Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Avenija grada Vukovara 78


Component: “Agriculture Research”

To: ARC Secretariat

Subject: Final Report

Improvement in Production and Harvesting of Forage

On Grasslands

Contract Number:

Project Start Date: 17th June 1998.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Mladen Knežević, D.Sc.

Participating Institution: Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb

Department of Field Crops, Forage and Grassland Production

Principal investigator:


Prof. Mladen Knežević, D.Sc.

Zagreb, September 2001

Project: Improvement in Production and Harvesting of Forage on Grasslands

Principal Investigator: Prof. Mladen Knežević, D.Sc.

Department of Field Crops, Forage and Grassland

Faculty of Agronomy University of Zagreb

Subject: Final Report

Scientific Summary

As accepted in the proposal the investigations have been carried out at the Centre for Grassland of the Faculty of Agriculture and on family farms in hilly-mountain and lowland areas in Sisačko-Moslavačka and Krapinsko-Zagorska Zupanija.

(i)  Improvement in sward botanical composition with destructive and non-destructive methods (re-ploughing/conventional seeding) applied for establishing grass/clover mixtures

The result of improved grassland botanical composition would be higher forage quality from grasslands which is possible through the application of the following methods:

- Non-destructive methods

-  Directly sowing of more productive grass and clover varieties with no tillage

-  Utilisation regime (frequency and a way of utilisation – grazing, mowing)

-  Fertilization

- Destructive method:

- Conventional sowing

The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of directly sowing into existing sward (with no ploughing neither seedbed preparation) on sward establishment. The proposed investigations started in June 1998 and were carried out for 3.5-year (by Sept 2001). The investigations were extended for 6 more months than contracted for having completed 3- year results.

In research carried out on family farm in Sisacko-Moslavacka county (Crkveni Bok village) parallel were tested two methods for sward establishment (direct sowing into corn stubble field after corn harvesting with two row densities and sowing into conventionally prepared land). There was also investigated the effect of sowing method (direct sowing into existing sward) on sward’s botanical composition.

Grass/legume composition for sward establishment (direct sowing into maize stubble with two densities and conventional sowing):

Lolium perenne, variety "Calibra" 7,6 kg/ha

Dactylis glomerata, variety "Amba" 7,6 kg/ha

Lolium Westerwoldicum, variety "Avance" 7,6 kg/ha

Trifolium repens, variety "Rivendel" 7,6 kg/ha

Medicago sativa, variety "Daisy" 7,6 kg/ha

Trifolium pratense, variety "Marino" 2,3 kg/ha

Mixture for improvement of botanical composition with direct sowing into existing sward:

Lolium perenne, variety "Calibra" 4,3 kg/ha

Dactylis glomerata, variety "Amba" 4,3 kg/ha

Lolium Westerwoldicum, variety "Avance" 4,3 kg/ha

Trifolium repens, variety "Rivendel" 4,3 kg/ha

Medicago sativa, variety "Daisy" 4,3 kg/ha

Trifolium pratense, variety "Marino" 1,2 kg/ha

Due to high spring rainfalls, sowing was not done at the optimum terms but in the beginning of May 1999. The experimental area was 2.5 ha.

After establishment (two techniques applied – direct sowing into maize stubble field on two densities and sowing into conventionally prepared land) sward was mowed twice (sanitary cutting) for weed protection (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.).

ii - Influence of slurry on yield and botanical composition of natural grassland

The objective of present research settled up on the experimental field at the Centre for Grassland Production was to investigate the effect of slurry on the yield and botanical composition of natural grassland. The chosen natural grassland area of 2 ha belongs to plant community Arrhenatheretum medioeuropeum ruderale. NPK fertilizer (8:26:26) in the amount of 450 kg/ha was applied every year and extra 150 kg/ha KAN after first and second cut. Besides, the half of the experimental area was treated with 25000 l/ha of cattle slurry.

iii - Introducing perennial legumes with reduced application of inorganic nitrate and environment pollution with nitrate compounds

Investigations were carried out on 1.2 ha experimental area at the Centre for Grassland Production. The effect of two grazing systems (C=cattle; S= sheep) and two fertilizing systems (N0 =0; N150 = 150 kg of mineral nitrate per ha) on the viability of certain grassland components with an emphasis on white clover was determined at the previous investigation period.

