A) Scientist Team (3): ______

(Your names) ______


B) Common (English Name) of Your Plant: ______

Common Hawaiian Name: ______

Full Scientific Name: Plantae,


Your team must create your own experiment to make a plant grow. You must do 3 trials for 1 kind of plant & 1 trial must be a control – this means you will grow 3 of the same plant, but change certain things to see what makes each specimen of this plant grow better. The control plant you must grow the “natural” way. You must also make observation notes regularly to compare the progress of your 3 trial plants. Some options to make your plant grow better are:

·  Where you plant (outdoors, indoors, in greenhouse)

·  Light conditions (bright, filtered, full shade … can be sun or electric)

·  Soil Type (sand, dirt, peat moss, pearlite, vermiculite … can be loose or packed or grown without any soil)

·  Nutrients (can add phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen compounds or use traditional Hawaiian fertilizers like fish, manure, etc)

·  Water (can be tap water, rain only, include nutrient additives)

·  Pest Control (can use pesticides, companion plants, daily grooming)

·  When you plant (time of day, phase of moon, prevailing weather)

D) Brainstorm on paper as a team the 3 different ways you want to grow each specimen of your plant. Decide what you will do to each plant, when & how you will do it, and how you will prove which methods of propagation worked best. After the team agrees, fill in the next sheet: Proposed Scientific Inquiry. You may find it easier to do Step 4 first, and then do Steps 1, 2 & 3. Do not do Steps 5 & 6 until your completed Project Lab Report is due on: ______

NOTE: You must plan how you will care for your plants on holidays & weekends!

E) Proposed Scientific Inquiry: ______

(give your project a name)

1. PURPOSE: Why are we doing this?

2. RESEARCH: What do we already know?

3. HYPOTHESIS: What do we think will happen?

Plant Trial #1 –
Plant Trial #2 –
Plant Trial #3 –

4. EXPERIMENT: What exactly will we do, when will we do it & how often?

Plant Trial #1 –
Plant Trial #2 –
Plant Trial #3 –
(describe methods of propagation for each trial above) / Weeks 1-2 / Weeks 3-4 / Weeks 5-6

5. ANALYSIS: What happened?


6. CONCLUSION: What things did we learn?




Science in Hawai‘i: Nā Hana Ma Ka Ahupua‘a – A Culturally Responsive Curriculum Project