Prop 38: Top Five Action Steps

1. Sign Up on the Yes on 38 Website

If you haven’t already done so, sign up at the and become

a part of our campaign to make our schools a priority again. Use the interactive calculatorto see

how Prop 38 will benefit your school and district.

2. Ask 10 Friends to Join Yes on 38

Email 10 friends -neighbors, people with grown children, friends from a club you're in, out-of-town

family etc. - and let them know how Prop 38 will benefit your local school(see sample on next

page).Youcan also share information and a link to Yes on 38 on your PTA’s website.(Remember:

Do not use email listservs or websites hosted by aschool or school district to send these emails).

3. Interact on Social Media and Share Content

“Like” the campaign on Facebook:

Follow us on Twitter:

Watch and Share our videos on YouTube:

4. Make your support for Prop 38 visible by putting a sign in your house or car window, putting

adecal on your car, wearing a button on your purse strap or jacket, wearing a Prop 38 tee-shirt

andpasting the Yes on 38 logo into your email signature.

5. At your PTA meetings between now and November 6th

Hand out the backpack safe fliers and share what it says about Prop 38.

Note: Please go to:for current Prop 38 materials.

Sample E-Mail Asking 10 Friends to Join Yes on 38:

Hello friends and colleagues,

I am a parent of a child at [School Name] and a volunteer with the California State PTA, which is supporting Prop 38 on the November6 ballot.

Prop 38 makes schools a priority again. It guarantees billions of dollars for ourCalifornia public schools – money that goes directly to every school based onenrollment.

Under Prop 38, [INSERT SCHOOL DISTRICT] will receive [INSERT FUNDING FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT] in new revenue that will increase over the next 11 years.

Prop 38 means restoring smaller class sizes and classes in subjects like art, music, math and science.

Prop 38 gives parents, teachers, principals, school staff and students the ability to help decide what’s right for their school. Under Prop 38, all the decisions for how the money is spent will be made at the local level with public input. As a community we know our local school the best.

I ask you to join me, the nearly one million-member California State PTA, the California School Boards Association, Superintendent of Public Instruction TomTorlakson and 125 other organizations, and vote to endorse Prop 38 to bring clear, transparentenforceable funding straight to every California school.

Please also sign up at the website and become a part of our campaign to make our schools a priority again.

Thank you and remember to VOTE YES on 38 on November 6!