Project: XXXNegotiation - Minutes of MeetingPage 1 of 1
Project Name
Negotiation Meeting
Place, date, time
Template Ver.1.20 –23/08/2018
Prepared by: ………
Ref. no:………
Participants / Company / Signature / Distribution listParticipants +
Discussion Item / Action Item
- Introduction:
- Introduce participants (All)
- Explain purpose of meeting (ESA)
- Approach for the MoM and presentation of the related template (ESA)
- Approval of Draft Agenda (All)
- Presentation of the Business Plan (BP), the project and of the companies (Contractor’s Team). Visual and collaborative tools like the Business Model canvas are welcome during the meeting to support the business case presentation. The PPT will be attached to the signed MoM or uploaded in daptiv
- Discuss clarification/negotiation points (All)
- Complete details on draft contract (All)
- Plan for subcontract(s) (Contractor’s Team)
- Confirmation of Entity Code(s) of prime and sub-contractors (Contractor’s Team).
- Confirm full registration of prime (including up to date bank details). (ESA)
- Explain Monthly Progress Reports (MPR), including current status updates (ESA)
- Explain Project Web Page for ESA Business Applications website (needed by Baseline Design Review) (ESA)
- Introduce web-based project planning and collaboration tool “daptiv”, including “ground rules” for utilisation (ESA) [The ground rules affecting documents’ repository, actions’ tracking and notifications are pre-loaded within the daptiv project template to create a new project. Demonstrate the way to record and update one of the actions taken at the meeting]
- Planning for the activities to be carried out before the next milestone meeting (Contractor’s Team)
- Set date for start of the project and date and location for next milestone review (All)
- A.O.B.
- Review the Action Items List (All)
- Conclusions
- Review of the Minutes of Meeting and signatures (All)
1. Participants were introduced. The purpose of the NM was explained by ESA. The Draft Agenda was approved without modifications(or with modifications…, where applicable).
2. The project and the consortium were presented (see PPT “…………” in daptiv). / AI 0.1 Upload in daptiv the presentation provided at NM (Prime, due date DDMonYYYY):
3. Clarification/Negotiationpoints, Ref. ESA Fax ESA-IPL-PET-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, dated DD/MM/YYYY
The answers to the Clarification/Negotiation points were provided via the document Ref….. dated …., which will be posted in daptiv (under folder NM) immediately after the conclusion of the meeting. The following list resumes the status of acceptance of the answers:
Point I.1 Clarify “XXX…..”. The point is considered clarified and accepted.
Point I.2 Clarify “YYY….”. The point is considered clarified and accepted. / AI 0.2Upload in daptiv the answers to the Clarification/Negotiation Meeting (Prime, due date DDMonYYYY):
Possible actions related to the clarification/negotiation points have to be listed below…..
AI 0.3Brief description(Prime, due date DDMonYYYY
4. Draft contract was reviewed.
5. Plan for subcontract(s)
At the first review meeting, confirmation that all contractual arrangements with subcontractors are in place will be provided. / IN CASE OF SUB-CONTRACTORS IN THE TEAM:
AI 1.1 Provide confirmation that all contracts with subcontractors are in place and signed (Prime, due date BDR):
6. Confirmation of Entity Code(s) of prime and sub-contractors (Contractor’s Team).
7. Confirm full registration of prime (including up to date bank details). (ESA)
A “lite” registration in ESA star is not enough and the prime must be fully registered.
8. The Monthly Progress Report was introduced and explained by ESA, with the status to update the Project Web Page.
9. The Project Web Page with associated procedures for submission, publication and possible updates was presented by ESA. The Project Web Page shall be delivered to ESA for the finalization of the 1st Milestone Meeting. / AI 1.2 Provide to ESA the Project Web Page (Prime, due date BDR):
10. The Daptiv workspace dedicated to the project was presented and explained by ESA. The ground rules reported under “Discussions” were presented. A specific example to describe the way to create and update the Actions recorded at the meetings using the “Issues” in Daptiv and associated procedures for updating the Issues were presented by ESA.
11. The planning of the activities to be carried out for the BDR was presented.
12. The date for start of the project activities was set to DD MM YYYY.
The BDR was planned for DD MM YYYY. The meeting will take place in xxxxx.
13. A.O.B.(if any)
14. The Action Items List were reviewed, identifying the Action Items require: i) the be finalized to declare the NM successful, ii) to be finalised for the contract award (typically, a subset of the previous list).
All Actions Items will be recorded in Daptiv as Issues by….. , indicating with High Priority the Issues that need to be closed for the finalization of the NM, as indicated above.
Any subsequent updating of the actions will be recorded using the “Actions > Update Issue” feature. Actions completed for the team will be set to 99% status, which will be updated to 100% by ESA Technical Officer upon verification. / AI 0.XRecord all the AIs in the daptiv workspace (Prime, due date DDMonYYYY):
15. Conclusions
The negotiation meeting is considered successfully concluded subject to the closure of Action Items … (typically a subset of the AIs above).The contract award is subject to the completion of ESA internal approval process.
The kick-off of the activity shall be considered given at the point in time when the contract has been signed by both parties. Start of work at the Contractor's own risk will be/was on the date indicated in section 10 above.Work performed from this date will be contractuallycovered under the contract in accordance with paragraph XX of ARTES XX call for proposals cover letter.
OPTION: The agreements documented herein shall be contractually binding only upon signature of the contract by both parties. / AI 0.YVerify closure of all Action Items that need to be finalised for the contract award; capture screenshot of all issues and attach to signed MoM; Send MoM to CO (ESA TO, due date DDMonYYYY): and upload it to daptiv; record Gok date in daptiv TIA-A
16. The Minutes of the Meeting were reviewed and signed.