Proposal for Clock Hour Approval & Course Setup

Instructions: Email this completed this form to the appropriate administrator listed below in order to propose a clock hour course. Be sure to include the course agenda.

Elementary Education PD activities / – / Dan Schlotfeldt (, x8018)
Secondary Education PD activities / – / Ruth Moen (, x8018)
Special Education PD activities / – / Nancy Meeks (, x8015)
Technology PD & all other offerings / – / Jeff Hogan (, x8019)

The information below is needed 2 weeks prior to the start date of your workshop or class. Clock hours are not approved after a course has started.

Course Information

Today’s Date: Click here to enter a date.

Presenter Name: Click here to enter text. Responsible DO Administrator: Choose an item.

Class Title: Click here to enter text.

Short Title: (20 characters or less, this shows up on the calendar view) Click here to enter text.

Class Date: Click here to enter a date. Max # of Participants:

Dates of Additional Sessions:

Start Time: Click here to enter text. End Time: Click here to enter text.

Location of Course/Room Assignment: Click here to enter text.

Description for entry in PD Place

(Include intended outcomes of the course and specific topics to be covered):

Click here to enter text.

# of Clock Hours Requested (min. of three, excluding breaks/meals): Click here to enter text.

Target Audience (i.e. MSHS teachers, Psychologists, etc.): Secretaries

Max # of Participants:Click here to enter text.

Min # of Participants: Click here to enter text.

Required Documents

☐ Completed Agenda with timeline—Due now with this request

☐ Signed Attendance Sheets printed from PD Place—Due immediately upon Course Completion (submit to Teaching & Learning)

Teaching & Learning Approval

Signature of Approving Administrator ______

☐ Attendance/Clock Hours Verified in PD Place

Professional Development Requirements

The District is an approved Clock Hour Provider in Washington State and must comply with the laws and regulations governing the awarding of clock hours.

A Vita form must be on file in the Teaching & Learning Department for every instructor or facilitator.

Classes approved for clock hours must be a minimum of 3 hours in length. They may be held over a series of days. For example:

·  a ten clock hour class maybe 10 one-hour sessions or

·  5 two-hour sessions, or

·  4 two and ½ hour sessions,

Procedures for Course Set Up, Registration, and Clock Hour Approval

1.  Discuss Professional Development ideas/concepts with appropriate Director or Jeff Hogan

2.  Fill out the Proposal for Clock Hour Approval & Course Setup form, which requires a detailed agenda and goals for the PD offering (link!).

3.  Allow for two weeks advance notice for final course approval, entry into PD Place and participant registration.

4.  Instructors are responsible to remind participants to register in PD Place. Clock hours are awarded only to participants who register in PD Place.

5.  Instructors should complete attendance and award clock hours in PD Place immediately after course completion so participants can access the online evaluation in PD Place.

6.  Signed attendance sheets need to be submitted to Teaching & Learning following the class or after the last session of a series, so that clock hours for registered participants can be released to Personnel. Print attendance sign in sheets from PD Place.

Requirements for Granting Clock Hours

Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 181-85:

1.  Only “professional development” activities can be awarded Clock Hours. The regulations specifically prohibit awarding Clock Hours for:

·  Routine staff meetings to discuss operational or administrative policies and procedures.

·  Social hours or actual meal times (unless this time is spent in professional development activities, such as listening to a presenter).

2.  A minimum of three hours of instructional time is required before Clock Hours can be awarded.

3.  Before Clock Hours can be approved for Professional Development, the following standards must be met:

·  An agenda must be developed that includes:

ü  A statement of the intended outcomes of the course and specifies the topics to be covered

ü  The dates and times for each session, with start and end times, breaks, and meal times shown.

Questions? Please email or call Teaching & Learning at ext. 8019.