REEEP Bidding Form Version 3[1]

(REEEP use only)

Date Submitted / Project Ref. No:

Project Log

/ (Please complete ongoing log of project bid and delivery progression)
Date / Name / Comment
e.g. 19 Nov / J.Bloggs / Initial project bid submitted to Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Secretariat
Provide a brief summary of the project objectives and intended outputs (50 words
Instructions for Applicant Organisations

q  Only Section A to be filled for submission of project concepts;

q  Full bid proposals should update section A based on comments received from REEEP and complete section B including the declaration;

q  Section C and D need not be completed during the selection process.

q  Explanations for several data elements are given in the end-notes at the end of the bid form. Please read these carefully before filling out the form. If more clarifications are needed please contact the responsible regional secretariat.

q  Please follow the word and page limits specified for data and sections. REEEP will not consider any text exceeding the limits;

q  Only a maximum of two support letters can be submitted along with the full proposal and should be appended to the bid form;

q  Submit the form to the specified e-mail address as an MS word document or equivalent with all the attachments inserted as objects/images. REEEP will not consider any extra attachments provided.

q  A completed model bidding form has also been provided along with the call documents to help the applicants understand the requirements better. Please consult as necessary;

Section A – Project Concept (full proposal should include section B)

1.  Basic Data

Programme Component(1)
Project Title
Regional Secretariat/ Focal Point (2)
Countries Covered (3)
Programme Activities (4)
Total Cost of project to REEEP (€) / Annual Budget Costs - REEEP funding (7)
Total Amount of Co-funding (€) (5) / Year 2007/8
Names and Value of co-funders. / Year 2008/9
Total Project Budget (€) (all funders including REEEP) / Total REEEP Funding(€)
Start Date:
/ Planned / Annual Co-financing – non-REEEP funding
Actual(6) / Year 2007/8
End Date: / Planned / Year 2008/9
Name of Implementing Org.(8)
Company / Academic Institution / Energy Utility / Government Department / NGO / Other
Contact at Implementing Org.
Full Legal Address (inc. PIN/ZIP)
Registration No (9):
Email Address
Phone No. (inc. codes) / i. Fax No. (inc. codes)
Years of experience of Organisation in RE and/or EE (10)
Track-record of Organisation ( not more than 200 words) (11)
Capacity of Implementing Agency to implement proposed project (no more than 100 words) (12)
Name of Beneficiary Org.(13 ) (Insert if applicable)
Contact at Beneficiary Org.
Full Legal Address (inc. PIN/ZIP)
Email Address
Phone No. (inc. codes) / i. Fax No. (inc. codes)
Level of participation of the beneficiary organisation(s) in the project planning process. (14)

2.  Project Strategy

2.1 Project Strategy Summary

Purpose (15)
Background ( no more than 50 words)
Main Activities (no more than 150 words) (16)
Expected Outputs (no more than 100 words) (17)
Expected Impact (no more than 100 words) (18)

If you are submitting a summary bid for consideration for the short-list then STOP HERE!

This section should not exceed THREE pages, excluding the instructions page.

Section B – Details for Full Bid Proposal

3.  Background/Context

Relevant work conducted in this area (REEEP/Other Funds or donors from the multi-lateral or bi-lateral development sector) and innovation, if any regarding this project (no more than 100 words) (19)

4.  Risk Analysis (20)

Risk / Probability / Impact / Management

5.  Impacts of Project (21)

Explanation ( be specific to project outputs/outcomes and no more than 100 words each)
Potential for implementing the outputs/outcomes of the project. Explain briefly.
Chances of replication of the project output/outcomes. Explain briefly.
Market development impact of the project outputs/outcomes. Explain briefly.
Potential/chances of scaling up the outputs/outcomes. Explain briefly.
Will the project result in creation of any networks for RE and EE? Explain briefly.
Contribution of the project towards achievement of Millennium Development Goals. Explain briefly.
Impact of the Project on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency services. Explain briefly.
List the proposed media/project promotion activity by the project. How will REEEP be promoted through the project? (22) (No more than 100 words)

6.  Monitoring and Evaluation (23)

6.1 Project Outputs and Benefits

Project Purpose
(As stated in section 2.2)
Indicators of Success / Time when available (month, year) / Source of Information / Status before project/Baseline Data
Expected Outputs (copy from summary bid if unchanged)
Outputs / Indicators of Success / Time when available (month, year) / Source of Information / Status before project/Baseline Data

6.2 M&E Plan (24)

How will the project be monitored? When and by whom will the evaluation of the Project take place?
What benefits are expected to last beyond the project and how will the project ensure these benefits are sustained?

