Project Title:Polar Power

You Tube video: How Polar Power Works

Summary of Project:

Provide a general summary of the project. Make sure to include a rationale for why this idea has strategic importance at this time.

Why use electricity to power mechanical, compressor-based refrigeration systems when cold, fresh air can cool a refrigerated space for free? The Freeaire Polar Power® system’s components monitor outside and inside temperatures and bring, fresh, filtered outside air into a cooler during the winter. When outside air is used for cooling, conventional mechanical refrigeration system components areshut off and do not consume any energy. The savings in energy, reduced wear and tear on system components and money are significant.

Introduction and Background:

Describe in detail the background, context, importance, and value of this project.

Polar Power® allows the use of cold outside air to cool a spacefor approximately 120 to 130 days a year in Burlington. Like wind and solar energy, this “polar energy” is a natural and endlessly renewable source of energy.Polar Power® is appropriate forany refrigerated space of 1,000 cubic feet or more.

Refrigeration has a significant energy footprint on UVM’s campus and a lot of the refrigeration is in campus dining, with a total of 44 coolers and freezers.Dining Services already prioritizes energy efficient equipment but is excited about the innovative Freeaire technology that can increase efficiency of refrigerators new and old. The Freeaire system can reduce energy use up to 50% per cooler.

Methodology and Timeframe:

How will the idea be carried out? Which individuals and offices will be involved? How long with the project take to complete, and what is the timeframe for each key phase? Include information on long-term maintenance and accountability.

A walk-through assessment of existing walk-in coolers on campus and their eligibility for a retrofit was completed on 10/25/13. The retrofit itself only takes one week per cooler. Although the work can be done without shutting down the system, it would be safer and easier to schedule the work during the summer or a break period when the dining unit is not operational. Installation would be completed by Green Tech Refrigeration. Preventative maintenance would be included in KC Mechanical’s regular schedule.

Below are the three eligible coolers in order of eligibility:

  1. Davis Center Marketplace: This cooler is on the second floor, is the appropriate size and is against an exterior brick wall facing Main Street. The cooler has two evaporator units.
  2. Given Atrium: This location will be undergoing renovations May-July 2014. The refrigeration/freezer combo is located close to an exterior wall but is currently <1000 ft3. The two coolers could possibly be expanded during renovation to make Polar Power® practical. However, Given is a historic building so there may be difficulties with altering an exterior wall.
  3. Waterman: This cooler is appropriately sized but is located in the basement of Waterman and it is unclear what the exterior access to the unit looks like. If outdoor access is feasible, this unit would be an ideal candidate. However, like Given, Waterman is also a historic building which may be a challenge.

Benefits and Results:

Describe the educational, environmental, and economic benefits this project will provide (for example, energy savings, return oninvestment, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, learning opportunities and outcomes, or any other broader impacts on the university community).

Investigating innovative ways to decrease the energy use of our campus food system is a step in the right direction to food security for our university. The payback for the system is usually 1-5 years depending on the complexity of installation. The return can be 2-10 times the initial investment, or save 50-90% in operating costs. Freeaire provides detailed information quantifying reduced greenhouse gas emissions, energy savings, etc. Case studies show an average of 25-50% energy savings.

Student Engagement:

How, specifically, will this project provide opportunities for student engagement?

Engineering classes offered at the graduate and undergraduate level could partner with Green Tech Refrigeration for the installation, evaluate the success of the upgraded system, or conduct a feasibility study for other locations on campus (ex: labs or server rooms).

Suggested Project Champion(s):

Include the names, phone numbers, email addresses, roles, and departmental affiliations of individuals who may be interested in developing this idea into an implemented project.

The individuals below have all expressed interest and strong support for this project and/or were involved in the campus walk-through.

Kevin Casey, KC Mechanical, President

Phone: (802)878-0800


Caylin McKee, UVM Dining,Sustainability Coordinator

Phone: (802) 656-7911


Michelle Smith, UVM Green Building Coordinator

Phone: (802) 656-2219


Michael Levengood, Green Tech Refrigeration, Installer

Phone: (802) 272-5271


Michelle Keller, Burlington Electric Dept, Energy Services

Phone: (802) 865-7371


Projected Budget and Budget Justification:

Outline the project budget, justifying the need for all expenditures.

Below is an estimated budget for the most eligible walk-in unit, in the Davis Center Marketplace. Costs should be similar for additional units with variation in installation cost depending on building exterior and location of cooler. Equipment costs should stay consistent.

Justification for use of student-supported, CEF Funds:

Why is this project appropriate for the Clean Energy Fund, as opposed to another funding source? What complementary in-kind or monetary support does this project have?

UVM is responsible for the purchase, renovations and maintenance of equipment for Dining Services. Without support from the Clean Energy Fund, this effort could be stalled in stalemate. Improving the energy efficiency in dining helps UVM reduce its carbon footprint, lowers overall costs to UVM operations and provides an innovative technology for students to monitor and study. Success with one installation on campus could lead to campus-wide support of Polar Power®!