Projects funded in 2015-2016
Mina Foundation trains girls and young women in tailoring, literacy, English and computer skills. Computers, sewing machines, chairs and books will be used for vocational training.
DYPS (Asociacion de Desarrollo y Promocion Social) supports development projects for women and children integrating education, culture, professional and environmental training. Funds will be used to acquire furniture and teaching aids.
Autism National Foundation supports the education and care of autistic children. The project is to assist with the rehabilitation of an existing building. Funds will provide the roof.
ADEC (Associacao de Desenvolvimento Educativo Cultural) promotes access to education and professional development. Funds will be used to acquire material for sewing, embroidery, fabric painting, computers, camera, sewing machine, steam iron and board.
FASC (Fomento da Assistencia social e cultural) gives training in gastronomy and computer for teenagers and young women. The funds will be used to acquire computers, printer, projector, refrigerator and kitchen equipment.
Burkina Faso
Notre Destin (and Anw Dankan) works with impoverished youth to provide a secondary education. Funds will be used to equip and partly construct a small library.
ABUDELO (Association burundaise pour le développement économique local) vise à améliorer les conditions de vie des populations locales par la création d'emplois. Elle demande des fonds pour financer l'élevage de 400 poules pondeuses.
APROPF works to ameliorate the lives of 20 children and 20 young girls by growing their own food and providing basic agricultural training. The funds will be used for farming implements, purchase of goats, seeds, fertilizer and books.
JRSM (JEUNESSE RESPONSABLE ET SOLIDAIRE POUR UN MONDE MEILLEUR) encadre et forme les enfants domestiques au métier de couturier. L'argent servira à l'achat de machines à coudre et matériaux annexes.
SAEK THMEY (Ecole de formation professionnelle aux métiers du tourisme et apprentissage de la langue française) demande des fonds pour l'aménagement de toilettes pour les jeunes filles en formation.
Association Les Amis du Pays Khmer aids disadvantaged communities and works to prevent diseases. The project’s aim is to assist with providing water to the villages in the form of four new wells.
Associacion cultural del Café - works to facilitate the social integration and decrease the school drop-out rate among underprivileged children and provides after-school support. Funds will be used for teaching materials, computers, etc.
Cassanueva Cultural Association supports social and education development of young disadvantaged, vulnerable women and their children. The project will provide access to technology and facilitate education and vocational skills. Funds will be used for computers and voice data network.
Foundation Gigante Lider ouvre un restaurant communautaire "Dejando huellas" pour enfants défavorisés. Les fonds serviront à l'équipement et l'achat d'articles de cuisine.
OSDO provides education and support for orphans. The project's aim is to start a vegetable garden and keep animals that will both feed the orphans and provide some income. Funds will purchase gardening material and also build a containment area for the animals.
Congo RDC
APIPA (Association pour l'intégration des peuples autochtones) a pour but de réduire le taux d'analphabétisme chez les filles et les garçons Pygmées. Les fonds serviront à l'achat de fournitures scolaires, paiement de frais scolaires annuels..
Club Socio-Culturel Virunga promotes education and training in income-generating skills (cooking) for young women aged 14-23 in Centre Tangwa.
Costa Rica
School of Viento Fresco is a small school in a poor, rural area. The project is to build a roof over a play area to protect the children during the rainy season and allow them to gather outside the classroom.
Côte d'Ivoire
DEFISPA lutte contre l'abandon scolaire des jeunes filles des quartiers précaires d'Abidjan, donne à ces jeunes filles un soutien scolaire et une formation en informatique et nouvelles technologies. Les fonds permettront l'achat d'ordinateurs, matériel informatique, livres et meubles.
Conservatoire National de Machaia développe la pratique musicale chez les enfants défavorisés. Le projet va acheter l'équipement et le mobilier pour les locaux de la chorale (piano, clavier électroniques, chaises).
Salam Centre provides education, training and healthcare mostly to "Zabelin" (garbage sorting) community. Support was requested to renovate one floor of a 5-story building sheltering orphans and women.
The Ahl-Masr Foundation works for the prevention and treatment of burns in children. Funds will be used for the purchase of fire extinguishers and first aid kits, to be provided to villagers with relevant training.
AMIC (Association des Amis de l'Enfant) avec le soutien de SSI (Fondation suisse du Service International) travaille à l'intégration sociale et professionnelle des enfants vulnérables. Les fonds serviront à l'achat de jeux en plein air et de matériel didactique.
ROGACH demande des fonds pour financer un élevage de poules pondeuses destiné à nourrir et donner une formation à des enfants orphelins. L'argent servira à l'achat de matériaux pour la construction des poulaillers et 150 poules pondeuses.
Taaro ke Bache ouvre des écoles pour enfants autistes et trisomiques. L'argent servira à l'achat d'une voiture, divers meubles et matériel didactique.
Protsahan facilitates income generation for underprivileged young women. The project aims to provide 3-month training sessions in sewing and computer skills. Sewing machines, computers, tables, fabrics will be purchased.
Avocat Primary and Junior High School is a non-profit private school in a poor area and the cafeteria needs upgrading. Funds will be used for a refrigerator, industrial stove and cupboards.
