CincinnatiBridge Association October, 2003 Vol. XXVIII, Number 3


Cincinnati Fall Sectional

(and CBA Board Elections)

October 24-26, 2003


11355 Chester Road

Exit 15, I-75 (Sharon Road), west on Sharon .2 miles, north on Chester .5 miles


Stratified Pairs………………………………………………1:30 p.m.

Strat. A 1500+ Strat. B 500-1500 Strat. C 0-500

Stratified 199er Pairs……………………………………….1:30 p.m.

Strat. A 100-199 Strat. B 50-100 Strat. C 0-50

Stratified Pairs………………………………………………7:30 p.m.

Strat. A 1500+ Strat. B 500-1500 Strat. C 0-500

Stratified Future Masters Pairs……………………………7:30 p.m.

Strat. A 100-300 Strat. B 50-100 Strat. C 0-50


Stratified Pairs………………………………………………1:30 p.m.

Strat. A 1500+ Strat. B 500-1500 Strat. C 0-500

North American Open Pairs District Finals………1:307:30 p.m.

Flight A, B, and NLM – Two Sessions

Stratified Pairs……………………………………………….7:30 p.m.

Strat. A 1500+ Strat. B 500-1500 Strat. C 0-500


Stratified Pairs………………………………………………10:30 a.m.

Strat. A 1500+ Strat. B 500-1500 Strat. C 0-500

Stratiflighted Swiss Teams (Play-Through)……………...10:30 a.m.

Flight A1 2500+ Flight A2 0-2500 (A stand alone)

Strat. B 500-1000 Strat. C 0-500 (B & C play together)

Concession Stand Open

No food or beverages allowed to be brought in -- will be strictly enforced!

Chairperson:Nancy Sach, 513-561-1766, email:

Partnerships: Lorna Davis, 513-777-1760

Carolyn Ahlert, Editor


Prez Sez 2

ACBL Charity Game 3

CBA Elections 4

Absentee Voting Instructions 5

New Parking Rules 5

Zero Tolerance 6

Bridge Lessons 6

Jon Spinner Memorial Library 7

Summer STaC Winners 8

Middletown Sectional Winners 9

Membership Appreciation Game 9

BridgeCenter Ladder 10

Finding the Elephant – Raturi 11

Cincy/Dayton Team Game 12

Mentor/Mentee Grand Finale 12

Steuernagle Award 12

Holiday Party 13

Membership News 14

The Ladies’ Journey – Pollack 16

Board Meetings 17

CBA Income Statement 18

Club Notes 19


ACBL Charity Game


4:00 PM, Sunday, October19

CBA Holiday Party

Kenwood Country Club

Sunday, December 14

4:30 PM Cocktails

5:30 PM Dinner

6:30 PM Bridge



This summer CBA members again enjoyed some special games at the BridgeCenter, thanks to our special events committee -- Elena Hickman, Pat Newman and Sis Gleisinger. They worked together to plan and run this year’s very successful Mentor/Mentee Program (from the new Kick-Off Party in May until the Grand Finale Party in September), the Membership Appreciation Party in August, and

the upcoming Charity Game in October.

On the following page you will see information about our 2003 ACBL Charity Game. This is always a big event at the CBA and in past years we have raised so much money that the ACBL has returned some to us to donate to local charities of our choice. If you can’t attend the party, you are still eligible to win the split-the-pot raffle, so buy your tickets now.

Among improvements at the BridgeCenter, in August we dedicated the Jon Spinner Memorial Library. Soon we will have new chairs, purchased with profits from the Flying Pig Regional last May. We recently had to purchase a new computer, and next we will be installing a new speaker system.

The CBA Board of Trustees election will be held at our Sectional, October 24-26, at the SharonvilleConvention Center. Look on page 4 of this ALERT to review the resumes of candidates running for the Board. Each year our Unit membership elects five new members to a three-year term. No Board member may serve more than two consecutive terms. Please come out and vote at the Sectional, but if you can’t attend, please see page 5 and follow the “Absentee Voting Instructions.”

