Announcement of Sadhana Special Issue on'MACHINE LEARNING FOR BIGDATA'
Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences is a bimonthly journal, brought out by Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore. The journal publishes high quality papers in all branches of Engineering Sciences.Sadhana also brings out special issue on current topics by highlighting the state-of-the-art technology in the field of engineering sciences time to time.
With the advent of the Social media, Internet of things, and a revolution in sensor technologies, the world around us is exploding with large volumes of data. Extracting information from such data, also sometimes called BigData Analytics, is a fundamental challenge to today's scientific community. In this context, Sadhana is planning to bring out a special issue with the goal of bringing together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry, to showcasethe state-of-the-art research and the application potential in the general area of BigData Analytics.
High quality submissions are invited in all areas of Machine Learning and BigData Analysis problems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Classification and regression methods Semi-supervised learning
Unsupervised learning and clusteringGraph and link mining
Convex optimizationDistributed optimization
Bayesian Non-parametric modelsMatrix and tensor methods
Social network analysisRecommender systems
Feature selectionOnline advertising
Anomaly detectionFault diagnostics
Engineering applications of big data analysis Knowledge discovery from big data
Papers in related areas as well as application oriented or good survey papers in this area which make innovative/significant technical contributions to research are also welcome. All the submitted papers will be peer reviewed before publication. The guest editors for the special issue are: Prof. C Bhattacharya, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Prof. J Saketha Nath, Indian Institute of Technlology, Powai, Bombay.
Submission details
The special issue is tentatively scheduled for February 2015 and the last date for submission of completed manuscripts is 15 June 2014. Manuscripts must be submitted online adhering to the requirement of Sadhana journal (see submission information at to avoid publication delay.
For all correspondence and queries related to manuscripts, please contact Sadhana editorial office: Sadhana, Indian Academy of Sciences, C.V. Raman Avenue, Sadhashivanagar, Bangalore 560 080, phone: 91-080-2266 1268, e-mail: .