PROMPTS: A Separate Peace

DIRECTIONS: Select one of the following thought questions. There is no one correct answer for any of them, but each question involves a strong thesis opinion and a well-crafted series of supporting paragraphs to prove your position. You are creating an “intelligent” argument. You may also deepen this argument by make references to similarities and differences in other works you have already read. (It always helps to utilize your knowledge).

The essay must be a minimum of four paragraphs (but you may use more supporting paragraphs if you require them). Each supporting paragraph must have a minimum of two concrete examples from the text, cited correctly (but you may use more concrete examples if your argument is helped by adding more).

Please check your topic sentences in each supporting paragraph to make certain that they clearly define what reason your paragraph will be using to prove your point (It should not be plot information or a quote).

Finally, INSIGHT is always key to a WOW essay, but the small “red pen comes up, grade goes down,” errors really erodes an otherwise outstanding essay. Check the list of rubric requirements for the “A” essay, and be here on PEER EDIT day for an intense, honest, and hopefully helpful appraisal of your FIRST Final Copy. This essay will be worth 200 points!! GO FOR THE WOW!!!

In your MLA Heading, under the date, write the number of the Prompt you are answering and label it as follows:





Prompt #1:

A Separate Peace focuses on the relationship between Finny and Gene. The story reveals outward expressions and undercurrents of this relationship. The boys are different in so many ways (rules, spontaneity, sports, academics, beliefs, jealousy, backgrounds), and yet they are drawn together in a special bond. After reading the novel, would you classify the relationship between Finny and Gene as friendship? Support your reasoning with specific examples from the story as you create your definition of friendship...

Prompt #2

Loss of Innocence is an archetypal theme in literature. Both the Lord of the Flies and A Separate Peace illustrate this reoccurring theme. After reading both novels carefully, which character- Ralph or Gene- do you feel suffers the greatest fall from Innocence? Remember, this is a compare/contrast essay. In asserting and proving your own thesis, do not forget that you must contrast both characters in your discussion to defend your viewpoint.

Prompt #3

Everything points to the guilt of Gene in Finny’s fall and ultimate death in A Separate Peace. Assuming you are Gene’s “defense attorney,” write an essay USING JUNGIAN PSYCHOLOGY (“The SHADOW”) to defend Gene and prove he is not to blame for the event or to demonstrate that he is to blame. Your carefully crafted defense/prosecution is written as a formal essay, but your argument must be logical and convincing as though you are presenting it in a court of law and Gene’s guilt or innocence depends upon the strength of your argument. (Remember, you must have a very good understanding of this new Psychological Archetype. You may go further than my classroom lecture and research on your own, this important new Literary Lens)