This year’s CBA Holiday Party will be on Sunday evening, December 14, at the Kenwood Country Club. This is always a popular event, but seating is limited, so be sure to buy your tickets early!

As I approach the end of my term as President of the CBA, I want to thank all the wonderful bridge players in the Cincinnati area who have helped me and made our BridgeCenter, tournaments, and other bridge activities so successful.


Linda Wolber


ACBL Charity Game

Sunday, October 19, 2003

at the BridgeCenter

Potluck Dinner at 4:00 PM – Game at 4:45 PM


The Charity Game at the CBA has a threefold purpose: one is to donate money to the ACBL Charity of the year; two is to gather around the table to eat all the delicious foods that our members bring; and three is to have fun and a great time playing bridge!



Half the money goes to the ACBL Charity Foundation*

The other half is divided between 3 winners!

* Make checks payable to “ACBL Charity Foundation.”

It’s tax deductible!

Members of the board will have tickets to the game and split-the-pot raffle tickets.

Please purchase your tickets ahead of time.

We look forward to seeing all of you there!

For information, call:

Sis Gleisinger, 513-677-0104



Election of five members to the Cincinnati Bridge Association Board of Trustees will take place at the Fall Sectional at the SharonvilleConvention Center, October 24-26. Polls will open one hour before the afternoon and evening sessions on Friday

and Saturday, and one hour before the Sunday morning session. Write-in candidates’ petitions should be submitted to the

Executive Secretary, Joy Norris, no later than October 4. Absentee voting instructions for members unable to vote in person follow the candidates’ profile below.




Now that I am retired from 37 years at P&G, I will promote bridge for all – especially new and C players.


I am excited about the opportunity to become more involved in the CBA. I truly love the game and feel that I could add to the composition of the current Board.

Professionally, I was an elementary school teacher, and then served as an assistant principal at the elementary and secondary level.

I am looking forward to bringing my volunteer experience to the CBA. In the past, I have served on the Board of Directors of the Junior League of Cincinnati as Secretary and as Vice-President. I am currently completing 8 years as a member of the Indian Hill School Board, having been its Vice-President and President.


For the past 20 years I have been playing duplicate bridge. In those years I have worked as a Senior Programmer Analyst and the most I have contributed to the club has been to assist Mary Lou Zimmer in making coffee. Now I am retired and have the time, energy, and most importantly the desire to work hard for our bridge unit. In the past I have let others work out all the problems and now it is my turn. If not elected to the Board, I will still want to contribute by working in any capacity in making our unit a success at the club and at our tournaments.


I am motivated, enthusiastic and committed to providing exceptional service representing you. My goal is to make your club “user friendly” – one where the highest standards or courtesy prevail, competition thrives, and honing our bridge skills is fun. To help me help you, I envision a suggestion box so your Board can attempt to meet your needs.

Wouldn’t a bulletin board be helpful so players can arrange tournament partnerships for out-of-town events, share transportation and accommodations? My career in law and mediation will help me foster these goals.


I began playing bridge in the winter of 2000. I have come to enjoy this game very much and I would like a chance to give something back. I am available to attend the meetings and I am committed to improving our club.


For the past year it has been my privilege to serve as a member of our unit’s Board of Trustees due to an appointment to replace someone who had resigned her position. Because of that experience, plus having served a seven-year stint as tournament chairman for the Dallas, Texas, unit, I know that I will be able to work efficiently as a continuing member and serve for the best interest of our unit and for its members.



I have been married to Sandy for 37 years. I am a lifelong Cincinnati resident and have lived in Madeira for the last 33 years. We have a daughter and son (both grown) who live in Nashville. I work mornings as controller for The ATM Exchange in Fairfax. In the afternoon, I have my own business writing custom computer programs for a variety of small to medium sized businesses in Cincinnati.

I have played bridge for 40 years and after 30 years thought I knew something about the game. Sandy and I started playing at the Center and quickly found out how little we really knew. As a member of the CBA board, I think I can provide some fiscal insights and perhaps a contrarian’s point of view, as I often see things differently.


I am a college mathematics professor and a statistical consultant. I was a District 1 board member for many years and I served two years on the CBA unit board. I would appreciate your vote in order to serve the members of the CBA one more time.



