ProjPrac 8 : Ex 4.3 no. 14 (p 180), Ex 4.3 no. 16 (or Ex 3.4 no 44 –same),
Programming Projects no. 1 & 3 (p 187 & 188)
Private Sub btnDetermine_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDetermine.Click
'Calculate ideal age for wife, according to Plato
Dim manAge As Double
manAge = CDbl(InputBox("Enter your age: "))
txtIdeal.Text = CStr(WifeAge(manAge))
End Sub
Function WifeAge(ByVal manAge As Double) As Double
Return Int((manAge / 2) + 7)
End Function
Private Sub btnDetermine_Click(…) Handles btnDetermine.Click
'Calculate exercise heart rate
Dim age As Integer, restRate As Double
age = CInt(InputBox("Enter your age: "))
restRate = CDbl(InputBox("Enter your resting heart rate: "))
txtTHR.Text = CStr(THR(age, restRate))
End Sub
Function THR(ByVal age As Integer, ByVal restRate As Double) As Double
Return (((220 - age) - restRate) * 0.6) + restRate
End Function
PP 1.
Private Sub btnCompute_Click(…) Handles btnCompute.Click
'Report caloric count
Dim carbo, fat, prot As Double
InputGrams(carbo, fat, prot)
ShowCalories(carbo, fat, prot)
End Sub
Function Calories(ByVal carbo As Double, ByVal fat As Double, _
ByVal prot As Double) As Double
Return (4 * carbo) + (9 * fat) + (4 * prot)
End Function
Sub InputGrams(ByRef carbo As Double, ByRef fat As Double, _
ByRef prot As Double)
carbo = CDbl(txtCarbo.Text)
fat = CDbl(txtFat.Text)
prot = CDbl(txtProtein.Text)
End Sub
Sub ShowCalories(ByVal carbo As Double, ByVal fat As Double, _
ByVal prot As Double)
txtOutput.Text = "The serving contains " & Calories(carbo, fat, prot) & " calories."
End Sub
Pp 2.
Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("4-PP-3.TXT")
Dim fmtStr As String = "{0, -20}{1, 10:P}"
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(…) Handles btnDisplay.Click
'Percentage change in expenditures of 4 most
'advertised soft drinks from 1998 to 1998
Dim name As String
Dim oldExpend, newExpend As Double
ReadData(name, oldExpend, newExpend)
ShowChange(name, oldExpend, newExpend)
ReadData(name, oldExpend, newExpend)
ShowChange(name, oldExpend, newExpend)
ReadData(name, oldExpend, newExpend)
ShowChange(name, oldExpend, newExpend)
ReadData(name, oldExpend, newExpend)
ShowChange(name, oldExpend, newExpend)
End Sub
Sub ShowHeader()
lstOutput.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, "", "Change"))
lstOutput.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, "Brand", "1998-99"))
End Sub
Sub ReadData(ByRef name As String, ByRef oldExpend As Double, ByRef newExpend As Double)
'Read information
name = sr.ReadLine
oldExpend = CDbl(sr.ReadLine)
newExpend = CDbl(sr.ReadLine)
End Sub
Sub ShowChange(ByVal name As String, ByVal oldExpend As Double, ByVal newExpend As Double)
'Compute change in advertising expenditures
lstOutput.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, name, PctChange(oldExpend, newExpend)))
End Sub
Function PctChange(ByVal oldVal As Double, ByVal newVal As Double) As Double
Return (newVal - oldVal) / oldVal
End Function