Project CharterSIRCITS
September 22, 2010Department of Information Technology
Document Change Information
Version / Rev # / Date / Description0001 / 000 / 9/16/10 / First draft
November 13, 2018
Project CharterSIRCITS
September 22, 2010Department of Information Technology
Table of Contents
1.1Project Deliverables
1.2Product Deliverables
2Business and Technical Justification
2.1Business Justification
2.2Technical Justification
3business and Technical Objectives
3.1Business Objectives
3.2Technical Objectives
4Quality Metrics
5Schedule estimate
6Budget estimate
7Organizational Structure
7.2Project Governance
7.3Project Team Roles and Responsibilities
12Communication Plan for Executive Reporting
13Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
14Project Charter Agency Approval Signatures
November 13, 2018
Project CharterSIRCITS
September 22, 2010Department of Information Technology
This “middle mile”[1]project completes the transition of the State’s public safety microwave system from analog to digital capability allowing broadband access to anchor institutions and allowing SONM and its partners to support broadband service in un-served, underserved and some tribal areas. The “last mile”[2] component will deploy 700 MHz public safety broadband service.
1.1Project Deliverables
The following chart outlines the project deliverables.
Item / DescriptionProject Charter / Defines project authority, governance and lays the foundation for elements to be addressed in the Project Plan.
Project Plan / A formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and document approved scope, cost, and schedule baselines.
QA Plan / A formal approved document used to guide required IV&V activities. The primary uses of the QA Plan are to document assumptions and decisions, facilitate communications among stakeholders, and is the basis of reporting project oversight and reporting to the Project Oversight and Compliance Branch within the Department of Information Technology
Work Break Down Structure (WBS) / Defines the components of the projects consistent with federal grant.
Risk Matrix / Risk matrix that defines the risk event, the probability, and an assessment. The risk matrix will also identify any Risk Mitigation, Contingency, and Backout procedures.
Vendor Contracts / Contracts including well defined deliverables, terms and conditions must be furnished and reviewed by the federal grant manager, the grant PI, any other identified federal entity, and any internal DoIT processes as directed by the Secretary.
Memorandum(s) Of Understanding (MOU) / Any agreements between parties, divisions, departments or other State entities.
Go/No Go Criteria / Criteria that will be established to drive any go/no go decisions that need to be made. All criteria must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Steering Committee.
Project Certification / Approval from the Project Oversight and Compliance Division, Certification Committee that authorizes funding for the project.
1.2Product Deliverables
The following chart outlines the Product Deliverables:
Item / DescriptionUpgrade tower sites / Sites are identified in the attached document.
Increase backhaul capacity as outlined in the federal grant award / Transmitting from a remote site or network to a central or main site. It implies a high-capacity line; for example, to backhaul from a wireless mesh network to the wired network means aggregating all the traffic on the wireless mesh over one or more high-speed lines to a private network or the Internet
2Business and Technical Justification
2.1Business Justification
Number / Description1 / Compliance with federal grant conditions pursuant to DoIT’s grant application requesting funds to complete upgrade and deploy 700 MHz.
2 / Compliance with FCC orders regarding deployment of interoperable public safety broadband networks in the 700 MHz public safety broadband spectrum.
3 / Large geographic areas, including tribal lands, are un-served or underserved, in part due to lack of middle mile architecture.
2.2Technical Justification
Number / Description1 / Ensure Digital technology compatibility with state and federal data, voice, and fiber networks
2 / Analog microwave equipment no longer being manufactured and does not support new technologies
3 / Public safety demand for applications critical to serving the needs of the public; applications demand technological upgrades
3business and Technical Objectives
3.1Business Objectives
Number / Description1 / Completes the upgrade of DoIT’s statewide microwave communications system and concurrently expands the capacity of statewide backbone to 155 Mb which will serve anchor institutions throughout the State, and be used by the State and its partners to serve vulnerable populations, un-served and underserved areas, as well as some tribal lands.
2 / The last mile component will deploy 700 MHz public safety grade broadband networks in ABQ and SF that will be linked to the DMW backbone and will become part of the future nationwide 700 MHz public safety interoperable network.
3.2Technical Objectives
Number / Description1 / Replace all analog equipment with new digital equipment.
2 / Replace or repair towers as needed.
3 / Increase backhaul capacity
4 / Deploy LTE technology at 2 sites
4Quality Metrics
Number / Description1 / Upgrades completed according to contract schedules and within the timelines set by the grant authority
2 / Upgrade and deployment completed within budget projections
5Schedule estimate
The grant for SIRCITS was awarded August 1 and DoIT was informed on August 18. SIRCITS work must be substantially completed within the first 2.5 years of the grant, essentially July 2012.
6Budget estimate
SIRCITS grant award was in the amount of $38,699,997. The state cash match included $5,399,999; the state in-kind match was $11,600,004.
7Organizational Structure
name / Stake in Project / Organization / TitleMarlin Mackey / Ultimateaccountability for all DoIT activities and outcomes / Department of Information Technology / Department Secretary
Robert Mayer / Chief Network Architect accountable for Data Center Operations / Department of Information Technology / Deputy Secretary
Maynard Salazar / Responsible for oversight of all Enterprise IVR Services / Department of Information Technology / Deputy Director, Enterprise IVR Services
IVR Customers, including Public Safety entities / Operational objectives / Customer Agencies / N/A
The major customers using the microwave system include Public Education, Higher Education, the Department of Health, the Department of Public Safety, and the Department of Game and Fish.