7.  Budget (25)

Expenditure Category / Item / Co-Financing
(€) / Cost to REEEP
Personnel Costs
Travel and Subsistence
Cost of Purchase of Office Supplies and Materials
Cost of printing, publication, translation, interpretation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Other (Direct and indirect costs) – Please specify. i.e. bank charges, audit, etc
/ /
Financial Profile for Current Year in € (26):
§  Show anticipated monthly expenditure from start of project until the end of the current FY.
§  If a multi-year project please provide details of funding required in future FYs.
§  You do not have to complete each box unless appropriate
§  Show the elevel of c-financing available for each specific month.
§  REEEP projects can be implemented for a minimum duration of 12 months and a maximum duration of 18-24 months / Co-financing
(2007/09) / REEEP Funding
(2007/09) / NA

8.  Activity Schedule/Time Line/Work-plan (27)

(This should be produced at different levels of detail based on the size and complexity of projects. The schedule should show all the activities and outputs in the timeline.)

9.  Support letters & additional details (28)

Supporting Documentation
Other Notes

10.  Declaration (29)

I declare on behalf of …………………………………………….. (Fill out the name of implementing organisation), that all information provided in this project bid form are true to the best of my knowledge.

I also declare that the following/none (strike out as necessary) of the REEEP international/regional secretariat staff or regional/international steering committee members or the REEEP governance bodies have an interest in this project by virtue of their personnel/professional association with the implementing organisation(s).

1……………………………(name), ……………………..(association with REEEP)

2……………………………(name), ……………………..(association with REEEP)

3……………………………(name), ……………………..(association with REEEP)

I also confirm that we have reviewed the REEEP Programme manual – Project Line Version 3.0 and understand that the project implementation will follow REEEP procedures provided therein. If awarded a project, I conform that our organisation can enter into a direct contract for implementation of the project using the REEEP model contract provided in the Project Line version 3.0.

I understand that any wilful mis-statement herein will lead to disqualification/ summary rejection of the project proposal.

Name, designation and signature of the authorised official

Date --/--/--

(This declaration should be filled out and electronically signed at the full proposal submission stage and a signed copy should be faxed to the international secretariat before the commencement of the project contract)

Sections A and B of the form must be completed when submitting a full bid.

Section B including the declaration, should not exceed SIX pages excluding the Gantt Chart and any support letters.

Only a maximum of TWO support letters can be submitted along with the full proposal.

Section C - Project Evaluation (At Project Completion)

(The evaluation report should be prepared by the implementing agency, after the project completion and after allowing for a reasonable period of time for the impacts. The implementing agencies are encouraged to use independent experts for project evaluation. This will normally be completed within the first two months of project completion)

11.  Project Completion

Project Title:
REEEP Ref Code.
REEEP Theme (F/P&R)
Regional Secretariat
Countries Covered
Date of Report
Completed by:

11.1 REEEP Regional Secretariat Comments (to be completed by REEEP)

Name, position and unit
Date Completed
Assessment whether project has achieved stated “Purpose” (30)
Lessons learnt from this project (31)

11.2 REEEP International Secretariat Comments (to be completed by REEEP)

Name and position

12. Achievement of Project Purpose (32)

Project Purpose

12.1 Project Indicators

Indicator / Status before project / Status at time of assessment / Change observed attributable to project.

12.2 Project Outputs

Output / Indicator of Success / Result
Assessment whether project has achieved stated “Purpose”

13. Project Implementation Process

13.1 Project Expenditure (33)

Planned total REEEP cost: / Actual total REEEP cost:
Planned co-funded cost: / Actual co-funded cost:
Has the project expenditure been adequately accounted for?
Are you satisfied that the project has met REEEP auditing requirements?

