Mon 8th Easter Feria (4th week of Easter)

We pray for our Musicians

09.05 ORA Year 7 Visit to Church

14.20 ORA Year 7 Visit to Church

Tue 9th Easter Feria

We pray for Ormiston Rivers Academy

08.30 Morning Prayer

09.00 Mass

14.00 Houses Committee (at Diocesan offices)

17.00 Vespers

19.00 Bell ringing practise

19.45 BMG Rehearsal

Wed 10th Easter Feria

We pray for Churches Together in Burnham

08.30 Morning Prayer

11.25 ORA Year 7 Visit to Church

12.25 ORA Year 7 Visit to Church

Thur 11th Easter Feria

We pray for our School Governors

08.30 Morning Prayer

10.00 Drop in for Coffee until 12pm

12.15 Mass

14.00 Pay & Performance Committee Meeting

(at St Mary’s School)

16.30 Full Governing Body Meeting

(at St Mary’s School)

Fri 12th St Pancras (Martyr)

We pray for Persecuted Christians

07.30 Morning Prayer

08.00 Mass

09.00 Collective Worship (at St Mary’s School)

11.25 ORA Year 7 Visit to Church

17.00 Vespers

19.45 BMG Rehearsal

Sat 13th Our Lady of Fatima

We pray for the Sick and those in need

09.00 Morning Prayer

14.30 BMG Rehearsal

19.45 BMG Concert

Sun 14th Fifth Sunday of Easter

We pray for our Parish

08.00 Mass

09.00 Morning Prayer

10.00 Sung Mass

13.30 Churches Together BBQ (on The Green)

15.00 Commissioning of Christian Aid Collectors

17.00 Choral Evensong

Readings for Sunday 14th May:

First Reading: Acts 7:55-60

Psalm: Psalm 31:1-5. 15-16

Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:2-10

Gospel: John 14:1-14

Details for the following week’s pew sheet to be sent to FatherMark by Thursday

Welcome to our Celebration Today

TheWalsingham room is available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. TheSidespersons have bags of toys for younger visitors to use during the service. At the end of Mass please stay and join us for coffee and refreshments. Thegreen books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns are found in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:

Music at the Sung Mass HON

Process. The King of love my shepherd is 484

Offertory I will sing the wondrous story 237

Comm. Loving Shepherd of thy sheep 325

Process. A man there lived in Galilee 3

Mass Setting F

This evening the Guild of StCatherine will meet and we will use the Rosary to guide our devotions. Next Sunday will see the first of our Choral Evensongs. Both these services start at5pm.

Coffee Morning

The next set of invitations needs to be distributed tothose who live in Sandpit Lane, Sheerwater Close, Ship Road and Shore Road. Pleasetake the appropriate bundle if you can help with the distribution.

Children’s Society Box Collection

The collection for this year has totalled £488.71. Manythanks to all who contributed. Anyone who would like a box, please speak to Maureen.

Thank you

To all those who participated at our very successful Book Sale and Car Boot Sale!

Churches Together BBQ

Next Sunday, the Churches Together are organising a barbeque on our Green. Like we did last year, we have been asked to supply desserts; other Churches are supplying salads, the meat, etc. If you are able to offer a dessert, please add it to the list at the back of Church. There is no charge for this event, but donations will be requested to cover expenses. Any surplus will be added to the Christian Aid fundraising. At 3pm, those who have volunteered to be Christian Aid collectors will be commissioned for this task.

Christian Aid

Envelopes and resources for Christian Aid will soon be available. Please help where you can! Our Thursday morning ‘Drop in for Coffee’ on 18th May will be a fundraiser for Christian Aid. Please do try and come along on the 18th.

News from St Mary’s

Look out for our new edition coming soon!

Parish Contacts

Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071

Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296

Tony Young 01621 929309

Parish Website: