Promoting Opportunities for women Empowerment and Rights
Expression of interest for hiring of Organization/consultancy firm/consultant
Technical and Financial Feasibility study of Rainwater Harvesting Activity
- Purpose of Assignment
The consultant will support the Saibaan team to conduct Technical and Financialfeasibility studies and provide technical support in installation of community rainwater harvesting systems at household level
- Introduction:
ActionAid is an anti-poverty agency whose aim is to fight poverty worldwide. Formed in 1972, for over 30 years we have been growing and expanding to where we are today — reaching out to over 13 million of the world’s poorest and most disadvantaged people in more than 46 countries worldwide, helping them to fight for and gain their rights to food, shelter, work, education, healthcare and dignity.
In the partnership of Action Aid Saibaan has initiated “Promoting Opportunities for Women Empowerment and Rights” (POWER) project in three union councils (Ichrian, Battal and Sum ElahiMang). This project covers 45 villages/hamlets of these three Union Councils of District Mansehra. The project is envisioned for “women’s economic empowerment in a world in which women have equal access to and control over resources and opportunities including skills development and market information and live in a social, cultural and political environment with control over their time and income and access to income generation opportunities.
- Scope of Work/ Work Assignments:
The Organization/consultancy firm/consultant will support Saibaan ActionAid in conducting Technical and financialfeasibility studies, formation of BoQs, cost estimation and provide technical support in installation, monitoring, and reporting through the following tasks, which are expected to result in the following outputs:
- Conduct technical feasibilities studies for construction/installation of rainwater harvesting structures:
- The consultants will conduct feasibility studies of selected right holders identified by women groups and Saibaan field team.
- On the basis of feasibility studies consultant will generate feasibility reports.
- All reports will be shared within one week after conducting feasibility studies.
- Formation of Financialreports i.e. BoQ, Layout/designingand cost estimation of structures at individual basis
- On the basis of feasibility reports Saibaan team will finalize the list of selected right holders
- Consultant will share BoQ, cost estimationand layout/designingof individual right holder against feasibility report
- Provide technical support in installation of rainwater structures thorough monitoring and field visits
- Consultant will provide technical support during installation of rainwater harvesting system and will plan monitoring visit as per demand of Saibaan.
- The consultant will ensure the quality of work at per design including effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of work completed and assist in right holder in capacity in these areas if needed;
- Assist the Saibaan field team to monitor and report construction progress.
- Provide completion reports after physical verification of all installed infrastructures.
Outputs:111 rainwater harvesting systems installed by Saibaan and right holders and timely reports completed. Knowledge and capacity of communities for repair and maintenance of systems improved.
- Social feasibility studies of rain water structures
- Before going to conduct technical and financial studies, Saibaan field team along with group facilitators and women group will conduct social feasibility studies of right holders. Social feasibility study of right holders will be conducted on comprehensive formats.
- Work Schedule:
The duration of the contract shall be periodic inputs over 04 month period beginning in May 2018 till end of August 2018. The Organization/consultancy firm/consultant is expected to work on a need basis/As per Saibaan demand, but rather to provide inputs as needed/requested over the duration of the contract.
- Deliverables/End Product(s):
The Organization/consultancy firm/consultantshall produce the following deliverables against the tasks and work schedule specified above:
i.Technical feasibility reports per individual right holders’ areas and scope of work;
ii.Provide financial feasibility reports i.eBoQ, cost estimate and layout/designing for individual right holder’s rainwater structure.
iii.A designed/recommended toolkit for rainwater harvesting system for maintenance
iv.A completion report of individual right holders’ rainwater structure includingquality of work.
- Payment Schedule:
The consultancy fee will be paid upon completion of assignment fulfilling the outputs listed in section 5 once the reports and contents is accepted / verified by the Saibaan staff, payments will be made through cross cheque as per agreed amount. Saibaan will retain 20% payment of consultant after completion of work as warrantee thatwill be disbursed after 3 months.
Note: Saibaan will make all payments after deduction of all Govt. Applicable Taxes
- Type of Support that will be Provided:
Saibaan field team will identify the right holders as per set criteria developed with mutual consensus of ActionAid. Saibaan team will facilitate field visit of consultant to site visit andarrange meeting with right holder if needed.
- Organization/consultancy firm/Consultant’s work plan and Official Travel Involved:
The consultant is expected to develop a detailed work plan within the first week of the assignment in consultation with the Saibaan POWER team.
- Admin and Logistic arrangement for the Assignment
1)Organization/consultancy firm/Consultant’s Work Place:
The Organization/consultancy firm/consultant shall be based at his or her own office but a desk will be made available when required. The consultant is expected to provide her or his own computer and other working equipment as this will not be provided by Saibaan.
2)Logistic arrangement for Field Visit
Organization/consultancy firm/Consultant’s will arrange their own logisticarrangements for the field visits however Saibaan team member will accompany for facilitation of field visit and meeting with right holders
3)Boarding, Lodging, Food and Stationary during Field Visitand Assignment
Organization/consultancy firm/Consultant’s will arrange their boarding, lodging arrangements during field visit and assignment. The Organization/consultancy firm/Consultant/ will make their arrangements for stationary, photocopies and prints as required during the assignment.
