Project Shadow Puppet Theatre
- You must create and perform a Shadow Puppet Production written cooperatively by the members of your group.
- Your group must turn in a written script with all spoken parts written in proper script form.
Remember the play must be in three acts
Act 1-- Define the problem
Act 2-- Define 3 possible solutions
Act 3 – The big finale—the best possible solution
- You must create at least one individual puppet with color and moveable parts. One puppet is a basic requirement you can create more than one if needed for the story line.
- Your group must work cooperatively to create ground scenery that fills the bottom of the stage associated with the theme of your play. Each group member must create a part of the scenery.
Dates to Know
May3, 6and 7-----Type your script. All group members must have input. A typed copy of the completed script is due to Mrs. Wiles on May 8th at the BEGINNING of class.
May 8-10--- You must bring materials to class to build puppets and scenery. You must actively work on creating your play. Worksheet must be turned in by May 10.
May 13---- Final play preparations
May 14-15 ---- And the show must go on!!! Presentation Day.
Minor Assessment: Script completed and in proper format.
Minor Assessment: Background scenery & completed worksheet.
Major Assessment: Puppetconstruction- colorful, movable, and construction materials brought in on time.
Major Assessment: Final Presentation of show
Class work: Use of class time—cooperation, preparedness, completeness of work
Homework: Materials brought in on time
Grade Determination:
Minor grade: 50 points______/50
- Easily seen through the screen
- Well constructed
- Related to theme
Major grade: 100 points______/100
- Easy to see
- Colorful
- Moving parts
- Related to theme
- Well constructed
Structure of play
Minor grade: 65 points______/65
- Act 1- problem easily recognized
- Act 2- three distinct possible solutions identifiable
- Act 3- Best solution presented
- Script written in the proper script format.
Major grade: 100 points______/100
- Speaking clear and easy to hear
- Music involved within the play
- Transitions from one act to next clear
- Use of entire screen area
- Minimal hand arm movements seen
- Coordination of behind screen work obvious.