Project Oral Presentation Rubric

Title of Work: ______Date: ______Points Possible: 150
Scoring Range / A= 18-20 pts / B= 16-17 pts / C= 14-15 pts / D= 12-13 pts / F = 0 pts / Points
Opening / Used attention getter and introduced self and topic to be covered / Includes attention getter; no introduction of self or topic to be covered / No attention getter but did introduce self and topic to be covered / No attention getter; introduced topic or self but not both / Did not have an attention getter; did not introduce topic; did not introduce self
Content / Student had clear ideas, which were well supported with correct and complete facts and statistics / Student supported main idea fairly well with some clear and correct facts, but needed better incorporation / Student needed more facts and/or statistics / Student did not have clear and specific facts or facts were not correct or complete / No evidence of facts are present; no support for arguments
Organization / Logical order- intro, body, conclusion; reflection, and transitions used / Logical order- intro, body, conclusion; weak reflection, and no transitions used / Weak order-intro, body, and conclusion included; no reflection / Limited organization; no reflection; weak transitions / No organization; no reflection; no transitions; did not make sense
Delivery / Good eye contact; enthusiastic voice; good posture; hand gestures; clear evidence of practice / Some eye contact; clear voice; good posture; hand gestures; some evidence of practice / Attempted to use eye contact; clear voice; lacks posture and hand gestures; some evidence of practice / Attempted to use eye contact; lacks clear voice; lacks posture and hand gestures; little or no evidence of practice / No eye contact; read directly from note cards; lacks clear voice; poor posture; no hand gestures; no evidence of practice
Pronunciation and Grammar / Excellent; 0-2 errors / Above Average; 3-4 errors / Average; 5-6 errors / Below Average; 7-8 errors / Poor: 9 or more errors
Product / Clearly explains and refers to product; reflects on the process / Does not clearly explain the product or reflect on the process
Visual Representation of Product / Actual product or pictures of it are present during presentation / Product or pictures of it are NOT present during presentation
10 pts / 8 pts / 7 pts / 5 pts / 0 pts
*Lab/professional attire to be determined by career tech teacher / Neatly dressed in lab/professional* attire / Neat and clean but attire lacks professional* look / In lab/professional* attire but not well groomed / Well groomed but not in lab/professional* attire / Not in lab/professional* attire; not well groomed
Comments: / Time deduction: -2 pts
Minimum of 6 minutes per person; 12 minutes per team
Maximum of 8 minutes per person; 16 minutes per team / TOTAL POINTS

Revised: 6/29/2015