Conventional land preparation and seeding of grass/clover mixture consisted of white clover (Trifolium repens), variety "Rivendel" (20%), Orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata), variety "Amba" (40%) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), variety "Balin" (40%) took place in the end of August 1998.

iv –New technologies for forage harvesting (drying- ensiling)

Investigations were settled up on the border between two counties: Zagreb and Krapinsko Zagorska. The experimental area of 20 ha was sown with grass-clover mixture for cutting.

Composition of the mixture:

Dactylis glomerata, variety "Amba" 15 kg/ha

Lolium italicum, variety "Bofur" 10 kg/ha

Trifolium repens, variety "Rivendel" 6 kg/ha

Trifolium pratense, variety "Reichersberger" 7 kg/ha

After barley was harvested in July 1998, clover-grass mixture was directly sown in spring 1999 in two terms (I. term: April 7, 1999; II. term: April 28/29 1999). At sanitary mowing for weed protection, KAN fertilizer was applied in quantity 150 kg/ha to the both experimental areas.

Besides investigating the effect of seeding term on grassland establishment (heavy soil) there were organized demonstrations of new technologies for grass conservation (round bale grass silage) for farmers/agricultural producers.

Technology description

i - Improvement in grassland botanical composition with destructive and non-destructive methods (re-ploughing/sowing into existing land) applied for establishing grass/clover mixtures

This method allows sward establishment or improvement of the botanical composition without ploughing and conventional land preparation, which results in reduced input expenses (no costs related to tillage and conventional seedbed preparation). Another advantage is the fact that there is continuous forage production from a renovated sward, as the existing sward is not damaged.

For the programme implementation, sowing machine type “John Deere” 1550 for direct grass/clover sowing into existing sward or into not prepared land was used.

- ii - Effect of slurry application on yield and botanical composition of natural grassland

From the ecological point of view, slurry is a by-product on cattle farms that might cause pollution of the environment while on the other side it can be used as a source of organic plant nutrients.

Slurry was spreaded using special slurry tanks running by tractors. Tank’s pump becomes operational for filling in or pouring out tanks content through connection with tractor’s rear axle.

iii - Introducing perennial legumes to reduce application of inorganic nitrate and environment pollution with nitrate compounds

The aim is reduced application of inorganic nitrate and utilization of air nitrate as a product of symbiotic relationship between legumes and bacterium Rhizobium.

iv – Introducing of new technologies for forage harvesting (drying- ensiling)

The optimum term for forage harvesting (especially for hay) has been often prolonged due to bad weather conditions. It has a great influence on forage quality, but besides the quality it reduces the number of mowing and thus forage quantity. Application of the technology for forage conservation in the form of round big bales wrapped with plastic does not depend on weather conditions. Forage is baled and wrapped with plastic immediately after mowing. Wilting of green forage id recommended if weather allows.

Optimum dry matter content before baling is between 34 and 40%. Immediately after baling round bales are to be wrapped with plastic. Ensiled material could be fed after 21-28 days.

Machinery used for the programme implementation were the following: (i) Tractor “John Deere” type 6610, power 115 KS; (ii) tractor “Styr” type 975 with front rotational mower attached, (iii) “John Deere” type 228; (iv) baling machine for round bales formation; (v) “John Deere” type 575, (vi) bale wrapper for round bale wrapping Pöttinger type 0800 and (vii) forage rotator and collector.

Economic analysis

With conventional land preparation the establishment costs for grass-clover mixture depends on region, but generally are about 2100 kn/ha (ploughing, seedbed preparation, sowing, rolling).

