[Project type: IT infrastructure, social innovation, urban innovation, business model, other – choose one or more]

[Project Name]

Project ID: [to be filled in by Urban ICT Arena]

Gabriel Marawgeh


Table of contents


Brief summary of the project in Urban ICT Arena. (To be described in-depth under Project Description)

Describe in what way your project is #NotBoring.

Company/team presentation if applicable

Project owner and stakeholders



Project description incl. positioning

Project organization

Project objectives

Contribution to overall aims

Digital sustainability

Project period

Technical specifications [if necessary, IT Infrastructure]

Contract terms and conditions for technical infrastructure users [if necessary]

[The project’s external costs - optional]

[The project’s internal costs and time required - optional]


Brief summary of the project in Urban ICT Arena. (To be described in-depth under Project Description)

Describe in what way your project is #NotBoring.

Company/team presentation if applicable

Project owner and stakeholders

Description of project owner and others involved in the project.


Briefly describe the background of the project in Urban ICT Arena.


Project description incl. positioning

Describe the full project in Urban ICT Arena here.

Project organization

Name, title and contact info of project manager and any other key staff involved in the project.

Project objectives

Describe the objectives of the project in Urban ICT Arena.

Contribution to overall aims

Describe in what way the project is contributing to one or more of the testbeds’ overall objectives: sustainable urban development, strengthening innovation in the region and secure future jobs.

Digital sustainability

Describe how the project relates to (or not) the following digital sustainability criteria. Choose one or more perspectives below

●Positioning – how the project is defined in relation to Urban ICT Arena’s sustainability targets and is considered relative to other projects in Urban ICT Arena (business intelligence).

●Interoperability – describe the project’s approach to capabilities for different systems to interoperate and communicate with one another, in both the short and long term.

●Scalability – describe how it is possible to use the solution the project develops on a large scale.

●Sustainable solution over time – it is important that a method, product or service serves/fulfills its purpose over a long period of time. This can involve employing standards, creating standards etc. Describe the project’s approach to this.

●Retrofitting – means a solution should be able to be implemented in older existing infrastructure/equipment by replacing/adding parts. It is important to take this into account where relevant.

●Transparency – infrastructure characterized by transparency relative to project participants, technologies and business models has greater potential for innovation, upscaling, diffusion and development. How does the project promote open, horizontal infrastructure?

●Communication – ensure there are no unnecessary obstacles to communication between different devices within the infrastructure.

●Resilience –means the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service) in the face of faults and challenges to normal operation.

Project period

Start and end date

Technical specifications [if necessary, IT Infrastructure]

Only for providers of IT Infrastructure

Describe in technical terms your IT Infrastructure.

Contract terms and conditions for technical infrastructure users [if necessary]

Only for providers of IT Infrastructure

Describe how a project owner that wants to use your IT infrastructure needs to do to get access.

Describe any conditions you have concerningprojects or project owners.


Write what the project will communicate, when and in what channels. Also write your expectations for how the project is communicated by Urban ICT Arena.

Part of the project to be donated to Urban ICT Arena

Decide what to share with the community. It could be a solution, method, network, report, experience etc.

[Project budget - optional]

Body text

[The project’s external costs - optional]

Body text

[The project’s internal costs and time required - optional]

Body text

Activity plan

List key activities here.