Present: Sarie Young, Andrew Pidgeon, Wendy Kirkup, Willie Wight, Sylvia Warnecke, Ima Jackson, LoredanaPrezioso

1. Discussion of GCC consultation on P7 decant to HHHS / PC members agreed that the process had not been handled satisfactorily by GCC,
PC was worried about many mixed and unclear messages they received with regard to the different options GCC is considering as a solution to the space problem at HHPS during the meetings with Maureen McKenna, Jim Wilson, as well as councillors
PC was also worried that HHHS has not had a chance to get as much input into the consultation as the other stakeholders, for example due to the fact that the additional proposal was made very late (only shortly before the October holidays) and did not leave much scope for a big campaign before the submission deadline for responses on 10/11/14
PC commented on the fact that the response sheet was an adequate for the number of proposals that were made and also due to the fact that until the submission deadline the pdf form provided by GCC did not list HHHS as a stakeholder
SW reported that the 850+ response sheets gathered by the pupil council had been handed over to Cllr Curran at the protest on George Square on 7/11/14.
2. next steps with regard to the consultation / SW, SY, IJ reported about a meeting with Cllr Nina Baker, who had suggested possible action after the report compiled by Jim Wilson and due to be published on 10/12/14
PC agreed to think about 5 councillors whom we would approach in order to help us should we want to oppose the report on the consultation that will be published by GCC on 10/12/14
As Nina Baker has already agreed, we would look for 4 further candidates. Suggestions were: Martha Wardrop and Bob Dorris
We also agreed to send our formal response to Mike Russell, Education Minister
PC agreed to call an emergency meeting asap after the publication of the report to make sure that we can take action if needed / PC agreed to send the formal response by HHHS PC to Jim Wilson as he had not attended any of our meetings – SW will do this
To do for all PC members: send suggestions to Sylvia and Sarie so that we can approach these Cllrs as HHHS PC reps
SW, SY to announce this and suggest date
3. Letter to the children’s commissioner / PC discussed suggested letter to Children’s Commissioner of Scotland, Tam Baillie ( ) written by members of the Space for Hillhead campaign, who asked HHHS PC to sign this
PC agreed that one of the suggestions in the letter, namely to move the EYC from HHPS premises to HHHS and house it indefinitely in porta cabins was unacceptable
SW had written to Kate and Claire to ask for this suggestion to be removed but has not had a reply yet
IJ informed PC that this letter has not yet been sent and suggested to arrange a meeting with Kate and Claire to discuss our views
PC discussed a letter drafted by WK which we plan to send to Tam as a statement from HHHS / IJ to arrange meeting and invite PC members
Draft to be commented by PC member and SW/SY will amend accordingly and send it to Tam asap.
3. Website update / PC agreed that the information on the PC section of HHHS website should be amended with the following:
-A list of actions the PC has taken in this matter
-A list of actions still to be taken
-The date of publication of report / SW to do
4. Using £400 from GCC for PC most effectively / PC agreed not to spend the £400 to employ a clerk but to share the work between members, i.e. we will share minute taking, SW will keep updating website, AP will deal with our accounts / All PC members