Proposal for a New Academic Minor
Proposed title of New Minor:
1. Program Description
- Proposed Classification of Instruction Programs (CIP) number (contact the Office of Institutional Research and Planning for this number).
- Brief overview (approximately 1-2 paragraphs) of the proposed minor, including a description of the academic area and a rationale for offering this minor at the present time.
- Course of Study – proposed curriculum, including courses numbers, titles, and credit hours.
- Manner in which the program will be delivered, including program location (if offered outside of the main campus), course scheduling, and the use of technology (for both on-campus and off-campus delivery).
- Ways in which the program will seek to assure quality, access, and diversity.
- Anticipated fall term headcount and FTE enrollment over each of the next five years.
- Expected number of graduates over the next five years.
- Characteristics of students to be served (resident/nonresident/international; traditional/nontraditional; full-time/part-time; etc.)
- Adequacy and quality of faculty delivering the program.
- Faculty resources – full-time, part-time, adjunct.
- Other staff.
- Facilities, library, and other resources.
- Anticipated start date.
2. Need
- Evidence of market demand (market analysis)
- Identify statewide and institutional service-area employment needs the proposed program would assist in filling.
- Is there evidence of regional or national need for additional qualified individuals such as the proposed program would produce? If yes, please specify.
- Are there any other compelling reasons for offering the program?
- Identify any special interest in the program on the part of local or state groups (e.g., business, industry, agriculture, professional groups).
3. Outcomes, Quality Assessment and Student Experience
- Expected learning outcomes of the program.
- Methods by which the learning outcomes will be assessed and used to improve curriculum and instruction.
- Program performance indicators, including prospects for success of program graduates (employment or graduate school) and consideration of licensure, if appropriate.
- Methods by which the student experience will be assessed and used to improve curriculum and instruction.
4. Financial Sustainability
- If the program will be implemented in such a way as to have little or minimal budgetary impact, please provide a narrative that outlines how resources are being allocated/reallocated in order that the resource demands of the new program are being met.
- If the creation of the program has more than a minimal budgetary impact, negative or positive, the school/college fiscal officer must be consulted and budgetary information provided with this proposal (RCAT).
New Program Proposal Sequence of Action and Approval Page:
Request prepared by:
(Print Name)
Department/Division Chair/Director:
(Print Name)
Department/Division Curriculum Committee:
(Print Name)
College/School Curriculum Committee:
(Print Name)
College/School Dean:
(Print Name)
I:\Staff\OAA\Steve\Forms\PSU\PSU Program New Signatures.doc