13.2 Timing

Planned Start Date / Actual Start Date / Difference
Planned Finish Date / Actual Finish Date / Difference
Reason for difference

13.3 Project Changes

Were any changes made to the project design/approach during implementation? If so, please provide details and explain why were these made? (34)

14. Effects and Impact of Project (35)

Are the project outputs/outcomes being put into practice? How?
Are the project outputs/outcomes being replicated? Explain.
What impact the project has had on development of markets for REES? Substantiate.
What are the plans for scaling up the project outcomes? Explain.
Did the project result in creation of any networks for REES? Detail.
What impact did the project have on achievement of the MDGs? Provide details.
Did the project implementation result in tangible capacity additions for REES? Please detail.

15. Lessons learned (36)

No. / Key Lessons Learned (Please add more boxes if required)

Project evaluation should be carried out after project completion

Section C, should not exceed THREE pages

Section D - Project Impact Assessment

(This report will be prepared by an independent expert identified by REEEP international secretariat, the project manager should contact the international secretariat 2 to 3 months before the completion of the project to plan for the impact assessment)

16.  Project Impact

Project Title:
REEEP Proj. Ref. Code.
REEEP Theme (F/P&R)
Secretariat/Focal Point
Countries Covered
Date of Report
Completed by:

17.  International Secretariat Comments (For REEEP completion only)

Name and position

18.  Assessment of Impact (37)

Project Purpose
Criteria / Indicator / Source of Information / Status before project / Status at completion / Status at time of assessment
Market Development Impact
REES Networks
Impact on MDGs
Tangible REES Capacity additions

19.  Relevance to Higher Level Objective

How has the project contributed to Higher Level Objectives. (e.g. REEEP, Donor or programme objectives) (38)

20.  Unplanned Impact

What additional unplanned effects have resulted from the project (positive or negative)? (39)

21.  New Lessons Learned

No / Lesson

Project impact assessment should be carried out by an independent expert, at an agreed time after project completion, allowing for the project purpose to be achieved.


This form has been adapted to REEEP requirements based on the Global Opportunities Fund Bid Form developed by the FCO-GOF Programme Office. Any changes to the form require the consent of REEEP International Secretariat.

Basic Data

1.  Programme Component. Refer to the annex C of the document REEEP Project Line and choose between ‘Finance’ and ‘Policy & Regulation’

2.  Regional Secretariat/ Focal Point. Refer to the annex A of the document REEEP Project Line and specify the regional contact for REEEP. Please note that for regions/countries not covered by a Regional Secretariat, and for projects with global coverage, international secretariat will be responsible.

3.  Countries Covered. Have you considered whether there is a regional dimension to the project? You may wish to consider consulting the REEEP Regional Secretariat or Focal Point or other REEEP partners, especially partner countries from the region.

4.  Programme Activities. Refer to the annex C of the document REEEP Project Line and specify the type of activity being proposed from the list.

5.  Total Amount of Co-funding. Specify the co-financing in addition to the REEEP funding. Sum up all donor contributions. Quantify in-kind contributions. The co-financing is the co-funding available to implement the proposed set of activities under the project during the proposed implementation period. Exclude any co-financing before or after this period. Also exclude any funding which is not fully committed at the time of application.

6  Start and end dates. The planned start and end dates are entered at the time of the preparation of the proposal. Minimum duration of REEEP projects would be 12 months and maximum duration in the range of 18-24 months. The Project Manager should enter the actual start date and revised end dates on the signing of the contract. Experience has shown that dates often change and this is helpful for those who review project documentation at a later date.

7  Annual Budget Costs - REEEP funding. Provide the annual break-down of expenditure by financial year. For single year projects this figure will be similar to the total cost to REEEP and should be specified against the relevant year. Figures should represent the most likely spend. Be realistic, most programme budgets have historically been over estimated. These figures should also be inclusive of all applicable local and governmental taxes.

8  Name of Implementing Organisation. REEEP implementing organisations could be either a Company, Academic Institution, Energy Utility, Government Departments or an NGO. This is effectively the organisation responsible for delivering the outputs of the project work and will be in a position to submit project and financial progress reports and an evaluation. Please tick against the relevant box below the name of the organisation. If the implementing organisation is a government department, please ensure that it is possible to enter into a direct contract and accept financing from REEEP to implement the project. If the bid is being submitted by a consortia one of the partners should be nominated as the lead agency and contacts provided.