Alterations Specialists / makes alterations and repairs to clothing
Buyer / selecting and purchasing items that are sold in the stores
Color Consultant / advises clients on the best colors to wear
Consumer Education Specialist / provides product information for consumers
Copywriter / writes the works used in print ads, radio TV to make it sound attractive
Costume Historian / studies the clothing worn by the members of cultures through history
Craftsperson / creates items by hand; knitting, crocheting, quilting, or needlepoint
Display Artist / creates the merchandise displays in retail stores
Dry cleaner / cleans garments
Educator / teaching and training others in Clothing and Textiles
Engineer / develops new equipment and measures performance of textiles
Fashion Coordinator / creating the fashion "personality" of the store
Fashion Designer / develops original ideas for clothing on the human figure
Fashion Director / promotes the sale of fashion merchandising
Fashion Illustrator / specializes in drawings clothing on the human figure
Fashion Writer / writes and describes fashion trends and new developments in textiles
Illustrator / creates illustrations that meet the client's needs
Market Researcher / studies the needs and attitudes of consumers
Model / displays clothing on body for the purpose of selling the clothing
Personal Shopper / offers fashion advice and selects merchandise to meet the needs of individual customers
Sales Associate / sells merchandise to customers
Sewing Machine Operator / assembles fabric pieces into garments
Small Business Owner / sells goods and services related to Clothing or Textiles
Stylist / translates other people's ideas and puts them together in new ways
Textile Chemist / creates and improves fiber, dyes, and finishes
Wardrobe Consultant / counsels individuals on how to update and revise their wardrobes

Careers in Clothing and Textiles

Objective: Students will investigate career paths in areas of textile, apparel, and design.

Directions: Select two of the following careers that best fit your personality, interests, educational goals and work ethic. Answer the following questions about each career. Then write a summarizing paragraph about your findings.

Below is a list of related Clothing and Textile careers that you will research in the library. As you complete your search for careers, you may find information on related careers not listed. Add these to the list.

Other related careers found:




Answers to each career = 20 points x 2= 40 points Summary=10 points

Career Choice #1:______


  1. Why did you choose this career?
  1. Describe the nature of work related to this career choice.
  1. Explain the working conditions.
  1. List the necessary education, training, or qualifications necessary for this job.
  1. List the average wages for this chosen career.
  1. Describe employment outlook for this career.

Career Choice #2______


  1. Why did you choose this career?
  1. Describe the nature of work related to this career choice.
  1. Explain the working conditions.
  1. List the necessary education, training, or qualifications necessary for this job.
  1. List the average wages for this chosen career.
  1. Describe employment outlook for this career.

SUMMARY: Which career is a better match for you? Explain your answer in details.