make recommendations concerning the management and support for the District’s learning management system (LMS).
  2. Serve as a voice and advocate for the appropriate application of technologies to the teaching and learning process.
  3. Facilitate District-wide communication on instructional technology issues, including compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and U.S. Copyright laws.
  4. Develop and make recommendations for the specifications and uses of classroom technologies.
  5. Develop and make recommendations concerning professional development activities related to the District’s (LMS) and other learning technologies.

Required Changes to the Academic Senate

  1. Incorporate the new committee into its organizational structure.
  2. Propose to the District an addition to the District Governance and Decision-Making Manual of a new Academic Senate Committee and provide a description of charge and membership.
  3. Amend the Academic Senate bylaws to designate the new committee as responsible for LMS management.