Project Performance Measures for Planning Activities

Project Performance Measures for Planning Activities

Table 1

Project Performance Measures for Planning Activities

Nacimiento and San Antonio River Watershed Management Plan

Project Goals / Desired Outcomes / Output Indicators / Outcome Indicators / Measurement Tools and Methods / Targets
1. Establish a working Watershed Group / Create a watershed group that functions for the duration of the grant and into the future / 1. No. of stakeholders attending meetings.
2. Variety of interests represented. / 1. % increase of stakeholders that have increased general watershed knowledge
2. % of stakeholders that attend meetings and variety of interest groups represented. / 1. Opinion Surveys
2. Meeting sign-in sheets / 1. Functional Watershed Group with members that represent a broad variety of interests.
2. Develop a Watershed Inventory / Create an inventory of the information, reports, studies, and maps that exist for the Nacimiento and San Antonio Watersheds / 1. Integrated GIS between Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties.
2. Copies of existing reports and studied / 1. Acquisition of digital elevation data.
2.Acquisition of existing reports, maps and studies from all the landowners and stakeholders in the Watersheds. / 1. Number of characterized watershed land cover/land use categories.
2. Number and magnitude of stressors identified.
3. Number of stakeholders providing information / 1. Seamless 3D modeling of the watersheds across county political lines.
2. A listing of existing watershed information
3. Develop Goals and Strategies for the Watershed Group / Develop Watershed Goals and Strategies that will be utilized in the Watershed Management Plan / 1.Goals and strategies are developed within the stakeholder group / 1. Goals and strategies are developed and agreed upon / 1. Watershed group, stakeholder, and community feedback / 1. Broad acceptance of goals and strategies within the Watershed group and the communities
4. Develop a Watershed Management Plan for Nacimiento and San Antonio Watersheds / Develop a watershed management plan that complies with Section 79078 of the California Water Code / 1. Functioning Watershed group
2. Complete Watershed Inventory
3. Goals and Strategies Identified.
4. GIS Integration / 1. Watershed boundaries defined
2. Natural resources conditions described
3. Measurable characteristics for Water quality improvement defined.
4. Responsible parties for implementation identified.
5. Implementation milestones provided.
6. Monitoring program to measure effectiveness described. / 1. US EPA “Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters”
2. “Developing A Watershed Plan for Water Quality: An Introductory Guide”
3. “California Watershed Assessment Manual”
/ 1.Adopted Watershed Management Plan for Nacimiento and San Antonio Watersheds