1. Call Joe Muenks (513-563-7566) to request an absentee ballot no later than October 17.

2. An individual must request an absentee ballot personally; no group requests will be honored.

3. One ballot and return envelope will be mailed to the member’s address of record.

4. Once an absentee ballot has been issued, that member’s name will be recorded as having voted.

5. Follow instructions included in the envelope.

6. Return envelopes containing more than one ballot will be declared invalid.

7. Only absentee ballots received by mail through Saturday, October 24, will be counted.

NOTE: The mail is sometimes slow, so please allow ample time for your ballot to be received.


at the BridgeCenter on Cooper Road

Effective immediately

Do not park in front of the building at any time

unless you have a handicapped sticker and park in a designated handicapped space.

The front door will remained locked after business hours and on weekends.

You will have to ring the doorbell to enter through the front door.


Unless you have a handicapped sticker, if you are parked in the front of the building or not parkedin a marked space in the rear lot you may be towed!

Please park between the lines in a marked space and do not take up two parking spaces. At many games we need all the available spaces for our players.

Only when the rear lot is full may you park on the drive on the side of the building.


The BridgeCenter now has partnership board –

just like at the ACBL National Tournaments.


Noblesse Oblige

(The obligations of nobility)



When the gods of bridge bestowed their gifts upon the favored few -- gifts of intellect, knowledge, courage and wisdom -- they admonished the favored ones: "Use these gifts wisely, with judiciousness, courtesy and forbearance. Do not use them to intimidate and chastise your less gifted brethren with gratuitous insults.”

Unfortunately, your venerable captain finds that virtually every complaint brought before the court of Zero Tolerance, involves the ill conduct of these very favored ones, the experts! The charges of arrogance, rudeness and insolent intimidation laid against these princes of the pasteboard push the envelope past the boundaries of mere boorishness and rudeness into

the realm of the downright unethical behavior.

Please, dear princes of the pasteboard, let me speak to you as St. Paul spoke to the Sadducees, not as they were but as he wanted them to be. Use your gifts wisely, withkindness and forbearance. Do not whip your cowering card companions into submissionby brutish bombast and insolent intimidation.

Walter S. Bunker

Chairman, Zero Tolerance Committee

Bridge Lessons at the CincinnatiBridgeCenter




BEGINNING Saturday mornings, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Beginning October 4

BASICS REVIEW Thursday evenings, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Beginning October 16

INTERMEDIATE IThursdays, 4:30 PM

Beginning October 16

INTERMEDIATE IIWednesday evenings, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Oct. 1, 15, 29; Nov. 5, 19; Dec. 3

TWO-OVER-ONESaturday mornings, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

GAME FORCEOct. 18; Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22; Dec. 13

SUPERVISED PLAY II Wednesday mornings, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

(with Two-Over-One)Oct. 1, 15; Nov. 5, 12; Dec. 3, 10

Each series includes six 2-1/2 hour lessons. The fee for a series is $70 per person, based on a class size of 12 to 16 students. An adjustment will be made for classes with fewer than 12 or more than 16 students. Individual classes are $15 per class.


Sunday, November 16, 2:00 PM

$6.00 Per Person

Hand Analysis Sheets, Prizes, Refreshments

Information and\or reservations:

Nancy Sachs, 513-561-1766, or Linda Wolber, 513-522-1771

The Jon Spinner Memorial Library

Last year the CBA lost one of its loyal members to cancer. Jon Spinner contributed generously to our Capital Fund when we were establishing the BridgeCenter. He considered bridge as “food for the mind” and one of life’s necessities. Fortunately Jon was able to enjoy many days of good bridge here at the Center while fighting his illness. Jon’s wife, Sandy, asked that contributions in his memory be sent to the Bridge Center and the Board voted unanimously to use his Memorial Fund to dedicate the CBA Library.

The Jon Spinner Memorial Library was dedicated on August 18 and several new books have been purchased. Profits from the sale of the Entertainment Books each year will also be used from now on to improve the library and keep it current. New books purchased are posted on the bulletin board next to the Director’s desk. You will find these new books along with other excellent bridge books arranged alphabetically by author in the book cases. Watch for the next Library News Poster which will feature the books that are recommended by our resident bridge expert, Amitabh Raturi.

