Project Closeout Report

Project Name / IDMS Conversion / Date / 09/15/2009
Executive Sponsor / Phil Salazar/Libby Gonzales / Lead Agency / Taxation and Revenue
Project Manager / Jim Wastvedt/Beth Barreras / Agency Code / 333
Project Description (Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
This project serves the following purposes: 1) To convert historical/legacy data from IDMS Databases to MS SQL 2005 databases, 2) Rewrite legacy inquiry applications in a TRD supported programming language, and 3) Eliminate all associated mainframe IDMS costs.
The New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department (TRD) tax program has evolved over the years, as have the automated systems that support it. Our original electronic tax system was supported on IDMS. When TRIMS was implemented in the 1990s the tax system was moved to DB2. A decision was made to migrate all historic data from 1992 and later. Data prior to 1992 was migrated only if outstanding liabilities existed. This created a legacy system that needs to be maintained to access this data. At this time, the IDMS legacy data was not addressed.
When the GenTax system was implemented starting in 2002, the tax program data was migrated from DB2 to SQL Server. Decisions were made to leave data behind during this migration also, creating the second legacy system. The database group addressed the TRIMS legacy data by migrating it from the mainframe (DB2) to SQL Server. Applications for the TRIMS legacy system have been written and users are accessing data. However, lack of expertise prevented us from migrating the IDMS data onto a new platform. TRD no longer pays for the storage or access to the TRIMS legacy data, however, the IDMS system still resides on the mainframe. This has become costly for TRD because the majority of state agencies have migrated off IDMS to other DBMSs. Unfortunately, only TRD and HSD remain on IDMS. GSD/DoIT has indicated they may begin to charge $1M annually for support and maintenance of IDMS which is divvied up between the users. This currently would leave TRD with a $500,000 annual cost of maintaining data on this database platform.
TRD uses this system to collect outstanding liabilities as well as research Protest, Audit, deactivated liability, bankruptcy, and Workers’ Comp cases.
Schedule and Budget
Planned Start Date / 04/01/2008 / Actual Start Date / 04/22/2008
Planned End Date / 02/28/2009 / Actual End Date / 05/01/2009
Planned Cost: (Budget) / $300,000 / Actual Cost: (Total) / $299,996.94
§  Professional Services / $100,000 / §  Professional Services / $40,209.79
§  Hardware / $100,000 / §  Hardware / $168,493.67
§  Software / $50,000 / §  Software / $91293.48
§  Network / §  Network
§  Other / Internal Staff $50,000 / §  Other

Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)

Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source(s)
2009 / $300,000 / Laws of 2008: Chapter 3, Section 7, Item 4
Scope Verification /

Requirements Review

/ Yes / No /


Were the project objectives (expected outcomes) accomplished? / X
Were all Deliverables submitted and accepted? / X
Did the IV&V vendor verify that all deliverables met the requirements? / X
Have all contracts been closed? / X
Have all final payments been made (i.e., invoices paid) / X
Has adequate knowledge transfer been completed? / X
Transition to Operations: (Describe agency plan to migrate project solution to production. Include DoIT impact if different than previous report)
The installation of the converted IDMS into MS SQL Server web-based application software on the GenTax Unit production servers was handled by TRD staff as all other GenTax Unit production moves are handled. All servers were already housed at the DoIT data center which had no additional impact on DoIT.
/ Yes / No /


Are there recurring maintenance/operational costs for the product/service? / X
Are there any recommended enhancements or updates? / X / Although the IDMS mainframe Workers’ Compensation data was converted as part of this project, the users decided that a web application did not need to be written. The Workers’ Comp data would be made available to them by SQL queries if requested.
Funding source for maintenance/operational costs? IT operating budget
Business Performance Measures (Complete for all phases)
Phases / Completion Date / Goals/Objectives / Amount / Results
/ $
/ $
Implementation: / 10/01/2009 / This project serves the following purposes: 1) To convert historical/legacy data from IDMS Databases to MS SQL 2005 databases, 2) Rewrite legacy inquiry applications in a TRD supported programming language, and 3) Eliminate all associated mainframe IDMS costs. / $300,000 / Project successfully completed for all three phases.
Closeout: / $
Lessons Learned
·  Having a TRD employee that was familiar with IDMS DBMS was crucial to the success of being able to re-map the data base into the MS SQL DBMS. The project would have been at substantial risk without this in-house domain expertise.
·  Creating an initial functional prototype of the web application and demonstrating it to the end users was very helpful in getting user commitment and buy in.
·  Holding a formal user acceptance and sign-off meeting was instrumental in ensuring acceptance of the final product.

IT System Analysis

On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary response, including changes, to the following IT infrastructure topics relating to this project:
The IDMS Data conversion project will require new servers for both the application and the SQL Servers. This system currently resides on the mainframe, and there have been no accommodations for this system on the client/server as far as hardware/software.
The requirements will be as follow:
Production environment:
2 clustered SQL Server servers (Active/passive) - To be housed at DoIT Data Center
1 Application server - To be housed at DoIT Data Center
1 SQL Server Enterprise license
6 SQL Server CALs (Client Access License)
Test environment:
2 clustered SQL Server servers (Active/passive) – To be housed at TRD Data Center
1 Application server – To be housed at TRD Data Center
1 SQL Server Enterprise license
6 SQL Server CALs
There will be no impact to the DoIT center as far as racking these servers. We have ample space available on our existing racks. All production servers will be housed at the DoIT Data Center in the Simms building upon project implementation.
No changes to the existing network are necessary. Furthermore, the transactions processed by this system are minimal, alleviating any negative impact on DoIT bandwidth.

Business Continuity Strategy

On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary response, including changes, of your business Continuity Strategy.
·  TRD currently runs full database backups nightly. Once each week, full backups are stored to tape for one month. This project will also follow these practices and be added to TRD’s disaster recovery plan.
Security Strategy (Application and Data Security Process, Plan, or Standard)
The implementation of this system on a client/server platform will follow TRD’s security policy. This application will not be accessed outside the firewall. The end users will never have direct access to the databases. This would be a great security risk as well as an MS SQL licensing issue. The users will have access to the data via .Net applications. The databases will be put on a schedule to be backed up weekly and the servers will be added to the pool for offsite backups.
Project Sign Off
The signatures below certify that this project has been completed in accordance to the specified budget, schedule, scope, and achieved the intended outcome.
Stakeholders / Name: Signature / Date
Executive Sponsor
(or Designee)
Lead Agency Head
(or Designee)
Project Manager

Attachment A

This is a controlled document; this version supersedes all other versions.

Revision: 8/20/08 Page 6 of 6