Love the Broads Grants Application Form
Please fill in this form as best you can to provide us with information about your project. When you have completed the form, please send it back by post to the address given on the website for the round of applications for which you are applying.
Project Title:1. Applicant Details
Organisation name:Type of applicant (please tick)
Registered Charity □ / Other public body / agency / government dept □
Business □ / Local Council or local authority □
Other constituted group □
If Other group, please give brief details:
Main Contact / Project Manager (if different)
Name: / Name:
Address: / Address:
Telephone: / Telephone:
Email: / Email:
Is the project a partnership between organisations? Yes / No
If Yes, please specify the organisations, who will manage the project and who will undertake the work:
2. Project Information
Biodiversity □
Natural environment □
Facilities □
Waterways □ / Use of Land/Water resources □
Ecosystem of Broads □
Educational Resources □ / Young people □
Community Life □
Cultural Heritage □
Climate Change □
Post Code:
General description of project location:
Is the site fully accessible to the public? Yes / No
If restrictions apply please specify:
Is the site designated? / SSSI □ NNR □ None □
AONB □ Other …………………
Planning consent
Is planning consent required for this work? Yes / No
If yes, has planning permission been granted? Yes / No
Work plan
A When is work likely to start?
B Who will be undertaking the work?
C When will the work be finished?
D What is the project expiry date?
(The date after which the project will not be carried out if funding isn’t available)
3. Project Description
What is the purpose of this project? (continue on a separate sheet if needed)
Who does the project involve and who will benefit from it?(continue on a separate sheet if needed)
List any specific outcomes for this project: (continue on a separate sheet if needed)
Please explain how this project has a positive impact on the environment, for example in terms of biodiversity, landscape character, water or air quality, climate change, local produce, waste etc
(continue on a separate sheet if needed)
4. Project Costs
Amount of money you are seeking from us / £
Total Project Cost Breakdown
e.g. materials, labour, transport, other costs / £
In-Kind Contributions: Please indicate the total voluntary manhours that will be expended through the duration of the project.
Other Funders Please indicate where else you are seeking funding for this project and the outcome of any funding applications.
Funding Body / Amount sought / Outcome
Financial Future If applicable, please indicate how the project will be continued and funded in future.
Sponsored projects:
We have identified the following business or organisation to exclusively sponsor our project:
Name of business or organisation:
Contact name, telephone number and email address:
5. Photographs
Please send a minimum of two digital photographs of the projects / project locations on a disk or by e-mail to
6. Please provide us with further information (see notes) including a copy of your constitution or trust deed
7. Please sign
Name / DateSignature / Position
8. Project Follow Up – To be filled in by The Trust
Project review date / InitialProject Report to be received by The Trust / Initial