The Library Committee members are: Dorothy Gard, Mary Segal, Steve Megerle, Jane Burpee, and Alex Pappas. The library will be open before and after games when a Library Committee member is present. When a committee member is not available, ask the director for the key. Be sure to sign both cards in the book with your name, phone number, and date. One card should stay in the book and the other should be given to the committee member or game director.

I Remember Jon Spinner

Jon Spinner was my bridge partner every Friday for over five years. For four of those years he was battling cancer. Sometimes taking chemotherapy from a flask hooked to his belt while we played.

He was always upbeat, greeting the East-West players who came to our table, joking and full of fun. He was especially forgiving when I made mistakes.

I remember once I opened one no-trump; he answered “two clubs;” I said “two diamonds;” and he said “four diamonds.” I was so confused I passed and we got a zero because the field was in six diamonds, making. After that we played a new convention called “ASBAF.” I recommend it to all new players. It means:

“All Strange Bids Are Forcing.”

In August, 2002, Jon called me from a hospital saying he couldn’t play the next Friday. Then he asked me

if I was free for ten days in October. I said, “Yes,” and he offered me a free cruise with bridge expert Larry Cohen. He had booked the cruise but didn’t think he could make it. A month later, Jon lost his battle with cancer.

Marian and I went on the cruise and met Larry Cohen. He had already heard of Jon’s passing.

He took out a spare copy of his notes, opened the fly leaf and wrote:

“To Sandy,

I heard the story and extend to you my condolences. It’s a wonderful

thing that your husband did to “donate” the bridge cruise.

I hope you take up bridge and that we meet some day.


Larry Cohen”

Jon’s gift to me was his way of saying, “Thanks and goodbye.”

Goodbye, Jon, I miss you. – George Charrier


Cincinnati Summer STaC, July 7-13, 2003


Monday Day

Flight A: 1st Susan Goodman-Barbara Dunnivant

Monday Evening

Flight A: 2nd Donald Walker-Rob Weidenfeld

Flight B: 1st Mike Broida-Betty Wills

3rd Bonnie Hertzog-W. Armstrong

Flight C: 2nd Patricia Scheimann-William Scheimann

Tuesday Day

Flight A/B: 1st Jackie Swango-Timothy Martin

Flight C: 1st Howard Ringel-Sanford Franklin

3rd Christine Pugh-Suzy Haerr

Tuesday Evening

Flight A: 2nd Amitabh Raturi-Nancy Sachs

3rd Daniel Kieffer-Charles Reynolds

Flight B: 2nd John Meckstroth-Ralph Terbrueggen

3rd James Edmiston-Rob Weidenfeld

Flight C: 1st John Meckstroth-Ralph Terbrueggen

Wednesday Day

Flight B: 2nd George Edwards-Marilyn Edwards

Flight C: 2nd Joan McElwee-Joan Rogers

Wednesday Evening

Flight B: 3rd Steve Shamroy-Jerome Katz

Thursday Day

Flight A: 1st Linda Wolber-Nancy Sachs

Flight B: 2nd Sherby Chernin-Edward Long

Thursday Evening NLMs

Flight A: 3rd Victor Soukup-Becky Johnson

Flight B/C: 3rd Anthony Brockman-John Woeste

Friday Day

Flight A: 3rd Gerry Mirus-Lorna Davis

Flight B: 2nd Gerry Mirus-Lorna Davis

Flight C: 2nd Bobby Carter-Myrna Rosen

Friday Day NLMs

Flight A: 1st Heroldine Ukelson-Louis Ukelson

2nd Joan Rogers-Vila Sill

Flight B: 1st Heroldine Ukelson-Louis Ukelson

3rd Zelda Penn-Gloria Forman

Flight C: 1st Zelda Penn-Gloria Forman

3rd Barbara Stegmaier-Joseph Stegmaier

Friday Evening

Flight B: 2nd Bernice Stevens-Bernice Schneider