Justin Lam Project 8.1a Model a Miniature Train


  1. Why are drawings composed of different line conventions?

They are composed of different line conventions because the line conventions serve different purposes, so the drawings need them for their purpose. You need the hidden lines for showing the interior, construction lines for guides, object lines for the actual object and shapes, etc. Many different line conventions do different things.

  1. What is the purpose of a sectional view?

A sectional view is used for taking a section and showing what the dimensions are in a certain section that can’t be viewed from the outside without hidden lines.

  1. What is the purpose of an auxiliary view?

The purpose of an auxiliary view is to show the true dimensions of a plane that is resting at an angle.

  1. Why are symbols used instead of words to identify hole types?

Symbols are used instead of words because the symbols are neater and easier to read as long as you understand the symbols. It saves space and makes it more consistent with the other holes that use the same type of hole. Symbols can also be read in any language, where words are restricted by the language they are written in.

  1. What advantage is there to using algebraic equations instead of numerical values when defining the dimensions of a CAD model?

When you use algebraic equations, if you want to scale the whole thing down, you can. If you change one of the dimensions, all of them will scale accordingly, which you can’t do if you just use numerical values.

  1. What three types of constraints can be applied to CAD sketches or models?

The 3 types of constraints are geometrical, numerical, and symmetrical constraints.

  1. What advantages do CAD drawings have over paper sketches?

CAD drawings can be easily changed and edited, and is much faster and easier to use than a paper sketch.

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Introduction to Engineering DesignProject 8.1a Model a Miniature Train(Optional) – Page 1