Tutta la sanctita consiste nell ‘amare Dio

Tutto l’amore de Dio consiste nell adempiere la sua volonta

Leendert (Leo) Pieter Mos, Ph.D., C. Psych. (AB)

Department of Psychology Department of Linguistics (joint appt.)

University of Alberta

Edmonton, ABT6G 2E9


Tel.: 780-492-5216/5264

Fax: 780-492-1768


Home address:

4812 - 116 Street

Edmonton, ABT6H 3R1


Tel.: 780-436-1539

Professor of Psychology and Linguistics at the University of Alberta since 1990

Director, Center of Advanced Study in Theoretical Psychology, at the University of Alberta 1979-1987

Certified Clinical Psychologist since 1980

President, Psychologists Association of Alberta, 1987-1989

Founding member, and President, International Society of Theoretical Psychology, 1989-1991, 2003-2005

Academic interests

Theoretical and philosophical foundations of psychology and linguistics; history of psychology; continental traditions in psychology and philosophy; phenomenological and hermeneutical understanding of theperson in social-cultural and historical contexts; teaching and learning

Some selected edited volumes

Royce, J. R. & Mos, L. P. (Eds.) (1979). Theoretical advances in behavior genetics. Aphen aan den Rijn: Holland Noordhoff and Sijthoff.

Royce, J. R. & Mos, L. P. (Eds.) (1981).Humanistic psychology: concepts and criticisms. NY: Plenum.

Mos, L. P. (Ed.) (1984-1994). Annals of theoretical psychology (Vols. I-X). NY: Plenum.

Mos, L. P. (Ed.) (2007). An alternative history of psychology in autobiography. NY: Kluwer (forthcoming).

Some selected writings

Mos, L. P. et al., (1973). The effect of post-weaning stimulation on factors of mouse emotionality. Developmental Psychology, 8, 229-239.

Mos, L. P. et al., (1974). Effects of light environment on emotionality and the endocrine system in inbred mice. Physiology and Behavior, 12, 981-989.

Mos, L. P. et al., (1977). The effect of septal lesions on emotionality factors in inbred strains of mice. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 91, 523-532.

Mos, L. P. (1978). Perception: philosophical and psychological issues (pp. 271-294). In J. R. Royce et al., (Eds.), Psychological epistemology: a critical review of the theoretical issues and empirical literature. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 97, 265-353.

Baker, Wm J. & Mos, L. P. (1983). Mentalism and language in (and out of) psychology. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 12, 397-406.

Mos, L. P. (1988). Play, friendship, and knowledge. Proceedings of the PolishAcademy of Science.Warsaw, Poland.

Mos, L. P. (1988). Cognitive representation: a psychology in search of the mental. In J. Mouton et al., (Eds.), Essays in social theorizing (Report Series 9, pp. 165-184). Pretoria, RSA: Human Sciences Research Council.

Mos, L. P. & Boodt, C. P. (1991). Friendship and play: an evolutionary-developmental perspective. Theory & Psychology, 1, 132-144.

Mos, L. P. & Boodt, C. P. (1992). Mediating between mentalism and objectivism: the conventionality of language. In C. E. Tolman (Ed.), Positivism in psychology: historical and contemporary problems (pp. 185-216). New York: Springer-Verlag.

Mos, L. P. (1994). We ought to be fighting over the meaning of authenticity: review of C. Taylor’s “Ethics of Authenticity”. Theory & Psychology, 3, 447-545.

Mos, L. P. (1998). A constitutive understanding of persons. In Wm Smythe (Ed.), Towards a psychology of persons (pp. 132-171). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Mos, L. P. (1998). On methodological distinctions: nomothetic psychology or historical understanding. Theory & Psychology, 8(1), 39-57.

Mos, L. P. (2002). On evil: of human nature and political ideology. In N. Stephenson et al., (Eds.), Theoretical psychology: critical contributions (pp. 90-100). Toronto: Captus.

Mos, L. P. (2004). On the historical self. In Wm Smythe & A. Baydala (Eds.), Studies of how the mind publicly enfolds into being (pp. 55-82). Lewinston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press.