4)Medical, Accidental and Health Claim and Death, Injury Insurance
The Organization/consultancy firm/Consultant/sis fully responsible for arranging, at his or her own expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance covering the term of this contract as individual, firm or organization considers appropriate taking into account, among other things, the requirements of paragraph 5 above. Under no circumstances will Saibaan and ActionAid be liable for any other payments to the Organization/consultancy firm/Consultant or his/her dependents or spouse.
- Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required:
Qualifications of Organization/consultancy firm/consultant to be contracted:
-Having/qualified staff Advanced degree in one of the disciplines relevant to the following areas: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Hydrology or a field relevant to Water-related development assistance.
-Additional training in water management is considered an asset.
Work experience of Organization/consultancy firm/consultant to be contracted:
-Minimum five years progressively responsible experience in designing, planning, execution and monitoring and supervision and evaluation or related field.
-Experience in rainwater harvesting and community infrastructure.
-Experience working with INGOs/NGO in relevant sector.
-Experience working in the water sector in hilly areas of KPK specifically in Hazra region or any other hilly rain fed areas of Pakistan.
Language :
-Fluency in English, Urdu required and can preferably can understand local languages also i.e. Hindko. .
Technical Competencies required for this consultancy:
-Technical knowledge of conducting feasibility studies in Water sector and having specifically sound knowledge and expertise in designing planning and implementation of rainwater harvesting projects.
- Project area:
Khyber PakhtoonKhwa: Three Union Councils of District Mansehra
- Sum ElahiMang
- Ichrian
- Battal
- Eligibility Criteria:
The eligibility Criteria for the Consultant/consultancy firm is as:
- Legally registered with GOP as per laws (in case of organization or consultancy firm apply).
- Registered with Pakistan engineering council or any other government/legal registration authority with at least five years’ experience and other qualification mentioned in section or applied firm/organization has the qualified personals fulfilling the required qualification and expertise.
- Must not be involved in illegitimate or criminal activity or anti state activity
- A recognized physical address and office (in case of organization or consultancy firm apply.
A.Organization/consultancy firm/consultant in-Eligibilities:
Saibaan will not enter into agreement with:
- Organization/consultancy firm/consultant representing political, ethnical parties, or Involved in Illegal and illicit activities ,
- Involved in the business of alcohol, tobacco, arms, terrorism, engaged in child labour and trafficking
- Blacklisted organizations/ consultancy firm/consultant by government.
- Appraisal and selection process:
The Organization/consultancy firm/consultantselection will be made through a competitive process. Submitted EOIs will undergo a review process as per Activity SOPs and guidelines of Saibaan-ActionAid-Pakistan for the said intervention.
Shortlisted potential Organization/consultancy firm/consultantwill be informed for further process through e-mails. The appraisal team will also visit the offices of the Organization/consultancy firm/consultantand may contact with previous vendors to verify quality of work and other modalities.
B.Submission Details:
Expression of interests (EOI) are solicited from Organization/consultancy firm/consultant having relevant expertise and experience as per above referred scope of work on contract basis. In this regard, the interested Organization/consultancy firm/consultants are requested to submit their EOI form along with the following information/documents:
- Completed EOI form (attached as Annex on page 6) signed by the head of Organization/consultancy firm or by consultant with a cover letter
- Financial proposal (all quoted rates must include all taxes)
- Registration certificate
- Copy of NTN certificate (if organization/consultancy firm)
- Organization/consultancy firm/consultantprofile
- Three references (with complete contact details including address, telephone, fax and email) in respect of works undertaken in the past
The EOI form with a cover letter, profile/CV and required documents along with financial proposal in hard copy, clearly mentioned in “Submission details” should be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with expression of Interest for “Rainwater harvesting structures of POWER Project” and sent through courier at the following address by Hours 17:00 on April 25, 2018.
Address: House # 32, Sector C, Ghazikot Township Mansehra KPK.
Only short listed Organization/consultancy firm/consultanton the basis of selection parameters would be contacted for further process in line with Saibaan and ActionAid’s procedures. This expression of interest does not entail any commitment on the part of Saibaan and ActionAid, Pakistan, either financial or otherwise. Saibaan should not be held responsible for any kinds of Postal/Courier delays. No canvassing in any form will be entertained. Incomplete applications in any form will be rejected.
Expression of Interest Form
ESSENTIAL INFORMATION OF ORGANIZATIONName of Organization/consultancy firm/consultant with Acronym/Abbreviation (if any):
Complete Mailing Address:
Name & Designation of Contact Person:
Contact Details / Telephone # Fax # :
Email address:
Web site:
Name of the Head (if different from contact person)
Date and Year of Establishment
Registration Status / Date of Registration:
Registration #:
Registration Authority
Performance experience related to EOI thematic areas
Name of organizations worked with
Sr. No / Name / Category / Designation / Qualification/expertise