Online Appendix 1: Physician interview guide
General questions
1. In general, what are your feelings regarding having the MAs act as scribes?
a. In particular, what do you like about it?
b. What do you dislike about it?
2. How did your original expectations compare with actual practice?
Prompts if needed:
a. What were your expectations when you first started?
b. How have those expectations worked out in actual practice?
3. Based on your experience thus far, what do you feel are qualities of a good scribe?
Quality of Care delivered
4. Please tell me about the effect of having the MAs act as scribes your ability to care for your patients?
a. What do you think are effects on your interactions with your patients?
b. What are you opinions regarding the effect on your overall relationship with your patients?
Working environment
5. Tell me about the effect having the MAs act as scribes on the workflow of your practice?
6. What are your thoughts on the impact on your working relationship with your MA?
Personal job satisfaction
7. Tell me about the effect of having the MAs act as scribes on your job satisfaction?
8. Tell me about the effect of having the MAs act as scribes on your view of your profession?
Online Appendix 2: Scribe interview guide
Before we begin, how long have you been working as a medical assistant or nurse? ______
How long have you been scribing? ______
1. In general, how do you feel about adding scribing to your duties?
a. In particular, what do you like about it?
b. What do you dislike about it?
2. What did you find most challenging about adding scribing to your duties?
3. What helped you in the transition?
Quality of care delivered
4. What do you perceive to be the effect(s) of scribing on the quality of care you are able to provide?
a. More specifically, what do you think are effects on your interactions with your patients?
b. What are you opinions regarding the effect on your overall relationship with your patients?
Working environment
5. Tell me about the effect of scribing on your relationship with the physician?
6. What are your thoughts on the effect of scribing on your view of your role in patient care?
Online Appendix 3: Patient interview Guide
Before we begin, please tell me how long have you been seeing Dr. ______?
Was today’s visit a regular check-up or for an acute concern?
1. How did you feel about having the medical assistant type notes during your visit today?
a. What did you like about it?
b. What did you dislike about it?
Quality of care delivered
2. How do you feel about the quality of care you received today?
a. More specifically, did the presence of the MA as a scribe affect your opinions?
(If yes, proceed to 4b)
b. Please explain
Working environment
3. What did you think of the interaction between the physician and the MA today?