7.2Project Governance
The following chart depicts the governance structure established for this project.
7.3Project Team Roles and Responsibilities
Role / ResponsibilitySteering Committee / Provide general guidance and direction for the project.
Ensure federal funds are expended pursuant to approved federal and DoIT budget.
Provide resolution for Risks and Issues that must be handled at an executive level.
Exercise final review and acceptance of plans and major activities.
Grant Principal Investigator (PI) / Administers all aspects of the federal grant obligations to ensure federal requirements and reporting are completed as required and in a timely manner.
Directs activities of the Grant team.
Controlsgrant budget. Access to federal financial reports related to project expenditures, including time and attendance, contractor reporting obligations.
Single point of contact for all parties involved in successful completion of grant and ensures communication between all essential personnel and any other entities as required by the federal grant and FCC.
Coordinate with Dep. Sec. of operations or his designee in working with appropriate DoIT personnel on all matters related to this effort; communications with functional managers on all matters related to this effort.
Coordinate with Federal grant officer and any other grant related federal contacts
Principal contact with Public Safety Spectrum Trust and Operator Advisory Committee as relates to the 700 MHz portion of the project.
Track overall grant performance and prepare required reports to federal oversight and DoIT management. Ensure all materials documenting grant management are kept pursuant to state and federal mandate of transparency. Report grant status to Executive steering committee and others as requested by Exec. Sponsor.
Technical Project Manager (PM) / Responsibilities will be determined at a later date.
Implementation / DoIT will engage Technical experts to assist in Engineering pieces of the project, including, but not limited to, system feasibility, planning, site acquisition/leasing, environmental considerations, frequency coordination, interoperability planning and coordination, site design, equipment specification and procurement, and any alarm and monitoring design and procurement.
Infrastructure responsibilities include, but are not limited to, antenna system, radio, battery/charging, multiples, switch/router, and site installations, alignments, interoperability and verifications.
Radio Maintenance responsibilities may include, but not be limited to, cutover to public safety radio equipment including LTE and installation of all related equipment.
Financial / Maintain all financials in federal ASAP system and State SHARE system and do financial reporting pursuant to state and federal obligations.
Report to the PI and ESC on the financial status of the grant
Quality Assurance / Develop the QA Plan
Coordinate QA schedule activities with the PI and PM
Perform QA Audits
Provide regular reports to the ESC and PCC
Business Continuity / Assess and monitor the risks and issues related to the grant project that relate to the state continuing its business requirements with minimal interruption. Assure the overall grant project addresses Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in the planning phase.
Security / Work with appropriate DoIT staff to review necessary security techniques and plans.
Contract Vendor / Perform various work as procured pursuant to grant project objectives.
State and Other Customers / Educate customers as to the transition activities contemplated under the grant
Number / Description1 / Deliverables, terms and conditions as described in the negotiated contracts.
2 / Administrative schedules (i.e., end of fiscal year shutdown)
3 / Client support during critical periods (i.e., public safety threats, fire season, hunting seasons, hazardous road conditions, etc.)
4 / State procurement regulations, FCC regulations, Federal grant regulations
5 / Budget
The following table contains the identified dependencies.
Number / Description1 / Final annual budget must be established
2 / Grant Staffing must be hired and identified consultants must be engaged (with qualified personnel); contractors hired following procurement; FCC guidance regarding LTE and interoperability standards
3 / MOUs and/or sharing agreements among partners
The following table is a list of the identified assumptions for this project.
Number / Description1 / Allowable cash and in-kind match from remaining appropriations as identified in Project Initiation form
Major risks identified will be entered into a Risk Log. As Issues arise, they will be linked to the appropriate risk and tracked. The following table contains the initial set of risks identified for this project.
Risk / Probability / Impact / ResponseOverlap of DHS grant with DoIT grant. / Very High / H /
- Meet with DHS administration to mitigate duplication of efforts potentially causing state to have to “pay back” the federal government
12Communication Plan for Executive Reporting
The primary communication method used to control the project includes direct communication and monthly status reports to the Steering Committee.
Information included in the communications will include the following:
- Scheduled performance and milestones (were they met, problems, critical issues)
- Budget
- Federal reporting updates
- FCC updates on any issues related to this grant
- Contracts
- Risks & Issues
13Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
An IT Professional Services Contract will be awarded to perform IV&V services.
14Project Charter Agency Approval Signatures
signature(s) / dateExecutive Sponsor
Marlin Mackey
Business Owner
Robert Mayer
Business Owner
Maynard Salazar
Principal investigator
Victoria Garcia
November 13, 2018
[1]Middle Mile project refers to a broadband infrastructure project that does not predominantly provide broadband service to end users or to end-user devices, and may include interoffice transport, backhaul, Internet connectivity, or special access. These terms refer to infrastructure needed to connect COs, POP, hubs or data centers to each other. Middle Mile can also refer to mobile base station backhaul infrastructure and connectivity to the Internet backbone.
[2]any telecommunications technology that carries signals from the broad telecommunication backbone along the relatively short distance (hence, the "last mile") to and from the home or business, in this case, state public safety