EEAS Classified DocumentManagementSystem(CDMS)

and e-Registry for

EC³IS (EEAS Corporate Classified

Communication and Information System)

Questions and Answers Set 2

Question 1

With reference to Section 5.3.3 “Technical and professional capacity criteria and evidence” of the Tender Specifications, page 9, 5.3.3 b, a declaration of the annual manpower for the profiles of Analyst, Technical Engineer, Subject matter Expert, Document Administrator, Architect, Developer and the “rest of fields related to the services and supplies as described under point 6 and under Annex 1 of this Tender Specifications” (last bullet). Could you please explain further what figures should be provided for the last bullet of this subsection?

Answer to question 1

We would like to know the average (one number) manpower involved in the field of services and supplies in line with the content of the contract.

Question 2

With reference to Section “5.3.3 Technical and professional capacity criteria and evidence” of the Tender Specifications, page 9, section 5.3.3 (c), could you please clarify whether we need to provide:

a. the actual certificates of Personal Security Clearance at the level of SECRET UE/EU SECRET of at least 3 staff members (including the Project Manager);


b. a declaration confirming that the tenderer has minimum 3 staff members involved in the design and implementation of the solution (including the Project Manager) with a valid Personal Security Clearance at the level of SECRET UE/EU SECRET.

Answer to question 2

The appropriate understanding is b.

Question 3

With reference to Annex_8_Profiles_CDMS & e-Registry of Tender Specifications, page 1/6, it is stated that the Analyst must have minimum 10 years in BPMN 2.0, when its initial release is dated at 01/2011. We understand that an eligible person should cover this requirement when the combination of his/ her experience in BPMN 2.0 and previous version of BPMN equals to minimum 10 years. Please confirm our understanding or clarify further.

Answer to question 3

We confirm

Question 4

With reference to Section 7.1 “Technical tender” of the Tender Specifications, technical award criterion 7 – Migration, “The tenderer must present the migration process to transfer information from the existing systems to CDMS & e-Registry solution”, could you specify the document management technologies used for the existing systems?

Answer to question 4

No, we cannot specify since this information is classified however we can state those technologies are existing and well-known (not exotic) ones.

CDMS & e-Registry for EC³IS1/3 Questions & Answers