Project Preview Form
Instructions: Thepurpose of this document is to get feedback from the KiwiNet InvestmentCommittee prior topreparing a Project Development Plan.This is not an application for investment.Investment Committee members are not expected to spend more than 10 minutes reading this form. It is not necessary to provide comprehensive information, just the information that is available to you at the time. If you cannot answer one of the questions below, just state “Not yet known”.
Date Form SubmittedProject Details
Project Name
(for filing purposes) / 2-4 word name for the project that will be used to identify the project (e.g. “Better mouse trap”)
Unique Project ID (if known) / (Issued by KiwiNet or ROS IC)
Project Title / 1 short sentence describing the project (e.g. A novel mouse trap design that re-arms itself after trapping a mouse.)
Lead organisation
Principal researchers and ORCID ID / Please include the ORCID ID of the principal researcher(s) where available (see
Research Funding History / Provide any details of research grants that have contributed to the technology or IP
Commercialisation leader / Name:
Request made to the committee / Specific areas where feedback is sought
Describe any particular type of feedback or areas of feedback from the Investment Committee that would be most useful.
PreSeed Funding Details
PreSeed funding history / Has PreSeed been used to fund development or commercialisation of this technology prior to the start date below? If so, please explain briefly.
PreSeed Eligible Project? (yes/no) / Yes/No – please refer to MBIE guidelines on KiwiNet website.
PreSeed Investment Start date / The date expenses start (from when PreSeed will be claimed). This date must be no earlier than 1 month before the completed notification form is submitted to KiwiNet
PreSeed Investment End date / The date when PreSeed funding for the project will end. For Tier 1 projects this must not be greater than 6 months after the start date unless prior approved by the KiwiNet Investment Committee.
Total Project Budget / Estimated total budget including PreSeed investment, research organisation contributions and co-investment from industry.
PreSeed Investment Budget / PreSeed investment required. Up to 50% of total eligible project costs up to $25k. Upon receiving the notification, KiwiNet will allocate PreSeed funding for this project provided sufficient funds are available.
PreSeed Project objectives / A brief summary of the intended project outcomes from Tier 1 funding. The overall goal may be “Investor Ready achieved” for a small project or Project Development Plan to be submitted for a Tier 2 PreSeed project. Please give also details on how the funding will be used, for example, legal fees.
Technology Overview
Market Pain – Define the problem or opportunity that the proposed technology or expertise specifically aims to solve and how it will do this.
Technology Description -Describe the technology and the current status of development.
Advantages/Novelty – Describe the uniqueness of the technology and how it compares to similar technology or solutions.
Potential applications– List possible applications and/or end-users of the technology.
Opportunities to engage with Maori knowledge, resources and people
Refer to Vision Matauranga objectives.
Description of Technology – NON-CONFIDENTIAL
Please provide a short non-confidential sentence describing the technology, for communication with wider stakeholders including IC Observers.
Market Opportunity
Market Segment– Describe the end-user(s) of your technology and the size of the addressable market. If there is more than one market segment, which one will be the first priority?
Value Proposition - Describe how the specific features & key benefits of this technology or expertise will provide value to the channel to market partners and the end users, and what makes it better than current solutions.
Market Validation- What has been done to validate the value proposition for this technology? Which companies or end users have you talked to?
Business Case
Strategy to return on investment / Describe how you currently intend to commercialise this technology and how this will generate a significant return on investment.
Include comments on whether this could be a licence deal, technology sale or spinout company. Describe the ‘minimum viable product’ that you would need to develop.
Risks / Major issues - / List areas of key risk – e.g. commercial, technical, IP
Estimated time to market / Describe the anticipated time to have a technology ready for the market.
Estimated economic benefit to NZ (e.g. Jobs, export revenue, etc) / Describe the anticipated benefits to NZ from this project. This could include comments on potential revenue to the public research organisation, potential export revenue and jobs that may be created.
Development Plan
Commercial Plan – Summarise the commercial objective and business model / Summarise the commercial objective and business model, including a channel-to-market plan. How will you get the technology into the hands of the end-user?
IP Management – Summarise the novelty, IP position and strategy
Technical development – Summarise development objectives and plan
Estimated start date / Estimated duration / (Months)
Estimated budget(exc. GST) / PreSeed contribution(exc. GST) / $ or %
Anticipated external co-funding / Describe expected sources of co-investment and, if possible, the anticipated amount.
Other details
PreSeed eligible project / Yes / No - Does the project meet the PreSeed criteria set by MBIE?
Project Screen
Please fill out the table below to evaluate your project on the following criteria. This helps the IC to quickly assess project strengths and weaknesses.
Evaluation Criteria – Score the project according to the following: / Score
1 (Low)- 5 (High) / Comments
Clear benefit over other technologies
Current progress towards a working prototype
Ability to access necessary technical expertise
Ability to address technical barriers
Minimal product development costs
The project is a platform technology
Market Opportunity
Clarity of market need / market gap
Market need / market gap has been confirmed with market experts.
Size of market opportunity
Current connections with channel to market partners
How accessible is co-investment
Good potential return on investment
IP Protection
IP novelty
Strength of IP position
Vision Matauranga
Plan to engage with Maori knowledge, resources and people (if applicable)
Guidelines for the Project Preview Form
The form is a template for presenting a project outline to a CPN Investment Committee for feedback.
The purpose is not to seek investment, but rather to:
- Get feedback from a committee on key areas that should be addressed in a full proposal.
- Identify opportunities for support from committee members with specific expertise, or people that are known to the committee members.
- Identify opportunities for collaboration with other research organisations.
- Brainstorm ideas for commercial applications and beachhead markets for the technology.
- Provide greater visibility of the projects that are coming through the pipeline.
Document length: The length of the document can vary depending on the amount of information available. Since it is just a preview, generally the form will be about 4 pages long when completed. However, more details can be provided. Sections of the form not relevant to the project may be deleted at the author’s discretion.
Level of detail: You will not be expected to provide comprehensive answers to all questions, just to provide the information that is known to you at that time, and your anticipated strategy. Where figures are required, it may be easier to provide ranges rather than a specific number. It is not a problem if you then change the strategy completely or decide not to present the project again. If you cannot answer some of the questions or sections just state that this is unknown at the present time.
Presentation: Different investment committees will allocate different amounts of time to presentations depending on agenda, level of information required, etc. Discuss your specific needs with each investment committee as required.Generally, you shouldn’t spend more than 5 minutes presenting this information to ensure the IC have time for feedback.
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Investment Committee Observer Pack
- KiwiNet Investment Committee (IC) Observers are approved individuals from strategic partner organisations that are invited to every meeting to encourage collaboration and capability development. They have no voting rights.
- IC Observers are an exclusive list of trusted individuals. Please contact KiwiNet management to obtain a current list of IC Observers.
- IC Observers receive a confidential Observer Pack one week prior to each IC meeting. The Observer Pack consists of Project Proposals and Previews which will be presented at the IC meeting.
- If there is any concern about disclosure of sensitive information to IC Observers, you are able to opt-out any Project Proposal or Preview documentation from being included in the Observer Pack.
- If you would like your project documentation to be opted-out of the Observer Pack, please inform KiwiNet management when submitting your documentation.
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This document is Confidential to Commercialisation Partner Network (CPN) Investment Committee (IC) members ONLY. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior approval from a CPN IC.