Direct sowing into existing sward or stubble-field is charged about 600 kn/ha. Estimated costs do not include fertilizer and seed that are the same for both sowing methods.

If considering the same forage yields there is much lower price per produced unit if direct sowing is applied.

When slurry applied as an extra fertilizer, much higher yield have been achieved (above 70%) which influences price per produced unit because the same quantities of mineral fertilizer are applied while slurry is by-product from livestock production anyway.

Based on literature data, plant production from clover-grass mixtures with no nitrate fertilization is the same as plant production based on grass mixtures with 200 kg/ha pure nitrate application per year, while dry matter proportion in mixture dry matter is 30% per year in average.

Pure nitrate is priced about 4.4 kn, thus savings in nitrate fertilizers only is about 890 kn/ha.


Farmers should benefit from the achieved results and apply recommended models, because almost every farm is equipped with all used machinery except direct seeding machine. Effect of the used seeding machines is great but farmers mostly are not in position to buy them due to high procurement price.

Seeding machines should be involved in machinery rings and in that way became available to farmers.

Project evaluation by farmers:

The farmers involved in the project implementation evaluated project, co-operation with the research team from the Centre of Grassland Production and extension service agents as very successful while achieved results can be applied and contribute to higher farm productivity.

Quantitative and Qualitative Data

i - Improvement in grassland botanical composition with destructive and non-destructive methods (re-ploughing/sowing into existing land) applied for establishing grass/clover mixtures

With conventional land preparation the highest yield of green mass and dry matter were reached over the second year of the investigation while direct sowing into corn stubble-field with 9 cm row density resulted in the highest yields in 2000 and in other investigation years were second in terms of green mass yield and dry matter content.

Directly sowed grass/clover mixture achieved not satisfactory results because the experimental area was flooded after sowing that influenced low cropping.

Regarding botanical composition, proportion of grasses to legumes in sown grass-clover mixture was to advantage in mixtures established with conventional land preparation and direct sowing into corn stubble field. .

- ii - Influence of slurry on yield and botanical composition of natural grassland

Over the 3-year investigation period the grassland extra fertilized with slurry had the highest green mass yields, in average for 75%, dry matter for 71% compared to control (grassland fertilized with mineral fertilizer only). No differences were found in relative proportions of grasses, legumes and other plants when comparing two treatments.

- iii - Introducing perennial legumes to reduce application of inorganic nitrate and environment pollution with nitrate compounds

After 2 investigating years, white clover proportion in swards was decreased independently on fertilizing and grazing regime (cattle - sheep). Grow recovery and spreading of white clover after rotational grazing was reduced probably due to warm and drought stress supported by grazing.

The fact that it is about a long-term effect of inorganic nitrate as well as grazing and their interaction on the sustainability of white clover in sward the implemented research should be also a long-term investigation that would help to determine the effect of fertilizing with inorganic nitrate and different grazing regimes on white clover sustainability.

iv – Introducing of new technologies for forage harvesting (drying- ensiling)

The average green mass yield have been about 50 t/ha over the last three year that is to say 10 t/ha dry matter yield of high quality clover/grass mixture with great botanical composition. The whole green mass was ensiled in the form of big bale silage wrapped with plastic.


Over the three-year investigations carried on family farms, results achieved by direct sowing, slurry application and ensiling grass in big bales, point at possibilities for increased production and application of the improved methods for forage harvesting which results with forage of higher quality than usual in practice.

Reduced application of inorganic nitrate while compensating nitrate with growing legumes did not give results suitable for making conclusions. Such investigations require much longer investigation period than applied.

All subjects involved in the project implementation were willing to cooperate among that helps the project to be implemented successfully.

It should be pointed out a great interest of farmers in seeders for direct sowing they had seen on machinery presentation and also in achieved results, which together in some counties keeps sowing machines for direct seeding on providing.

Principal investigator:

prof.dr.sc. Mladen Knežević