
Project: “Constructionofbuildingforkindergarten”

  • Kindergarten: 120 persons
  • 2 nursery groups,
  • Time of construction – 2 years,
  • Constructionbasedonprivateinvestments
  • Average sum for construction of kindergarten - 60 million rubles,
  • TheprojectisinprocessofpreparationofthedocumentationforPPPagreement


  • subsidiesforequipment
  • tax benefits on land tax, regional taxes
  • subsidies oninterest rate for attracted credits for construction
  • tax benefit (exemption) on rent of municipal land


  • No federal legal base for PPP,
  • No practical experience in realization of such projects
  • No court practice
  • No sample scheme for PPP kindergartens
  • Long payback period

RepublicofUdmurtia(will not come the Seminar)

1)Construction of kindergartens

The Project is in process of selection of land plots and scoping study. No practical experience of attraction private partners.

2)Construction of sport centers in villages.

The Project is in process scoping study. According to the samples that we have from Nizhny Novgorod, the cost of equipment which is 5 times more than cost of construction should be paid from the regional budget. Looking for samples of such projects but with the lower cost for the regional budget or costs stretched out for the regional budget

Republic of Tatarstan

Project title / Actor / Initiator / Participants / PPP Scheme / Finance / Term / Progress
Public catering in educational and health organizations / Region / SODEXO / SODEXO and Republic of Tatarstan / TBC / TBC / TBC / Negotiations
PsychologicalCentreforearlydevelopment “Egoza” / MunicipalityofKazancity / PsychologicalCentreforearlydevelopment “Egoza” / Individual entrepreneur, municipality / Rent with investment obligations / Private / 2004
PsychologicalCentreforearlydevelopment “Egoza” / MunicipalityofKazancity / Private kindergarten and
PsychologicalCentreforearlydevelopment “Egoza” / “Tandem-D”, Private kindergarten and
PsychologicalCentreforearlydevelopment “Egoza”, municipality / Unpaidrentoflandfor 49 yearsforconstruction / 190000 thous. roubles.
(privatefundsofTandem-D), bank loan / 2010-2012
Private kindergarten «Alenushkaа» / MunicipalityofKazancity / Individualentrepreneur / NCO «Государственный жилищный фонд при Президенте РТ»,
Individual entrepreneur / Non-residential premise for rent at the 1st floor of house / 2 071,475 thous. roubles. (private funds) / 2011-2012
Private kindergarten «Lukomorie» / MunicipalityofKazancity / FSK “Everal” / NCO «State Housing Facilities under the President of Republic of Tatarstan”,
FSK “Everal” / 2 non-residential premises for rent at the 1st floor of house / 4042,100 thous. roubles. (funds of Everal, bank loan) / 2011 г.
Private kindergarten «Radost» / MunicipalityofKazancity / Individual entrepreneur / Individual entrepreneur, municipality / Rent with investment obligations / 1337,319 thous. roubles. (private funds, private investors) / 2011 г.
Educational NGO «Prestige-school» / MunicipalityofKazancity / Individualentrepreneur / NCO «State Housing Facilities under the President of Republic of Tatarstan”,
Individualentrepreneur / Non-residential premise for rent at the 1st floor of house / Funds of Educational NGO «Prestige-school» / 2011
Privatekindergarten «Psychological Centre for early development «Umka» / MunicipalityofKazancity / Private kindergarten / Private kindergarten, municipality / Concession / 8489,500 thous. roubles.
(private kindergarten funds, bank loan) / 2011 – 2012
Educational NGO «KangarooSchool» / MunicipalityofKazancity / NGO «KangarooSchool» / NCO «State Housing Facilities under the President of Republic of Tatarstan”,
NGO «Kangaroo School» / Non-residential premise for rent at the 1st floor of house / 3 000 thous. roubles.
(bank loan) / 2011 г.
Private kindergarten «Vesna» / MunicipalityofKazancity / Individual entrepreneurs / Individual entrepreneurs, municipality / Premises of municipal educational organization / 10000 тыс. руб. (private funds of founders ) / 2011 - 2012
Private kindergarten «Skazochny» / MunicipalityofKazancity / «Innovation solutions in education» / NCO «State Housing Facilities under the President of Republic of Tatarstan”,
«Innovation solutions in education» / Non-residential premise for rent at the 1st floor of house / 8000 thous. roubles. (private funds of founders ) / 2011 г.
NGO «School for business and management», / Municipality of Naberezhnie Chelny / NGO «School for business and management» / NGO «School for business and management», municipality / Unpaid rent / private funds of founders / 2004
Internationalcenterforforeignstudents / Region / LuxorCapitalSDNBHD / LuxorCapitalSDNBHD and Republic of Tatarstan / TBC / TBC / TBC / Negotiations

Murmansk region

Preparationofdocumentationforannouncingofcompetitionforconcessioncontract. Feasibilitystudyforconstructionofpolygonfordomesticwaste inMonchegorskforprivateinvestor’sfunds. Projectidea: theregionsconstructatrainingbaseforskiersandengineer facilities, and the private partner constructs a hotel for sportsmen


Constructionofschoolsandkindergartens.Cost - 26 286 231 000 roubles.

Plan: 77 objects: 63 kindergartensа, 10 schools, 4 educational centers.

Pskov region

Children’s’ villages – SOS Pskov




Deferredfinancingofthestatecontractwiththesubcontractorandsubsidyforinterestrateforloans. Risksaredistributedbetweensides.


  1. Competition for selection of PPP partner:
  2. Construction – 2011 – 2013;
  3. Payments – 2012 – 2018;
  4. Attraction of loans by the private investor;
  5. Signing a contract;
  6. Financing the project:

Requirements for PPP participants

  1. Experience of work at the similar projects ;
  2. Participation in self-regulated organization of constructors;
  3. Readiness and ability to attract loan funds for construction and bear financial risks