Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.2. No. 43; Oct. 30, 2016

Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW),Carmen Otto (CO), Tim Marshall (TM), Paul Dowling (PD), Celeste Grieg (CG), J. David Lehman (JDL), Stephen Steinlight (SS), Myrna Davis (MD), Robert Reyto (RR)

This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America asa symbol of the colonials’ resistance to Britishtyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA.

Hillary’s Backroom Deals:

Project Veritas Action: "Rigging the Election" (VIDEOS)

Editor’s Note: We suggest you watch these undercover videos consecutively and in one sitting for maximum impact. Beats the segments you see in the media—those who have bothered to cover this scandal.

Part I: Violence at Trump Rallies

Part II: Mass Voter Fraud

Part III: Clinton Knew

Part IV: The Money Man

Trick or Treat? LocateRegistered Sex Offenders:A few quick steps--including a privacy agreement--will identify risky residences


Obamacare Premium Hikes (Chart/News)10/26/2016 by Bob Bryan at Business Insider: Yeah, if you liked your premium... (MN)

Trey Gowdy Explodes over Liesre Benghazi (VIDEO) (DB)

Wikileaks: Reveals Hillary Clinton's Horror Show (VIDEO) (DB)

Wikileaks: Obama Exposed in Secret Emails (VIDEO) (DB)

The Voting Dead: Fraud in Colorado10/26/2016 by Jenna Leigh Richardson at Liberty News

Illegals storm TX Border: Hope of Clinton Amnesty Lures Them; 10/26/2016 by Jenna Leigh Richardson at Liberty News

Hillary’s Health:Weekly Updates

Podesta's Emails Confirm Hillary's Health Issues; 10/28/2016 by Emily Pont at WikiLeaks spills the beans, again.

WikiLeaks releases emails on Hillary's Health; 10/8/2016 at Behind the News: Follow the sex, money, lies and prescriptions?

Hillary nixes Alzheimer’s Tests; 9/23/2016 by Samantha Chang at The Improper: Dilemma or just weird?

Parkinson's disease v Pneumonia Claims (Interview/VIDEO 26:08):9/12/2016 by Gary Franchi of Next News Network interviewing Ted Noel, MD. This discussion includes 9-11 collapse. (PD)

Hillary Clinton's Health Issues: A Medical Rationale8/29/2016 posted by Connecting the dots on Hillary's medical saga since 2005. (PD)

George Will: Trump on "Rigged" Elections--Make that Point. It's real.10/17/2016 by Ian Schwarts at Real Clear Politics

California/Los Angeles:

Islamic Jihadi Slams into Vets Car at 100 mph--in "Name of Allah"; 10/26/2016 by Tim Brown at Freedom Outpost: Welcome to CA, Jihadi, now go home (to Allah).

Public Safety on the Ballot: Candidates and Initiatives (Commentary)10/16/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review

Editor’s Note: Voter Education Continual Updates. These are our Top-2 Guides to CA Propositions:

CA Ballot Measures:

The 7 Ugliest Propositions on the CA Ballot 10/27/2016 by Jon Fleishman

CA Voter Guide:17 Ballot Initiatives10/9/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Recommendations by a self-described "Conservatarian" and veteran political pundit.

CA Propositions: 9/29/2016 by Susan Shelley at Los Angeles Daily News--her yays or nays.

California Taxpayers Association (CalTax): Statewide measures

17 Propositions on CA Ballot (Election/Commentary); 8/27/2016 by William Saracino at Southern California Republican Women & Men;

CA Tea Party: Proposition AnalysisbyDawn Wildman, executive director of CATPG.


France: "The Jungle" Migrant Camp rots the Culture9/30/2016 by Soeren Kern at Gatestone Institute

Crews begin to dismantle "The Jungle"10/25/2016 by the Associated Press in Newsday

UNESCOfilesSecond "Ridiculous" Resolution on Israel10/26/2016 by Barney Breen-Portnoy at the Algemeiner: What did the Bible say about those who attack Israel? Oh.

Bosnian Town Hosts Only-Arab Estate "Ghetto"10/28/2016 by Pamela Geller at The Geller Report: Is this neighborhood coming to America? Wait for Hillary's "open door" and welcome mat. God bless, America. (MN) (

Pope Francis: Holy Land to the Jews; 10/27/2016 by JNS staff at Breaking Israel

The Highlight Reels:

"The Enemies Within"--Trevor Loudon on the Glazov Gang 35:24 VIDEO(KK)

Clinton Backed UN 1619: Sharia Law trumps Free Speech (VIDEO)

Britain's Got Talent (Magician Richard Jones) "Magic is all around us."

Slow-motion Bullets (VIDEO)

At the Hearth: Our Editorial Page.

Hillary's Plan to "Fix" ObamaCare: Hike Punishing Fees; 10/28/2016 by Daniel John Sobieski at the American Thinker: Some fix, Mr. Gruber.Yeah, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

How would President Hillary impact CA? (Commentary)10/26/2016 by John Seiler at Fox & Hounds: Hang onto your pocketbook, retirement and accountant.

Why the Thumbs-up for the Chicago Cubs' Woes? 9/30/2016 by George F. Will at the Washington Post

The Dark Art of Political Intimidation--Kim Strassel (VIDEO)10/27/2016 at Prager U: Stunning expose on Big Brother's targeting the First Amendment

Polarizing: Political Segregation in our Communities9/30/2016 by Gracy Olmstead at the Federalist: Diversity or Balkanization?

University Lets Co-Eds select their Own Pronoun9/29/2016 by Tad Cronn at The Constitution: If it's Tuesday, I must be a Zir?

IRS: Obama's Weapon against First Amendment (Commentary)9/26/2016 by Leslie Eastman at Legal Insurrection blog: IRS takes aim at 1A

A Health Care Legacy "Moons hot" for Obama9/29/2016 by John R. Graham, National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA)

Editorial policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor:Sunday Liberty Pole to for a future edition.

New! Sunday Liberty Pole archives. Readers’ choice: a DOCX or PDF version of previous editions at

In Case You Missed It:

The IRS Scandal, Day 1241; 10/1/2016 by Paul Caron at Tax Prof Blog: Judicial Watch is on it! DOJ sought criminal prosecutions of Conservative Groups in 2013.

Hillary's Lies: List of the biggest 369/26/2016 by Staff at

History of Slave Trade in America: White and Black 3/17/2015 by John Martin at Global Research: Yes, Virginia, there were White Slaves. (KK)

More Obama "Birther" Resources 1991-1998 and 2007; September 2016 By Gary DeMar at Eagle Rising. Just for fun--we can use some right now. (PD)

Creepy Clowns are terrorizing Children, Schools Nationwide9/19/2016 by Michael Snyder at Charisma News

CSLA Institutes Self-segregated Dorms--for Blacks.9/7/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Yep. Black Lives Matter--segregation returns.