PromiseHospital of SaltLake

OT Level II Student Fieldwork Guidelines

Week 1

Orientation to hospital, policies/procedures

Observation of treatment sessions

Observation of initial evaluations/discharge evaluations

Explore equipment, documentation, formal assessments

Observe other disciplines during treatment sessions

Observe COTA and rehab aide during treatment sessions

Participate in treatment sessions under the direction of CI (Clinical Instructor)

Week 2

Participate in treatment sessions of 2-3 patients with supervision of CI

Complete daily notes for patients you participated with (rough draft)

Observe other disciplines during treatment sessions

Demonstrate understanding of body mechanics and transfer principles

Discuss with CI ideas for treatment of patients you have encountered

Identify areas in which you need to increase knowledge

Complete a chart review

Week 3

Participate in treatment of 3-4 patients with supervision of CI

Complete daily notes for those patients

Design a treatment session and see 1 patient with supervision

Demonstrate understanding of medical lines/tubes/equipment used with patients

Observe other disciplines during treatment sessions

Complete overnight assignments as directed by CI

Complete Oral report to CI on a commonly seen diagnosis in this setting

Perform components of evaluation i.e. musculoskeletal, cognition, ADL

Week 4

Design and provide treatment for 2-3 patients with supervision of CI

Complete daily notes for patients that you are seeing

Formulate functional goals as part of an evaluation

Observe other disciplines during treatment sessions

Complete case study

Week 5

Provide treatment for 3-4 patients with indirect supervision of CI

Complete evaluation with supervision of CI

Complete daily notes for patients you are seeing

Complete weekly progress notes for patients you are seeing

Demonstrate understanding of applicable medical terms/terminology

Week 6

Provide treatment for 4-5 patients with indirect supervision of CI

Report to CI status of patients that you are seeing

Complete daily notes and progress notes

Perform and complete 2 evaluations with supervision of CI

Present idea for treatment activity to CI

Mid-term Evaluation

Week 7

Provide treatment for 5-6 patients with indirect supervision of CI

Complete daily notes and progress notes

Report to CI status of patients that you are seeing

Complete discharge summary with recommendations

Report in team conference on patients

Week 8

Provide treatment for 6-7 patients with indirect supervision of CI

Complete daily notes and progress notes

Report to CI status of patients that you are seeing

Develop and inservice for rehab staff and present

Perform evaluations on new patients

Week 9

Provide treatment for 7-8 patients with indirect supervision of CI

Complete daily notes and progress notes

Report to CI status of patients that you are seeing

Perform evaluations/discharges

Week 10

Provide treatment for 8-9 patients with indirect supervision of CI

Complete daily notes and progress notes

Report to CI status of patients that you are seeing

Perform evaluations/discharges

Week 11

Provide treatment for 9-10 patients with indirect supervision of CI

Complete daily notes and progress notes

Report to CI status of patients that you are seeing

Perform evaluations/discharges

Present project with activity analysis

Week 12

Provide treatment for 9-10 patients with indirect supervision of CI

Complete daily notes and progress notes

Report to CI status of patients that you are seeing

Perform evaluations/discharges

Demonstrate productivity standards with caseload

Final evaluation with CI