Project title : Spay/neuter 500 cats/dogs in Chennai
Project Summary
The only way to stop animals from suffering on the streets is to prevent them from being born on the streets in the first place. Every year, hundreds of thousands of unwanted kittens and puppies that are born in Chennai and surrounding areas die in accidents or succumb to starvation or deadly diseases. Spaying/ neutering homeless cats and dogs helps prevent these unwanted births and promotes the health of adult cats and dogs. It is the only long-term solution to the cycle of suffering.
Chennai and surrounding areas are home to hundreds of thousands of homeless cats and dogs. A majority of them are not spayed/neutered which results in an increase in their population. These homeless animals are often killed in inhumane ways by the local community. Government funding and donations from the public cover only a fraction of the cost incurred to undertake a large-scale birth control programme – non-availability of funding delays the ambitious goal of having a city free of homeless animals.
The project will spay/neuter cats and dogs in Chennai and surrounding areas and thereby arrest the population growth. This preempts culling and cruelty by the local community and also serves as the first and crucial step in bringing down the number of homeless pets in the city in a manner that has been proven worldwide as humane and effective. Animal birth control will help prevent unwanted births and prevent loss of animal lives. It will also reduce deaths due to accidents, cruelty and starvation.
Project cost
Cost of trap/spay/neuter/vaccinate/return surgery for one animal is $20 (for 500 animals the cost works out to be $10,000)
Long term impact
The project will promote safety of cats, dogs and other animals in the community by proactive, compassionate behaviour. The safety of the community will also be ensured in the process. While the numbers decline, the health and life of street animals will improve. The animal birth control project will also serve as a much-needed example to other cities in India that need to take humane measures to control the homeless animal population.