City of Nicoma Park

Special Meeting


December 1, 2015

6:00 p.m.

The City Council of Nicoma Park met in the Conference Room at 2221 Nichols Dr., Nicoma Park, OK.

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mark Cochell at 6:02 p.m.

Councilmembers present

Jim Pumphrey – Ward 1

June Wiegert – Ward 2 (arrived at 6:18 p.m.)

Bobby Kolar – Ward 3

Steve West – Ward 4

Dixie Vickers – Ward 5

Brian Foughty – Ward 6

Mark Cochell – Mayor

Councilmembers absent


Others present

Beverly McManus – City Clerk

Robert Thompson – City Attorney

2. Discussion only was held on the following items:

Public Hearing on Municipal Issues

The Mayor reported there was a home invasion on N. Overholser. The police were working on the case right now.

There was discussion on overdue sewer bills and whether or not to issue citations. It was determined that citations worked better than other methods and we would start issuing them again.

The Mayor has talked to the County District 2 about fixing the roads at Timber, NE 18th, NE 17, and Sewell and Nichols.

The Mayor talked about stipends for the employees and explained that it has been many years since the employees had been given a cost of living increase and they deserve a stipend. This is on the regular meeting agenda to be voted on tonight.

Councilmember Pumphrey asked about the old building next to Speedy’s Wrecker. He was told once the property is in the Brewers name, it would be taken care of.

The Mayor said he talked to the billboard sign company and explained the problem with the brightness of the sign at NE 23 and Nichols. They were very cooperative and have reduced the brightness of the sign.

Councilmember Pumphrey talked about the one-cent sales tax being proposed for the schools and said ACOG is not in support of the tax. He said whatever the schools/teachers would receive from this tax would be deducted from state funding.

Councilmember Vickers and Councilmember Foughty mentioned her concerns about the area by the parking lot at the police department. The stripes on Nichols need to be moved. They are too close to the parking area.

Councilmember Foughty is concerned about some of the purchase orders for the police car that is the K-9 unit. He will bring this up in the council meeting.

Councilmember Kolar asked Bob Thompson if the city could offer tax incentives to lure in businesses. Mr. Thompson said yes and explained how this has worked for the City of Harrah.

Councilmember Kolar was asked if he has heard anything about the electronic sign for the city. He said EOC’s funding would not be there until February. He was going to check with EOC Tech and see if they have heard anything.

Councilmember Kolar said his wife, Verna, is now a board member on the Choctaw Area Chamber of Commerce. This was just the Choctaw Chamber of Commerce previously, but they are trying to include other area communities in the Chamber.

3. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

Prepared by City Clerk on December 3, 2015. Approved by City Council on January 5, 2016.


Special Meeting – December 1, 2015 Minutes – Page 2