a) Title of the Project : ELIMINATION OF CHILD LABOUR
b) Address of the Project area : Gudur Mandal
Kurnool District, A.P.
c) Legal holder of the project : Mr. D. KRISHNA REDDY
d) Location of the Project : Gudur Mandal
e) Duration of the project : Three years
f) No.of children benefited : 50(one Year) ( Further the project will be
extended depending on the needs of the
g) Amount Requested : Rs. 4,55,400-00 USD $10564
(For one Year)
To conduct awareness programme to the parents and explain the importance of education
To abolish the childlabour in the society.
To conduct negotiation with the land lords and employers to release the children by explain ring the child labour Act.
To explain the value of education to the children which opens the doors of life and attract the children by offering gifts.
To arrange all facilities for the children such as food shelter, education and recreation.
To enroll the children in the government schools having hostel facilities after termination of project period.
To tie up with the government authority for easy enrollment of the children.
1) Target area:
The target area is considered as Semi-arid tropical with ecological inbalance for the most part of the year. The temperature is very hot . the geographical resources are not equally distributed in the area. The temperature being in the month of April and May 760F to 860F while ranges 1200F in he rest of the year. On account of insufficient and unassured rainfall
the agriculture has become unreliable sources of livelihood. Thus this area is always under the shadow of droughts.
2) The Target Group:
The target group of people belongs to Dalit Community. They are all landless agricultural labourers fully depend upon the mercy of the landlords. The agriculture is a risky gamble with unpredictible rainfall. On account of insufficient and un assured rainfall, the agriculture has become unreliable sources of livelihood. During the slack season of the year, they have to borrow money with high interest from the landlords to meat their basic needs. To reimburse the loan amount, the beneficiaries are forced to work along with the their entire family including children for unjustired wage. Thus, these poor beneficiaries are being ground down between rural indebtedness on hand and harassment and exploitation an other hand. They are living in a piteous situation.
The consideration of women is still pitiable and pathetic than men folk. They have to work with their back to wall from down to dusk to eke out their daily bread. Thus, the external support being sought from the philanthropists and munificent organisation. In this critical juncture there is no possibility to enroll their children in the school.
3) Background of Child Labourers:
The magnitude of the problem of child labour is indeed high in our country. Though the problem of child labour is found every where in the world. India is the largest number of child labourers in the world. The children are found mainly employed in the unorganised sector in both rural and urban areas. These children are performing multiple types of jobs and a large number of them are found working in hazardous occupations in the rural and urban informal sector. Most of the landlords industrialists prefer only children to work hotels, cottage industries, beedi making factories, etc than elders because the children obey and work sincerely and in the wage point of view the child labour gets Rs. 10 to 15 where as for the same work. The capitalists have to pay Rs. 30 to 40 for adults. The landlords think that they can extract more work easily from them. These children are deprived of the basic requirements of human development. The backward in human development , poverty, unemployment of their parents for which the innocent children have become victims and loss their individuality dignity future prosperity etc.
It is already explained about the status of the Dalit Communities in the aforesaid paragraphs. The caste structure play a mischievous role in the rural area. The so called high caste people treat these dalit as untouchable, and their residential area is located on out skirt of the village. Therefore, the children of Dalit Community do not prefer to enroll in the school.
i Never ever enrolled in this school:
The parents are poor and placed at the most disadvantageous position since ages. Due to unfavourable nature these agricultural labourers do not have any other sources of income except to work in the form yards of landlords for meager wage. These people borrow money with an exorbitant rate of interest to meet their basic needs in the slack season. To clear the loan amount it takes generation to generation. As there is embarrassment from the land lords. Though the parents have long desire to enroll in the school and see the bright future of their children it has become night mare because of indebtedness and not having any asset and sources of income to create self-employment and development. Thus their children never have opportunity to enter in the school.
ii Reason for dropout:
Though this region have 18 primary schools, 5 upper primary and 4 high schools and working the number of teachers was male 52 and female 63. A few children enrolled in the school in the L.K.G., U.K.G., etc. After attaining the class of IV and V the children grow to understand the situation of their surroundings and treatment in the school easily noticed by them. When they are able to understand the circumstances, they will observe the all treatment have been given to them in the school.
When these children are ill treated they would feel inferior complex. The main reasons for dropping are :
Dislike by other high caste students
The teachers unfavourable behaviour/attitude to children belonging to socio-economically disadvantaged sections, especially from the scheduled caste, scheduled tribe.
Lack of motivation of the parents to educate the children
Lack of money to finance schooling
Lack of test books and clothing
Inferior complex
Perfect personification of poverty
iii Reasons for Child labourers:
¨ Poverty and unemployment of the parents
¨ Indebtedness of their parents
¨ Low caste structure and untouchability
¨ Lack of motivation to the children as well as parents
¨ Not having confidence to get employment in the government department.
¨ Harassment and exploitation of the landlords and capitalists.
¨ Perfect personification of the poverty.
iv Health Hazard of the Child Labourers :
Most of the children are deployed in the unrecognised sector in both rural and urban area. These children are performing multiple types of jobs and a number of them are found working in hazardous occupation. The landlords engage in the cotton fields as the children only can work in there field for plugging of flower and crossing the male flower. These activities are to be performed while spraying the pesticides, chemical drugs to kill the insects, germs and other harmful insects to destroy the crops. The teenaged children are very much suitable for plugging and crossing, having tender hands and nimble fingers. And also they are flexible and have more pliancy and never tired. Not only in the agriculture field but also in the domestic work, cattle nearing cottage industries and hotels for all types of jobs. These children are engaged for pittance money. Therefore, the landlords are preferred to deeply teenaged girls in the cotton seed field.
