DATE:January 10, 2014
TO:LAC Faculty
FROM:Jim Bradley
RE:Faculty Nominated Scholarships
As you know, we have a number of LAC scholarships for which there is no application - students must be nominated by faculty in order to be considered. Some students will ask you to nominate them, but you may also nominate any student you deem worthy. A description of each of these scholarships and the required rubric form can be found under the “Faculty/Staff Resources” of the LAC website or by going to this direct link:
Any students you nominate will be considered for ALL faculty-nominated scholarships for which they qualify.
Please submit your nominations to Jim Bradley no later than February 21, 2014. There will be no extensions or exceptions granted. You can either drop them off in the Student Success Center or email them to
Thank you for your help in support of our students!
Jim Bradley
University of Southern Maine
Faculty Nomination for Scholarship
Date Due: Friday, February 21, 2014
Student Name ______
StudentI.D. # ______
Please evaluate the student named above as s/he compares to other students in your program. Please also provide any other information you feel would be helpful in the COMMENTS section below.
Outstanding / Above Avg. / Average / Below Avg. / CannotEvaluate
Career Potential
Leadership Abilities
Communication Skills:
Academic Performance
COMMENTS: Explain why you think this student deserves and needs a scholarship. Place your comments in the context of the student’s education and professional goals (attach additional sheets as necessary.)
2014USM/LAC Faculty Nominated Scholarships
Scholarship Name Lewiston-Auburn College Graduate Student Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements Student must be matriculated in the MLS or MOT program. Student must demonstrate academic achievement, community and college service with professional promise. (Students who will be completing their program in May, 2014 are not eligible).
Faculty Nomination Required
Contact Jim Bradley, Lewiston-Auburn College Student Success Office,
Nomination Deadline: February 21, 2014.
Scholarship Name Helen L. Greenwood Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements Must be a Natural and Applied Sciences major and have a strong interest in science and a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Faculty Nomination Required
Contact Jim Bradley, Lewiston-Auburn College Student Success Office,
Application Deadline: February 21, 2014.
Scholarship Name NiSource Charitable Foundation Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements Must be a Lewiston-Auburn College major and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Faculty Nomination Required
Contact Jim Bradley, Lewiston-Auburn College Student Success Office,
Application Deadline: February 21, 2014.