Module2 / Enquiry Questions
(What we will be finding out through this unit) / Activities
Writing Focus: Instruction Writing / Key Skills
Stage 2: INNOVATION / Theme/Focus Objective:
Write, present and broadcast a range of ideas, in a wide variety of forms and with awareness of different audiences and purposes; communicate these ideas with accuracy on paper, on screen and through multimodal texts.
Talk for Writing Across the Curriculum (Pie Corbett & Julia Strong)
Lots of flip chart paper!
Teacher made text : How to Catch an Ogre
Prompts on Working Wall from previous Module / TASK: Write a set of instructions: How to catch a dragon
NB Throughout this module, constant reference will be made to the Module 1: How to catch an ogre and to all the notes created for the Working Wall. Chn will be expected to use all these to support their own writing in this module.
Tuning into the Text-Sentence games:
WALT: Use temporal connectives correctly
Crazy Instructions: Sitting in lines opposite each other or in a circle, pass the instructions across/around. Chn to say a rapid set of instructions eg How o cook a rainbow/How to build a planet from scratch. Encourage them to include a Top Tip or Warning at the end. (see example on pg 72 T4W)
Role Play:(pg 74 T4W)
  • Using alien masks, role play giving an alien instructions eg how to peel an orange, how to reach the school hall from the classroom
WALT: Orally perform a text
Talking the Text-tuning into text games
  • As a class, then in pairs, chn will orally perform the instructions: How to catch an ogre
  • Play Pass it Round the Circle to ensure chn have not forgotten any aspect of the text.
WALT: Box up the text to create a plan
Box Up the Text
Taking ideas from the chn, work together to plan a newset of instructions:How to Catch a Dragon by boxing up the text and continually referring back to the explanation used in Module 1,How to Catch an Ogre.
Also have the boxed up text from How to Catch an Ogre on Working Wall to refer to.
Shared Writing- to take place over a number of days
(T4W pg 85-86)
Through shared writing, show chn how to move from their plan to the actual writing. Initial set of instructions:How to Catch an Ogre on IWBd, colour coded so lang features stand out. The plan which has just been devised for How to Catch a Dragon must be on display on Working Wall.
Working on f/c, take chn’s ideas as well as some modelling and create the new text one paragraph at a time. Take chn’s ideas for vocabulary, developing sentences, making decisions etc about this new text. Teach chn to ‘Magpie’ good ideas/vocab etc as we go along, making a note of these in their Lit bks for future use. Constantly read the shared writing out loud, modelling for the chn the importance of reading( as part of the writing process)to ensure the writing flows and makes sense.
After each shared writing session, chn will write independently, building their own text over a number of days. Title of their writing could be: How to Catch an Alien
LA chn
Supp by TA- Chn will work in appropriate pairs to write their instructions. They will receive much scaffolding and guidance from TA. Word mats on tables for use.
MA chn
Supp by Teacher- These chn will be expected to work more independently with guidance from teacher about sentence construction and reminders of the key features to be using. Some shared & modelled writing will form part of the support for this group. Word mats on tables for use.
HA chn will be expected to write a more detailed set of instructions, including more ambitious vocabulary.
The next stage is for the chn to follow the same process but writing a different set of instructions this time entitled How to Catch a Goblin ( or perhaps some other mythical beast of the chn’s choice)
Teacher will again model planning using a boxed up grid and shared writing.
Working independently, chn box up their plans and compose their own set of instructions over a period of a few days. / Review
Rehearsing a text orally
Writing a mixture of simple and complex sentences.
Using appropriate connectives.
Use appropriate imperative verbs
Using commas within sentences.
Matching verbs to tenses accurately.
Editing writing
Remember to:
Use the story map as an aid to performing the text
Talk to my partner, sharing my ideas
Box up the text
Use the Toolkit and Prompt Posters as an aid to my writing
Use my Checklist as an aid to writing
Use How to Catch an Ogre example as a model for my own writing about How to Catch an Alien
Possible evidence:
Chn will be able to-
  • Orally perform a text
  • Confidently use appropriate connectives both orally and in writing
  • Tell someone the features of journalistic writing
  • Devise their own headlines for an article on a given theme
  • Write a good opening sentence for a newspaper article which hooks the reader
  • Explain what is of interest to the reader in a newspaper article and what is not of interest
  • Box up the text into appropriate sections: beginning, middle and end
  • Recognise the difference between direct and reported speech
  • Edit their writing with support from learning partner/teacher/TA
  • Write a newspaper article which is interesting to the reader and which includes appropriate features