Project Encompass Agenda
Goal: bring community stakeholders together to grow a 21st century knowledge community.

Materials Needed: pens, markers, name tags, small sticky notes, large sticky notes, tape, facilitator materials, laptop, projector, water, food/snacks.

Time / Components / Resources
5 mins
/ Welcome
Goalof Encompass meetings
bring community stakeholders together to grow a 21st century knowledge community.
Outcomes for today’s meeting
*establishing a shared picture of digital literacy
*establishing a shared picture of where the community is along the DL continuum
*identify the next steps based on the facilitated conversation
/ PowerPoint slides
Definitions Handout
10 mins
/ Introductions & Icebreaker
Each attendee states their name, organization, and one reason why they are here (write reasons on white board)
Digital Literacy Continuum Exercise
Using blue sticky notes, attendees will identify where they fit along the DL Continuum /
Digital Literacy Continuum Poster
10 mins
/ BTOP and PCC Overview
Why DL is important. Stats.
Purpose and intent of PCCs
/ Infographic
Show Gates Video-Libraries Changing Lives
5 mins
/ Digital Literacy Continuum Exercise
Using yellow sticky notes, attendees will identify where they think their community fits along the DL Continuum. / Digital Literacy Continuum Poster
15 mins
/ Short presentation-what does it mean to build a 21st century knowledge community?
What do think of as 21c skills?
Shifting nature of the workforce
What is your vision of a knowledge community?
Brainstorm on white board: What do 21st century skills look like for you? / Project Compass Workbook pgs 3-10
Definitions Sheet
5 mins / Digital Literacy Continuum Exercise
Using pink sticky notes, attendees will identify where want their community to be along the DL Continuum. / Digital Literacy Continuum Poster
10 mins / Digital Communities Framework
Individual Work- on sticky notes, identify what your org does to support digital literacy & also identify what challenges your org. / Digital Communities Worksheet
2 Big Post-Its (challenges, what works)
Small sticky notes-write on sticky notes what your org does & post under appropriate heading
10 mins / Digital Communities
Group Work & Discussion-Attendees will take time to look at others “challenges” and “what works.”
What does your group consider most important to work on in your community? How can we work together? (coordinate—collaborate—partner) / Digital Communities Worksheet
10 mins / Wrap-Up
To Do- What 2 things can you do now? Small, focused, action, working with others?
Next meeting-Date & Time / Big sticky note-next meeting logistics, to-do’s