While doing this type of work the children get giddiness, and other dangerous diseases, such as Tuberculosis, Diarrhea, fever Malaria, cancer, headache. Body pains stomach pains etc. It is merely inhaling the small of pesticides and chemical drugs. Thus these children subjected to various disease which shortened their lives.
v Need of the Project
We have selected 50 poor child labourers to implement the project. All these children are to be rehabilitated by providing Food, Shelter, health and education. The parents of children have accepted to enroll them in the school. This proposal is very much useful essential and resourceful to bring light in their lives.
vi Methodology to implement project
The detailed staff will be appointed for successful implementation of the project.
HeadMaster 1
Teachers 2
Warden 1
Cooks 2
Watchman cum attender 1
Preferably we shall appoint retired teachers and warden who have sincere commitment to serve the poor and needy 7 days refresh training will be conducted for the staff in order to know deeply about the main concept and the Donor Agency During the training period all staff will be explained widely about their duties and responsibilities in the school.
vii. Action Plan
Activity / When / Where / Who / WhyIdentification of Child Labour , Dropout Children and Idle Children between the age of 6 to 14 years. / Jan/
Feb’ 2005 / By Door to Door survey in the villages of Target Mandal / With the Assistance of Village Elders, Community Groups / We have to search for the child labour before the commencement of academic year
Awarenes programmes for the parents and children, for enlightening the benefits of education, and also forming parent committees / March 2005 / In the target Mandal/ Villages / Experienced skill full professionals will participate in the awareness programmes, along with Curie Educational Society Staff (CES) / To increase the responsibility of the parents in the child education.
Accommodation and Recruitment and selection of staff / April 2005 / Target Mandal / Well experienced retired teachers will be recruited by community members and CES / Accommodation will be the target mandal. Retired teachers will have more experience, skillful and they can take more care and handle the children efficiently.
Training to the Staff / Middle of April 2005 / Target Mandal / By professionals and also with the members of CES / To teach them about the aims and objectives of the above project of Elimination of Child labour
Competitive exams, Cultural programmes and sports / Twice in Year / Mandal Head Quator and District level / With the assistance of Government Officials, CES staff and Volunteers / To show the interest in the education, to make regular contacts with the other children and to forgot the difficulties of labourism.
Medical facilities / Once in a Month / School / By a Government Doctor / To provide good health and medical facilities and also for giving treatment to ill health children.
Selection of the children and making different sections depending upon the age study discontinued children. / End of April / School Building / By the staff and the members of CES / For joining the children in different classes depending upon their age, and providing efficient education with recreation.
Selection of the children between the age 12 to 14 years / May 2005 / School Building / By the Staff and the members of CES / In addition to the education they will be given training in vocational courses.
Maintaining regular attendance and good progress in studies / From starting of the project / School / By the staff / Sudden checkups will be conducted by the members of CES inorder to maintain efficient administration
Mass awareness programmes on child labour and also problems faced by the parents, children and schools / For every month / Villages of target mandal / Parents children, CES members staff Volunteers, Villagers etc., / To know the difficulties of the villagers for sending their children to schools and making alternative arrangements, suggestions inorder to decrease the child labour
Seeking support of local youth association and Government are Non Government organisations / At regular intervals / Target Mandal / CES members and also Volunteers / With the support of all the members of the society we can prevent the child labour efficiently.
Enrolling the children in Government schools as per their age and eligibility, where hostel facilities are available. / Whenever the children know the importance of education / Government schools where hostel facilities are available / CES and Parents / For further study and to improve knowledge.
To Give education to the children 5 to 14 years as follows:-
5 to 8 years Direct Education
8 to 12 years Direct Education and providing to the failed
students who are above age and joining them in
regular Govt. Schools according to their age.
12 to 14 Years Direct education + Vocational Training courses
to the above age children.
viii. Inputs:
Ø Parents encouragement to run the school
Ø Village leaders cooperation and support
Ø Parent’s contribution to purchase two pairs of clothes dinning plate and glass.
ix. Expected Results
v 50 child labourers will be liberated from the bonded labourism
v the children will be free from social customs and bindings
v Healthy and pleasant atmosphere
v Change of their attitude and behaviour
v Inculcate good habits
v Interest will be developed among the children and parents
v Good health
x. Follow up action:
· To form parents committee
· To ensure for regular attendance
· To ensure for good progress in their studies
· To have links with the authority of government for future admission in the government school having hostel facilities.
· The eligible children will be enrolled in the Government school as per their age.
· To arrange scholarship facilities to the children enrolled in the government school
· To request the donor agency to extend the project period and financial assistance till all children get admission in the government school.
· To enroll other child labourers and replace the out going children.
xi. Sustainability:
The child labourers will be liberated from labourism and they will be aware of the importance of education, who have received good education through this project. After the completion of this project, the children will be enrolled in the Government Schools, with the help of this society, and will be arranged to receive the scholarship facilities also.