Aspen, CO

Proposal for Local Sustainability Matching Fund

Spring 2012

Purpose of Grant:

Develop an economically sustainable, replicable, and regional composting program, to reduce waste and promote non-traditional partnerships.

Brief description of project goals, strategy, and key activities:

The Waste Free Roaring Fork composting project aims to accomplish numerous goals, the primary of which is to develop a permanent waste diversion option for Roaring Fork Valley residents and businesses. The project will increase composting by Aspen residents and businesses, while also gaining new participants in Basalt, Snowmass and Carbondale. CORE and the City of Aspen will collect data regarding food waste composting in small mountain resort communities to develop a clear understanding of options and past practices. The program will create a successful example of community wide composting, encouraging neighboring communities to support and grow similar programs.

In order to achieve these goals, CORE and the City of Aspen will evaluate and improve the existing pilot-composting program that exists in Aspen. CORE will then secure new participants, targeting affordable housing units, through marketing, outreach materials and events. Grant funding will be used to build new infrastructure and improve upon existing waste collection centers, ensuring that all centers are bear proof prior to beginning compost collection. As waste centers become compost accessible, large compost bins will be purchased and placed in specific waste centers. Composting guidelines and inside collection bins will be distributed to all participants. Monthly tonnage data for each location will be collected via trash haulers, as well as sellable compost data from the Pitkin County Landfill.

This project will not only bring the Roaring Fork Valley closer to meeting its zero waste goals, but will ensure a lasting partnership between the City of Aspen and CORE.

Sustainability Priority Area(s):

Zero Waste

Large Scale Behavior Change

Sustainability Marketing Campaigns

Sustainability Indicators