Nom ______Date ______
Projet – Ma Maison de Rêve Mme Murray
You are going to create a packet that represents your “Maison de Rêve” or Dream House. You will need to write a short description of the house, create a property listing (sale ad) for the house, and then represent 3 rooms of the house. The three rooms of the house will be labeled in French and will include an image of at least 4 items that are found in that room, all labeled in French. Below each room image, you will write 3 sentences describing chores that are done in that room in French.
Your project MUST INCLUDE the following:
ü The first page will have a picture of the house with an annonce immobilière or property listing (house sale) below it. The sale must use appropriate abbreviations that would be used in a real life French ad. You must use at least 8 abbreviations/details in the classified ad. Use the packet with examples for ideas.
ü The second page will be a brief description of the maison titled Comment est la maison? You will write a minimum of 5 sentences describing the house in complete sentences in French. This is NOT to be abbreviated or shortened in any way.
ü The last three pages will each have a box representing a room. The top of the page will label the room in French, and inside each box you must include at least 4 items that belong in that room. These items may be cut and paste from magazines, hand drawn, or computer graphics. Under each image you must label the item in French. Finally, below each box with the images, you must write out 3 complete sentences describing les tâches domestiques or chores that are done in the room. You may write these sentences in the je (I) or use on (one) or even say “who” does the chore in particular (ma mère, ma sœur, mon père, etc.). **PLEASE FOLLOW EXAMPLE PROVIDED**
PROJECT DUE DATE: Wednesday April 19th 2017
NO late projects accepted. NO electronic versions accepted.
Evaluation Rubric:
Your project will be evaluated as follows:
Page one:
Property Ad: 20 points total = 8 abbreviations are 2 points each (16),
1 Image of house (4)
Page two:
Description: 20 points total = 5 sentences, 4 points each (20)
Page three:
Room #1: 20 points total = Name of room label is 2 points (2),
4 pictures of items are 1 point each (4),
4 labels under each image are 2 points each (8),
3 chores sentences are 2 points each (6)
Page four:
Room #2: 20 points total = Name of room label is 2 points (2),
4 pictures of items are 1 point each (4),
4 labels under each image are 2 points each (8),
3 chores sentences are 2 points each (6)
Page five:
Room #3: 20 points total = Name of room label is 2 points (2),
4 pictures of items are 1 point each (4),
4 labels under each image are 2 points each (8),
3 chores sentences are 2 points each (6)
Project total points = 100 points
Page one:
Property Ad: ______/ 20 points total
8 Abbreviations @ 2pts: ______/ 16 points
1 Image of House @ 4pts: ______/ 4 points
Page two:
Description: ______/ 20 points total
5 Sentences @ 4pts: ______/ 20 points
Page three:
Room #1: ______/ 20 points total
1 Name @ 2pts: ______/ 2 points
4 Pictures @ 1pt: ______/ 4 points
4 Labels @ 2pts: ______/ 8 points
3 Chores @ 2pts: ______/ 6 points
Page four:
Room #2: ______/ 20 points total
1 Name @ 2pts: ______/ 2 points
4 Pictures @ 1pt: ______/ 4 points
4 Labels @ 2pts: ______/ 8 points
3 Chores @ 2pts: ______/ 6 points
Page five:
Room #3: ______/ 20 points total
1 Name @ 2pts: ______/ 2 points
4 Pictures @ 1pt: ______/ 4 points
4 Labels @ 2pts: ______/ 8 points
3 Chores @ 2pts: ______/ 6 points
TOTAL SCORE: ______/ 100 points
Nom ______Date ______
Ma Maison de Rêve Projet – SAMPLE ROOM Mme Kent
Ma Chambre
la lampe
le lit
la table de nuit
le tapis
Dans ma chambre, je fais mes devoirs. Je range la chambre.
Aussi, je fais le lit.