Association Al Makassed Aljtimala works with marginalised people and families with limited income. This project is to purchase equipment to be used in the primary school - education materials, computer, etc.
Gonzague Pierre-Louis Special Learning Centre is a school for disabled children and has begun accepting blind children. The project is to supply relevant equipment such as braillers, tablets and educational games.
Le Pont du Tamarinier promeut divers ateliers éducatifs pour accompagner les enfants en dehors de l'école et de la famille. Les fonds serviront à l'achat de matériel scolaire, cartables et chaussures.
Juntos una Experiencia Compartida seeks social inclusion for young women with disabilities and dependent children through employment promotion. The funds will be used for promotional material, equipment.
Asocobst Ajutor Copilor met en œuvres des programmes médicaux et sanitaires au profit d'enfants handicapés. Les fonds serviront à l'achat de matériel et fournitures diverses pour la fabrication de 35 corsets-sièges.
Soroca Regional Hospital - The funds will be used to purchase items for a pediatric ward - such as tables, cots, and medical devices.
Taran Urguu NGO was established to improve living and learning conditions for nomad children. The project supports the upgrading of 2 selected classrooms and contents of a rural and poor Gurvanbulag Public School (for nomads).
Karakalpak Branch of Uzbekistan Association of Support of Children and Families organise des activités sportives pour renforcer la santé physique d'enfants défavorisés et d'enfants handicapés. L'argent servira à l'achat d'équipements de sports.
National Forum on Women’s Health aims to improve the quality of life for women and provides reproductive health education and vocational skills (sewing, embroidery) to out-of-school underprivileged adolescents and young women. The funds will be used for educational material, sewing machines and material, gardening tools.
National Society for Mentally and Emotionally Handicapped Children - provides education and skill development. This project will work to provide training for the Jago aur Jagao school for slum children. Clothing, booklets, health equipment and playground equipment will be purchased.
Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness - The organisation provides education and assistive aids to visually impaired people. Funding was provided for the purchase of computers, talking pads, learning games and computer training.
RABTT supports educational programs that encourage critical thinking, empathy, creativity and confidence. Funds will be used for marketing, printing, stationery, food, venue, transportation, equipment to provide 8 week training program to deserving needy children.
Promu-Efaes (Escuela de formacion deassistentes de empresas de servicio) promotes training for young Paraguay women leading to the creation of self-sustaining microenterprises. Funds will be used to acquire didactic material.
ACEC (Asociacion Civil de Educacion y cultura) provides training for young women of the marginal area of Chosica Peru by implementing a computer classroom. The funds will be used to acquire furniture, computer equipment and books.
SOPITA - The organisation supports a primary school and it is now developing a kindergarden. Funds will be used for equipment for the playground area and gymnasium
CFEPFE's principal activities are education and vocational training of girls and young women. This project aims to train participants in baking and obtain a professional qualification. The funds will be used to purchase cooking utensils, and other project related supplies.
Main dans la Main-Senégal supports health and hygiene projects for children and families. The project involves construction of 8 latrines and training sessions on nutrition and hygiene for children.
SAFINA humanitaire internationale lutte contre la pauvreté en améliorant les conditions de vie des personnes vulnérables. Les fonds servent à la mise en place d'une infirmerie pour des soins primaires immédiats, des consultations et l'éducation à la santé.
USADC (Usratuna Sudanese Association for Disabled Children) aims to provide disabled children and youth with opportunities to participate in scouting activities. Funds will be used to acquire furniture, uniforms, shoes, trumpets, drums, tents.
South Africa
Thembelihle Home - a residential child and youth care centre for those at risk due to abuse, abandonment, HIV, and poverty. Funds will allow to resume a dental hygiene programme, install razor wire on fence, fund a school outing, purchase shoes and underwear, school stationary and a vacuum cleaner.
Sri Lanka
Sangamitta Girls Child Development Centre - is an orphanage for girls aged 5-12 and the project aims to build and equip a new kitchen which will allow increase in the number of orphans cared for.
REWOVO - Project supports a nursery school and day-care centre for unemployed women who are undergoing training. Funds are to be used to purchase reading and textbooks.
Groupement des femmes brodeuses teinturières et tisseuses (GFBTT) - formation de 30 jeunes à la teinture et au tissage. Le project va acheter métiers à tisser, écheveaux de fil, et chauffage solaire de l'eau.
ADESCO (Appui au Développement et à la santé communautaire) travaille à la réalisation de forage dans le village de Patchou, canton de Dimori. Les fonds seront utilisés pour les forages, équipements de forage, développement de forage.
Action et Développement Solidaire seeks to promote a form of development that is inclusive and based on solidarity. The funds will be used to equip a library in each of two primary schools.
Kyoga Foundation provides to young rural girls training in catering and accommodation management courses by the Pearlcrest Hospitality Institute. The funds will be used to acquire books and computers.
Shoroq Primary School facilitates the access to basic elementary education for village children. Funds will be used to acquire school materials.
Belwood Early Childhood Development Centre seeks to ready disadvantaged children for school and provides full daycare and hot meals. The project is to acquire new furniture, playground equipment, toys and books.