Newport, RI

Round 3

Newport, RI

Proposal for Local Sustainability Matching Fund

Fall 2013

Project Title: Public Engagement and Education for impacts of Rising Sea Level: PILOTING toward Solutions

Purpose of Project: To educate community and develop mitigation strategies for rising sea level impact on Newport and to include this hazard in Newport’s Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Brief description of project goals, strategy, and key activities (250 words or less): This grant request is for matching funds in partnership with a local charitable foundation (vBCF). The purpose of the grant program is two-fold: to catalyze partnerships between local government sustainability efforts and local, place-based foundations and, to advance important community-based sustainability initiatives.

The project goal is to build public awareness of potential threats and solutions of rising sea level to the City’s properties, many of which are historic. Our strategy to accomplish this goal is to first educate and second mitigate through implementation of a series (up to 3) PILOT projects. Activities include:

a)  Public education of mapping project

b)  Public involvement in hazard are identification and identification of solution options

c)  Development of PILOT mitigation projects

d)  Integration of outcomes into the Newport Hazard Mitigation Plan

e)  Develop process for use on future hazard mitigation initiatives

Results include:

a)  Incorporation of sea level mapping into Newport Hazard Mitigation Plan

b)  Public education on rising sea level

c)  Development of up to 3 mitigation demonstration projects

d)  Inclusion of rising sea level as accepted hazard in Newport Mitigation Plan which provides future mitigation funds for disaster impacts.

Primary Contact Person

Name: / Jane Howington
Title: / City Manager
Organization: / Local municipal government: City of Newport
Mailing address: / 43 Broadway
City: / Newport / State: / RI / Zip: / 02840
Email: /
Telephone: / 401-845-5430 / Ext: