BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC


The Scope Management Plan that follows provides a detailed description of how BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC will manage the scope of the Aurora Healthcare Electronic Health Record (EHR) database development and implementation project. Managing the scope of this project includes tracking the project’s objectives, deliverables, requirements, assumptions, constraints, and acceptance criteria. The scope management plan will also detail the initial risks associated with the project that have been defined by BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC.

Project Background

The Executive Committee at I-Tech Consortium has recently come to BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC to express the need for an Electronic Health Record (EHR) patient database to be developed and implemented in all Aurora Healthcare facilities in Southeast Wisconsin. Currently, Aurora Healthcare is unable to share patient data among all of its facilities to allow the medical staff to accurately treat and diagnose their patients no matter which facility the patient visits. Aurora Healthcare requests that the EHR database gives their staff the ability to view and upload such patient information as pre and post-op documentation, patient appointment scheduling, lab orders and test results, x-rays, prescription drugs, problems and diagnosis, allergies, insurance information, family history, and general doctors’ notes.

BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has been hired on by I-Tech Medical Consortium to complete this project within a project budget of $16 - $20 million. This cost includes new software applications, initial data storage usages, business class network provided by AT&T, and consulting costs. There is an understanding between I-Tech Medical Consortium and BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC that project costs could fluctuate but I-Tech has ensured that there is sufficient funding in place to see this project through.

There is currently no scheduled completion date for this project because Aurora Healthcare and I-Tech are more concerned that the requirements of the project are met before releasing the EHR database into all of the Aurora facilities. However, the desire is to implement the database in ten facilities within the next 24 months. Once the initial testing has been deemed a success, the implementation into the remaining facilities will occur within the following 6 months.

Project/Product Objectives

BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC believes that in order to effectively serve the client and their patients, it must meet the following list of objectives that has been established for the Electronic Health Record database:

·  Provide exceptional client support throughout the development and implementation phases.

·  Increase client awareness of the benefits of the new EHR database through open-forum sessions that allow potential users to see how the database will increase efficiency and patient care.

·  Provide 24/7 technical support for the life of the EHR database.

·  Provide HIPAA regulations training prior to rollout of EHR database and again on a yearly basis after implementation to ensure compliance is being maintained.

·  Successfully sync existing database with new EHR database.

·  Contract with a data storage company capable of meeting the requirements needed to effectively store and secure patient data.

·  Create, in conjunction with the system administrator, usernames and passwords that will control who gains access to the database.

·  Contract with a local company to provide business class internet solutions within 8 months of the projects commencement.

·  Meet regularly with Aurora Healthcare representatives to discuss and monitor their requirements of the EHR database throughout the duration of the project.

·  Integrate the EHR database with insurance companies’ processes and procedures in order to accurately provide patient’s most up-to-date insurance information.

·  Conduct a basic computer skills assessment across all of Aurora Healthcare in order to create an effective training plan.

·  Ensure the EHR database is accessible at all locations at the same time.

Project Requirements and Characteristics:

The EHR database is expected to reduce the amount of time required by physicians to access a patient’s medical records. Providing ease and flexibility to all members of the medical staff will limit the amount of time required to upload a patient’s information into the EHR database allowing for real-time updates of the most recent personal and family history, as well as insurance information pertaining to the patient. The EHR database will provide the necessary security requirements to ensure that all information stored within the system will remain confidential. All measures have been taken into account according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This will provide a stable platform from which to tailor the designs associated with this EHR database. The improvements that the EHR database will provide over the current processes already established within the Aurora Healthcare facilities will be a remarkable upgrade. Currently, the systems being utilized are traditional and outdated according to new technological standards.

In order to better serve the client, BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has identified a number of key components that will provide the results our clients have come to expect found in any of our products. Below is a list of the requirements and characteristics associated with this latest technology.

1.  Requirements:

The EHR database will store patient records that should capture doctor, hospital, and insurance needs, assuming an interface to universally identify individuals to ensure each customer record is connected to the right individual.

The EHR database must be equipped with a sufficient amount of servers to ensure the database remains available to users even if multiple servers are in non-working conditions.

The EHR database must be accessible 24/7/365.

The EHR database must comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) standards.

The EHR database must be expandable and consider future directions for business in the healthcare area.

BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC is able to meet this list of requirements by providing a system with the necessary tools needed to conduct daily operations within a medical setting. The project team consists of highly trained experts in fields relating to the required system outputs and is capable of creating a data system adequate for the tasks associated with medical record retrieval and storage. The EHR database has the capability of storing information from multiple locations simultaneously and providing the required security needed when dealing with sensitive material. All regulations and standards associated with medical records have been rigorously reviewed and careful consideration for each affiliation has been implemented during the design/development process. All the resources needed to accommodate each phase of the development will be utilized to their fullest potential. Thus, providing the results expected from a highly professional, detail oriented field; closely aligned with members of the science and research industry.

The main characteristics incorporated into the EHR database are catered to those directly affected by the inputs and outputs affiliated with coding, information retrieval and storage environments. The sensitivity and security relating to the individuals entrusting their information to the facilities providing the services required increasing health and human well-being have all been carefully evaluated and implemented into the systems development. Below is a list of the characteristics associated with the EHR database:

2.  Characteristics:

The EHR database can integrate with insurance company processes and procedures allowing for real-time updates and evaluations related to patient care.

The EHR database provides the necessary securities associated with sensitive material handling and storage thus providing adequate backup resources for patient information.

The EHR database is user friendly which makes it easier for training/implementation into existing facilities.

The EHR database is completely sustainable, alleviating the need for physical documentation other than a second means of information retention.

The EHR database allows for upload and download of information simultaneously from multiple locations within the systems network.

All information stored within the network is backed up in multiple locations providing constant retrieval and storage capabilities.

The EHR database is accessible through many levels and can be monitored from a single source location. It can also be setup to allow limited access to those that aren’t directly affiliated with the retrieval and/or storage of sensitive information.

The EHR database can be formatted to provide added security measures. A system of user names and passwords can be implemented to better suit the needs of the facilities utilizing the software thus providing a more secure environment, alleviating the possibility of tampering.

The EHR database can be tailored to be more adequately suited for the environment in which it will be utilized. This will allow for future upgrades and/or meeting current system requirements.

Automatic upgrades of EHR database are done via network connection thus alleviating the need for onsite technicians unless required by provider.

Customer service and network support are provided to answer any technical questions associated with the EHR database on a 24/7/365 basis.

Login and logout information is stored for reference at multiple locations to keep an accurate record of the type, amount, and sensitivity relative to a user’s clearance level. Assisting the tracking capabilities associated with ones level of clearance. Providing details of the type, date, and time the information was accessed.

Project Boundaries

The following is a list of the boundaries that BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC must adhere to. The boundaries of the EHR database project define what work will be completed within the scope of the project.

§  The EHR database will only be implemented in Aurora Healthcare facilities in Southeastern Wisconsin.

§  The EHR database must meet 2012 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) standards.

§  The EHR database will only display patients’ most current files and records.

§  The EHR database will be able to integrate with current billing, insurance, and financial programs associated with Aurora Healthcare.

§  The EHR database will have enough capacity to account for forecasted projected growth for the next five years.

Project Constraints

BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC is aware that there are some limitations that can affect the outcome of the project. In order to complete the project under the requirements that have been established by the client, BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has created the following list of known constraints. This list does not include any yet unforeseen constraints that could have a negative impact on the project. Project team members will constantly monitor the project to make certain that any possible constraints not yet identified are handled immediately so as not to delay the rollout of the EHR database.

ü  The Project Budget is limited to $20 million.

ü  The EHR database is to be fully implemented in ten Aurora Healthcare facilities by April 1, 2014.

ü  Due to the uniqueness of the project, the availability of reference material is limited.

ü  Finding qualified employees to develop this system will be a challenge as no one has any experience working on developing a program quite like this.

ü  Users of the EHR database are spread out throughout Southeastern Wisconsin; making it difficult to organize training.

Project Deliverables

Based upon the objectives, requirements, characteristics, boundaries, and constraints that have been previously discussed, BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has determined that the following list of deliverables will be necessary to successfully implement the EHR database.

Ø  Project Plan and Budget

Ø  Project Schedule

Ø  Risk Management Plan

Ø  Quality Management Plan

Ø  Project Kick-off Meeting

Ø  Communications Plan

Ø  Change Control Plan

Ø  Adequate software solution to meet the client’s needs

Ø  A comprehensive storage solution able to store data in a secure location

Ø  Training plan for all potential users

Ø  Daily testing to ensure EHR database will be fully functional upon rollout

Project Assumptions

BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has supplied the necessary information based upon criteria associated with the implementation of the EHR database. The assumptions listed are expressed in terms clearly identifiable by project team members. The impact associated with each assumption carries value within measurable, essential, and success performance criteria. The assumptions listed focus on topics that will affect the outcome, time frame, measure of benefits, and actions associated within the products provided. BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC addresses issues affiliated with the product that assist in the decision making process, focusing mainly on the topics addressing three key factors associated with our product. The three main areas of focus within our products consist of providing a means to assist our clients with the necessary tools to:

Ø  Increase Aurora Healthcare’s revenue

Ø  Reduce Aurora Healthcare’s operational costs

Ø  Improve Aurora Healthcare’s patient service

The assumptions affiliated with the EHR database, in association with Aurora Healthcare’s requirements and expectations, are:

Assumptions based upon client expectations:

Ø  There will be constant communication between BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC, Aurora Healthcare, and I-Tech Medical Consortium that will clearly define the processes being used in all phases of the project.

Ø  Weekly meetings will be held to accurately identify and resolve any issues.

Ø  Adequate training will be provided to all potential users to ensure a smooth transition at the time the EHR database is expected to rollout.

Ø  The EHR database will be supported 24/7/365 to ensure there is no down-time to the user.

Ø  The work associated with the project will be completed within the $20 million budget that has been established.

Ø  The EHR database will create a common database to store patient records.

Ø  Web service will capture patient records to cover doctor, hospital, and insurance needs.

Ø  The EHR database will have interfacing capabilities in order to universally identify individuals to ensure each customer record is connected to the right individual.

Ø  The EHR database will meet Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) standards.

Ø  The development of the EHR database will take into account future business expansion and will be easily expandable to meet Aurora Healthcare’s growing business needs.