Texas Equitable Access Roadmap: A Toolkit to Support Texas Districts to Develop Local Equitable Access Plans
Project Management Planning Templates
This project management planning tool provides district teams with two planning resources that can be used to support any and all of the steps in the Texas Equity Toolkit Roadmap process. The first resource is a planning template to consider the team you will form in your district to develop and implement your local equity plan. The second is a planning template to map out the roles and responsibilities.
Project Management Template I: Building a DistrictInternal Team and Defining Roles
Completing a district-level equity plan requires the expertise of multiple professionals within the district. Creating the plan will require a minimum of five meetings (one for each step); members must be able to commit to participating in the entire process and taking a leadership role on one or more steps. Consider including team members with a knowledge of or familiarity with the issues listed in the planning template below. (Note that in some instances, the same person can fill multiple roles.)
Project Management Template I. Considering Membership for Your Internal District Team
Issue Area / Critical Area(s) for Member(s) / District Team Member(s) with Knowledge of or Familiarity withthis Issue AreaStakeholder Engagement & Communication / Data Review & Analysis / Root Cause Analysis / Selecting Strategies / Planning for Implementation
Human Resources
Cultural Sensitivity
Professional Development
Public Speaking/ Facilitation
Assessment/ Evaluation
After you have assembled your team, plan for roles and responsibilities across the entire plan development. It may be helpful to create an RACI chart to consider team roles and responsibilities; in an RACI chart, each team member is assigned to be Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, or Informed for each task. An example is included on page 8 of the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders’ (GTL Center’s)Implementation Playbook. You may also find the GTL Implementation Playbook’sproject management template to be helpful in planning your team’s roles and responsibilities.
Project Management Template II: Timeline, Roles, and Responsibilities
This tool was developed by adapting the GTL Center’sImplementation Planning Tool using the material provided in Step 5 of the Implementation Playbook, “Create a Project Management Plan.” Districts may find the other project management and implementation guidance in this tool to be helpful when considering early planning and implementation steps.The second project management template may be useful for your team in planning to develop your district’s equity plan and in carrying out the strategies that are put forth in your equity plan. This generic project management tool is meant to identify action steps required to carry out a given task or project, identify people responsible, and consider the overall timeline. Your team may wish to modify this template for use on particular elements of equity planning.
- For each task or strategy, use the project management template to plan the process,
timeline, and team that will carry out the work.
- For each task or strategy, consider each step that would be required to take the task from early planning to completion. List these action steps in the column on the left. Every action step should have its own row.
- Assign each action step to a specific member of your team.
- Include due dates for each action step using the final four columns on the right of the planning tool.
There are multiple online tools, apps, and websites to support project management planning processes. If your team prefers to use a shared Web-based planning tool to organize your work, you might consider such tools as:
- SmartSheet
- Microsoft SharePoint or Outlook
- Google Docs
- Asana
© TEA 3/29/2017 Texas Equity Toolkit: Project Management 1 of 3
Project Management Template II. Timeline, Roles, and Responsibilities
Strategies, Tasks, and Action Steps / Person Responsible / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4Texas Equity Access RoadmapTexas Equity Toolkit